Hi, my name is NatzG20! — Scope | Disability forum
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Hi, my name is NatzG20!

NatzG20 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Hey, I am a mum of 3, two daughters and one son who was recently diagnosed with severe PVL as it is on both sides of the brain. My son is a twin but his sister shows no signs. They are now 5 months (2 corrected) and growing well, however ethan is starting to show signs of stiffness in his arms and legs and cries a awful lot as he is never settled. I was devastated at his diagnoses which i got pretty early on around 4 weeks old as they were NICU and had constant brain scans. He is my world but i just don't know what to expect, is my son disabled? Will he ever walk, talk and learn like his sisters? What can i do to help...the questions keep going on and i don't know where to start. Natalie xxx

