Back dating llimited capability for work and work related activity



  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Yes I am owed back pay
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Yes I am owed back pay

    No, not if you didn't send your first fit note until 9th April 2022. Which you haven't confirmed what year you sent it.
  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    So once again the job centre  have told me im getting money, making me think I'm OK when actually I'm not, what a joke so once again I there any date for the 2nd cost of living payment? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You will receive first payment in September. As there's a waiting period, which applies then you're not owed money.
    No date confirmation has been confirmed for the 2nd CoL payment other than it's sometime in the Autumn.
  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Can anybody answer my original question about backpay, has anybody ever actually received it? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited August 2022
    Can anybody answer my original question about backpay, has anybody ever actually received it? 

    I answered your question. Based on the information you gave,  You're not owed any backdated money.
    Those that are entitled to backpay do receive it. You're not entitled so there's nothing to pay you.
  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Of course 2022, not sure what date exactly the 7th or 9th April
  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Why have untold people I've spoke to on the phone told me I'm getting back pay, why was my support worker told i'll get back pay, why dont the job centre communicate. Not ur fault I know but I've really been messed up cause of this thinking I got money coming. 
  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    U didn't answer my question so for the 3rd time has anyone ever been payed back pay and if so why did they get it and I didnt? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    U didn't answer my question so for the 3rd time has anyone ever been payed back pay and if so why did they get it and I didnt? 
    Yes I did answer your question. 
    Those that are entitled to backpay do receive it. You're not entitled so there's nothing to pay you.
    You’re not entitled to backpay because as I advised a few times there’s a full 3 month assessment period waiting time. The extra money is then paid from the 4th month. The extra money isn’t paid at all during the waiting period.
    Had you waited longer for your decision then there would have been money owed. 
    Some people are waiting a year for a decision so naturally they will be owed some money. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I got back pay as I was waiting over a year for a decision 

    I still had the 3 month waiting period as this is applied to everyone so I claimed and it took about q5 months in total and I got 12 months back pay 

    You are the same as every single person that gets lcwra you have just been advised incorrectly by others 
  • Larsson09
    Larsson09 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Right guys, 

    hope your all well. 

    Joint claim initiated in October 21, in January after going through the rigorous norm was told I missed a call so my claim was shut argued it was upheld. 

    So claim started 17/10/21 I was told in January to start handing in fit notes handed 1/1/21-1/4/21 1/4/21 -1/7/21 1/7/21 - 1/10/21 had my assessment over the phone in early august was given LC and was told I no longer need to attend etc. 

    I’ve recieved backpay from 14/5/21 - 14/8/21 now my claim started in October and I was told to start handing in fit notes in jan surely they haven’t got this right? 

  • Larsson09
    Larsson09 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Those fit notes are 2022 not 21’
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited August 2022
    Larsson09 said:
    Right guys, 

    hope your all well. 

    Joint claim initiated in October 21, in January after going through the rigorous norm was told I missed a call so my claim was shut argued it was upheld. 

    So claim started 17/10/21 I was told in January to start handing in fit notes handed 1/1/21-1/4/21 1/4/21 -1/7/21 1/7/21 - 1/10/21 had my assessment over the phone in early august was given LC and was told I no longer need to attend etc. 

    I’ve recieved backpay from 14/5/21 - 14/8/21 now my claim started in October and I was told to start handing in fit notes in jan surely they haven’t got this right? 


    Can you please confirm that your first fit note was 01/04/2022 and not 2021? It doesn't make sense for you to send a fit note before your claim for UC started.
    If it was 2022 then your waiting period will be Jan/Feb, Feb/March, March/April.. LCWRA payable from May 2022. This means they are correct.
    The full 3 month assessment period waiting period starts from when you first sent evidence of your health condition. As you didn't send your first fit note until January then this is when it starts from. It is then paid from the 4th month because UC is paid 1 month in arrears.
  • Larsson09
    Larsson09 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    First fit note 1/1/22
  • Larsson09
    Larsson09 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    What about October-jan though I wasn’t asked to provide anything as they made a error and my claim wasn’t started properly. I was told it’s been three months I need to start providing fit notes or so I thought 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Did you report your health condition when you first claimed? If this was done at the time it would have prompted you to send a fit note within 7 days. If you don't send the fit note then it can affect when the LCWRA is paid from.
    You can request the Mandatory Reconsideration not to backdate it to when you first claimed but it will be down to a decision maker to make that decision.
  • bradN1
    bradN1 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    What if I was awarded LCWRA in June 2022 an and only got the first payment in September would I be owed any back dated payment so I got my decision in June saying yes an should receive a letter in 7 days on my account an still haven’t received any letter j
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited September 2022
    bradN1 said:
    What if I was awarded LCWRA in June 2022 an and only got the first payment in September would I be owed any back dated payment so I got my decision in June saying yes an should receive a letter in 7 days on my account an still haven’t received any letter j
    It will depend on exactly when you reported your health condition and what date you usually receive your money each month. 
    There’s a full 3 month assessment period waiting time and the extra money is paid from the 4th month, providing you sent fit notes for the whole time without any gaps.
    The extra money isn’t paid at all during the waiting period. 
    The decision letter says “if you’re owed money you will receive a letter within 7 days” but often it’s a few weeks. If you’re not owed money, you won’t receive the letter.
  • bradN1
    bradN1 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    bradN1 said:
    What if I was awarded LCWRA in June 2022 an and only got the first payment in September would I be owed any back dated payment so I got my decision in June saying yes an should receive a letter in 7 days on my account an still haven’t received any letter j
    It will depend on exactly when you reported your health condition and what date you usually receive your money each month. 
    There’s a full 3 month assessment period waiting time and the extra money is paid from the 4th month, providing you sent fit notes for the whole time without any gaps.
    The extra money isn’t paid at all during the waiting period. 
    The decision letter says “if you’re owed money you will receive a letter within 7 days” but often it’s a few weeks. If you’re not owed money, you won’t receive the letter.
    I get paid on the 18th and I told them about my health condition when I first started my claim in December 22 my fit note was put in 26 April an got my decision on June 26 saying they have accepted my condition I’m on LCWRA and only got the first payment Friday