What benefits rates or other amounts might I be entitled to

maltc Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
I currently get standard universal credit allowance rate with lwcra I’m not even sure if that’s right then I get enhanced disability payment and rent totalling 1120 

then I only receive 360.00 pip and have done for a long time apparently this is standard daily living and enhanced disability.

since migrating from esa a few years ago my money was cut but as it was a change of circumstances I received no extra funding. 

I have paranoid phizophrenia, emotionally unstable personality disorder and a broken back. It makes it impossible for me to work or walk distances. I’m in psychiatric wards most of the time. On those terms what should I receive ?

also then I’d like to know can I claim disability premiums if I was to start to receive my money for rent from the council if I lived in temporary accomodation. 

How would that work?

thank for reply


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited April 2023
    Standard daily living PIP and Enhanced mobility is not £360 per month. It's £505.40/month. Do you have a motability vehicle? If not then please check your PIP award letter to see exactly what your award is.

    For Universal Credit, standard allowance (single over 25's) is £334.91/month.. LCWRA element is £354.28/month. Housing element (rent) is on top of that, unless it's paid straight to your landlord.

    Please note the above rate are before the April Increase.

    There's no disability premiums payable when claiming Universal Credit. Living in temporary accommodation will not change this.

    What was the reason why you claimed UC a few years ago? Are you single or living with a partner?
  • maltc
    maltc Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    I’m no longer with a partner and they didn’t give me the cross over help as it was a change of circumstances… so I should get 689 and 560 for rent but I don’t I only ever get 560 but they won’t admit it 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    What do you mean by cross over help? When you claimed ESA were you the main claimant or was it your partner?
    Did your ESA include the severe disability premium?
    Your UC with standard element and LCWRA is £689.19/month (without the rent) do they pay your landlord directly or do you pay them yourself?
    Can you please tell me exactly what is stays on your last UC statement, including any deductions.
  • maltc
    maltc Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    They said I wasn’t entitled to transitional help as I was moving to. New address with a new partner which was in a catchment area but it would mean I’d loose money and they didn’t give me a choice. I was receiving enhanced rate on severe disability on esa or enhanced rate. I was and always have been the claimant. I’ve recently changed the rent so I can get receipts and also see the actual amount. As it seems to work out fairer they always claim I have a budgeting advance or advances that are too be paid they say I pay them at 20 a month but there’s 200 a month missing they’ve deleted all my statements from the site ? Thanks for your help I would like esa again but they said I didn’t earn enough in a certain tax period for contributory based 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited April 2023
    OK so you transferred from ESA because you moved in with your partner. If your ESA included the Severe disability premium you will have lost this and wouldn't have been entitled to the SDP Transitional Protection in your UC because you moved in with your partner.

    If you were still living alone you would have been entitled to the Transitional Payment. There's no Enhanced disability premium payable when claiming UC.

    If they are paying your landlord directly and your housing element doesn't cover your whole rent then your UC will be reduced further to cover the shortfall of rent.

    When you reported the change that you no longer live with your partner, this would have deleted all your past statements and journal entries when you moved to a single claim.

    The only ESA that's possible to claim now is New style ESA and if you haven't worked in the previous 2 tax years you won't be able to claim. You can't go back onto Income Related ESA because it no longer exists and UC has replaced it.

  • maltc
    maltc Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Ok I understand that, the rent was being paid in full and I was making top ups from my allowance but I was still 200 short under the amounts stated that I should receive on Uc ? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited April 2023
    It will depend how much your rent is and how much housing element you're entitled to. It's impossible to advise without knowing those figures.
    Are you living in social housing or privately renting? If social housing do you have any spare bedrooms?
  • maltc
    maltc Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    I just feel given the circumstances that I also live alone and have done for four years 1000 a month to cover rent food and utility’s in a one bedroom flat isn’t enough many people may argue this but given the statements I had made. Surely even there being 200 missing a month. From the standard living allowance and the lwcra ? 

    Do I tell them and ask them to write a letter to me. With the figures to justify it otherwise il appeal ? 
  • maltc
    maltc Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    There’s no spare rooms it’s social housing. 
  • maltc
    maltc Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    The rent is 560 I receive 560 and have done for 4 maybe 5 years 
  • maltc
    maltc Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    If I was being really chatty which I hope you don’t mind I only had 3 budgeting advances of 300 and the beginning advanced which paid of way back. If I was to appeal would they see what I’ve received and the advances I actually received. I’d like to be able to provide bank statements but switched banks a lot as I’ve been on benefits for 10 years with illness. It doesn’t add up
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited April 2023
    I'm finding your timeline difficult to follow. You said you were claiming ESA but then claimed UC because you were living with your partner. Then you said you've lived alone for 4 or 5 years.

    As you're renting from social housing and have no spare bedrooms then all of your rent should be covered. I have no idea why your UC is £200/month less than what you think it should be.

    As you're a single person then your UC statement should include standard allowance, LCWRA element and housing element. If they are paying your landlord directly then your housing element will be deducted.

    Your UC should include standard element £334.91 and LCWRA element £354.28 = £689.19/month minus and deductions for any debt you owe. (figures are before the April Increase)

    After the April Increase the figures will be standard allowance (25 and over) £368.74 LCWRA element £390.06 = £758.60/month, (minus any deductions for any debt.) When you will recieve the increase will depend on what date you usually receive your money each month. The first increase won't be paid until 16th May but some won't receive it until as late as June.

    Unfortunately, benefits entitlement doesn't take into consideration the bills you have to pay.

    It's impossible to advise because your timeline is difficult to follow and i can't see what exactly you want to appeal for. I'd advise you to get some expert advice from an agency near you. This way you can show them your statement (when you next receive it) and they can tell you if the calculations are correct. You can use this link to see what advice agency is local to you. https://advicelocal.uk/welfare-benefits