National Love Your Pet Day - share your pet pictures — Scope | Disability forum
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National Love Your Pet Day - share your pet pictures

Rosie_Scope Posts: 2,446 Scope online community team
edited February 20 in Coffee lounge
Today is National Love Your Pet Day, a day dedicated to pampering your furry friends. 

Pets make such a difference to our lives and I'm sure those of you who have them need no excuse to show some extra love! Will you be doing anything extra pampering for your pet today?

Unfortunately I don't have my own pet, but I'll share a pic of my housemate's dog, Lola. Living in a house with a pet is the next best thing to having a pet. No responsibilities, all the cuddles! Here she is having a very majestic nap on my bed. I say it's my bed, basically all the beds in the house belong to Lola now, especially if they're warm. It's Lola's house, really. We just pay the rent for her.

[Picture shows a fluffy golden cocker spaniel looking very content fast asleep on a pillow in the sunshine]

Would love to see some of your pictures! 
Rosie (she/her)

Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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