Looking for ideas for a project - what would help you in the kitchen? — Scope | Disability forum
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Looking for ideas for a project - what would help you in the kitchen?

Xelatats Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi Everyone! My name is Alex, I am a Y1 Product Design student, I am currently tasked with a brief aimed at inclusive design and an inclusive home. I am focussing my project on a product to help people who have a prosthetic arm. I am currently thinking about creating a wearable product that may help with either sweeping/hoovering or carrying items on a tray but I would really appreciate any input as to what problems I could consider that I can then think about a design solution for. 

Currently, I am focussing on ideas/solutions for the kitchen but I'm not constrained to this, it could be any room in the house.

This is personally a very meaningful project to me and I want to extend my thanks in advance for any feedback and responses to my post.

Thank you so very much for your help and taking the time to read me.

