Women with learning disabilities and older men with learning disabilities: are they compatible?

Splatmate24 Community member Posts: 411 Contributor

Could a man with a learning disability and older than me be the ideal partner for me? I realize that all of my previous relationships failed because they were younger than me. As a young woman with a learning disability, I wasn't interested in many older men. However, now I might be more interested in men who are older than me. Younger men don't really care about relationships. Having previously dated or been in a relationship with men who also have learning disabilities has happened to me. Some young men don't seem to care about finding a partner or dating. I've been trying to find older men who have a learning disability, to see if there is any difference between those who are younger. People with learning disabilities are considered mature or immature at about the age of maturity. Those are some of my own experiences with some men I met or befriended. In addition, I have seen some learning disability men on Facebook dating. The new man that i been texting is also looking for a long term relationship and looking for friends. Before he responded, he asked me what I was looking for. I'm interested in getting to know the person first then serious relationship after that. Then both have common interested of liking dogs the other men i be bit turn off for only prefer to text only and not interested in video call or mobile phone/cell phone to call . 


  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,925 Championing
    It is really important that you take care of yourself @Splatmate24 and recognise what works best for you. When you say "older", how older are you meaning?

    Please remember to take care of yourself. Although difficulties with younger men may mean you are looking to older men, there can be complications with older men too.

    How have things been for you more recently? We are here for you if you would like to share more with us  :)
  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Community member Posts: 411 Contributor
    @L_Volunteer i set my age range to age 30 but i did got a match with men that is 33 year old and he was first one to text me first and just let see how is go and did then he did message me on Facebook and texting .  he doesn't look like 33 year old .  did meetup with him . the younger men that i noticed just seem not a interest being in a relationship or try to force me to go fast when  i no i'm not interest in going to fast then they end up ghosting me when they didn't get what they want from me  . 

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,925 Championing
    Older guys sound better for you so far @Splatmate24, at least based on the experiences you have described. How did the meet-up go?  :)
  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Community member Posts: 411 Contributor
    @L_Volunteer the meetup went well but after the meetup things started to change with stopped texting me and hasn't say anything about relationship but did before we meetup . now i',m moving on again .older men should know better . kinds of better  experiences . i match with men that was on badoo 35 year old and told me that he was too old for me . that not good i just blocked him after . guys that are near 30 seem to be ok . par that i met from badoo but went on to WhatsApp and that went the questions t one men that ask to get into bed but I said no after i sent a sent a normal selfie .  . is means same things of sex . i did lookup on the internet . sp I'm guessing age doesn't really matter that much they just be just immature as yonger .

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,925 Championing
    How are you feeling about it changing since you met @Splatmate24? Oh, immaturity is too common  :p