Is there a pip automated line where you can find out your payments?

Maggiedoll Scope Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited September 2022 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi There,
                Does anyone know if there is a pip automated line where you can find out your payments.Thank you.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It's the usual helpline number 0800 121 4433 potentially option 6 but you'll need to listen to the options.
    I note from another thread that you're waiting for a decision. If you haven't had the decision yet then the automated payment line isn't reliable, some people have been given wrong information from this.
  • Maggiedoll65
    Maggiedoll65 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Hi @poppy123456. I received a text saying that I have been awarded Pip. Thank you for your help. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Good news. I note from another thread that you transferred from DLA. This means that your PIP payments won't start until around 7 weeks after the decision was made. You will receive one further DLA payment and then the PIP about 4 weeks later.
    If your PIP award is higher than the DLA award, you will not receive any backdated money. There may not be any payment information on the automated line because of your DLA award.
  • Jayne17
    Jayne17 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi there had a response on my tribunal page saying they have awarded me lower everyday living from 7/5/22 and that a letter will follow but am impatient to find out results! Is there any phone number I can ring to find out? And what info will they need from me. Thanks
  • mistakes65
    mistakes65 Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    Hi Jayne17

    I had my tribunal beginning of June and it takes a month for it all to be sorted ( someone more knowledgeable will explain it better this is just what I experienced ) .
    I got anxious as well and worried and did ring a few times for updates which made me worse ! 
    But it worked out it was exactly a month after my tribunal date when they sorted my payments out .
  • mistakes65
    mistakes65 Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    Sorry forgot to add they will ring you at some point to do the payable checks eg have you been on holiday the last year / hospital / prison/ residential home etc and would you be able to manage a large amount back pay or if you wanted it split up ? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Jayne17 said:
    Hi there had a response on my tribunal page saying they have awarded me lower everyday living from 7/5/22 and that a letter will follow but am impatient to find out results! Is there any phone number I can ring to find out? And what info will they need from me. Thanks

    You already know the decision from the appeal tracker, which will be correct. You now need to wait for the decision letter from the Tribunal, which you should receive soon.
  • mar_ere_89
    mar_ere_89 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    I was awarded pip, 2 years ago. Since then I was due for a reassessment in December 2023, although they had extended this until December 2024. I had sent back all the evidence and I did not receive an assessment date. Then I received this message today: Your PIP review is complete. You should receive your decision letter in 2 weeks. Once you receive your letter, contact us if you have any questions. Do not call before you get the letter as we will not be able to tell you the decision. Please remember to contact us if your circumstances change.

    I then called the automated line and it stated I would be paid next at the end of April 2024. Would this mean I have been awarded this?. 
  • cdf99
    cdf99 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected

    hi ive had the same txt as you had.. were you awarded pip?

  • mar_ere_89
    mar_ere_89 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener


    Yes I was awarded this. I had called the automated phone line and this told me when the next payment was due, and then I received the letter the following week. Fingers crossed.

  • cdf99
    cdf99 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected

    great thank you for getting back.. is the pip automated line just the normal line you call to update them.

  • mar_ere_89
    mar_ere_89 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    I believe it the usual helpline number 0800 121 4433 potentially option 6 but you'll need to listen to the options. Although I had read people saying this was t reliable, although it was for myself.

    Good luck.

  • Cruising2020
    Cruising2020 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    I've contacted automatic payment line number and it says my pip payment is £130 per month I was getting £400 I've had a review and fear that I've lost some of my money Is this reliable as I'm so stressed out

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,779 Championing

    The automated line is not reliable and is often wrong.

  • Cruising2020
    Cruising2020 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Thankyou so much hoping that's the case

  • Hopeless
    Hopeless Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 384 Empowering

    If you can phone back and wait for an operator. I had a text on Friday to say my review was complete. I phoned up this morning and they were able to tell me my award to save me worrying over Christmas

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    There’s no such award that’s £130. PIP is paid 4 weekly and even with just standard rate mobility that would only be £114.80 every 4 weeks.

    Best thing to do is ring and speak to someone who will be able to tell you what the decision was. If you haven’t already.

  • Cruising2020
    Cruising2020 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Yes I know I'm on the phone now trying to get through now

  • Cruising2020
    Cruising2020 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    I've lost all my pip money can't cope anymore just want to die cant go through it all over again they are cheats those assessors now my partner and me are broke he has copd and just can't take anymore

  • Hopeless
    Hopeless Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 384 Empowering

    please don’t give up. Do you have a local welfare rights or other charity who can help you submit a mandatory reconsideration?