
karen1812 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Connected
Hi all I am so confused over the benifits system 
Here we go lol  brian has been awarded ESA had a back payment of 3 weeks then yesterday had 2 weeks money then today I looked at my uc journal and I have no money this month I think because I got my last wages 30th June. So am I right in thinking that ESA cancels out brians UC ?. we are in the process of filling out a uc50 form just waiting on a report from brians physio and his O.T. Hopefully his pip will be sorted out as I rang them yesterday and the health assessment report was sent to DWP yesterday day. I said on the uc that I was caring for brian so I think janer1987 said that I might get carers element is that after brian gets put into one of those groups? as if I don't look for 2ork I could get sactioned. Could you please help a thick person out and explain how this benifit system works.


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited July 2021
    Any ESA in payment is deducted in full from the UC amount.
    The carer element is only payable once/of  Daily Living PIP is awarded. LCWRA is not relevant. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi Karen 

    You can claim carers element if Brian gets the daily living component of pip so until you have a decision you will be unable to claim.  If you have reported you care for him it could be backdated to when he is awarded pip 

    Your uc will have taken into account your wages as it is means tested 

    If you look at your statement on your journal the detailed one it breaks down all the payments and deduction 

    Yes also any esa paid will be deducted from uc 

    Claiming carers will also mean you will not be required to look for work
  • karen1812
    karen1812 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Connected
    Thank you for your replies so if brian gets pip his award will be backed from 10th March does that mean carers allowance will be back dated from that date aswell.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    It should be yes 

    Once you get a decision on pip you need to put a note in your journal that pip has been awarded and from what date or do change in circumstances to report caring for him again 

    Pip decision are taking around 8 to 10 weeks after assessment at the current time 
  • karen1812
    karen1812 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Connected
    Again thank you and sorry janer1967 I put you at 1987 well at least it made you 20 years younger lol
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I never noticed but thanks I will take 20 years younger