Hi, my name is Skye314! I would like to learn more about Autism and Aspergers



  • Skye314
    Skye314 Community member Posts: 11 Listener
    euro said:
    Hi Skye314
    Hi Euro, its great to hear from you. It is very soothing just to hear from people that feel the same. I've nodded my way through reading the majority of your message too.
    I share your obsession with words, I pride myself on having a diverse vocabulary and the origins can intrigue me as well as other languages. I'm a book worm and I loved playing Scrabble with my Granny. I've never found anyone else who enjoys the game and I can't say I enjoy the online variations as much.

    When I was in school we had two boys in our year that were autistic. I always enjoyed chatting with them and unlike the majority of kids in our year I never had difficulties in engaging them. We used to swap facts on interests we shared and I always felt more comfortable around them as opposed to other kids. We had a playground helper who got to know me quite well because she was forever coaxing me to interact with the other children. Once, I said to her that I felt like these boys and I was scolded for saying it. So I shared in the belief that's it's an exclusively male condition until last year when my mum mentioned it to me. She has recently been diagnosed with ADHD and whilst going through the process of diagnosis had learnt more about the spectrum. 

    I'm sorry to hear of your negative experience. I suppose the best thing is to go through multiple doctors. There has to be one somewhere with a more active interest on the topic. I dread the idea of going to the GP, my body gives me a bit of grief so I've spent more time than I can deal with speaking to doctors. Experience has taught me that I'm not very good at communicating with them. I suddenly forget all my symptoms and I don't argue my case with the doctors. Once I wrote up a plan to take in. It had a list of symptoms and a list of rebuttles to common shut downs. I was so prepared to argue my case with the next doctor but he was brilliant and diagnosed me shortly afterwards. I had seen so many different doctors before finding the right one. Then I moved, so I'm back to square one. I understand it takes a fair bit of mental prepping to gear yourself up for it though.

    However, I'm feeling more pressure as of late. Work has been overwhelming which means any spare minute I get, I want alone time and total peace and quiet. Where social obligations have arisen it's made me want to cry, then move into a cave. I know those around me get frustrated when I act like this and I have tried so many times to explain my need. I've told a couple friends recently about my theory but it's soon discredited. I feel like I require have an official diagnosis for people to stop taking it personally when I bury my head.
    On another side: From a generalized perspective I do not come across as having difficulty socialising. As there seems to be a widespread assumption that those on the spectrum cannot socialise well, I have considered that if I was diagnosed I could be rather vocal about it and break down some misconceptions here and there. 

    I'd be very interested to chat more with you in either case, as my own lengthy spiel might give away! I'm intrigued to know more of your sensitivity to certain stimuli. I freak folk out with my hearing sometimes. My future may be filled with wild ramblings and a nice collection of tin foil hats.