Support group

sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 198 Contributor
How often are you reviewed when you're in the support group?
Does it just happen without warning?
Is it paperbased, face to face? 
I'm in the support group and I've had no follow up or contact with anyone since my award started last may


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    It’s an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise. 

    If it’s just ESA you’re claiming and not UC as well then yes, it will be without warning and you will just receive the ESA50 form in the post.

    In normal times it can be anything from 3 months but these are not normal times and very few people have been reviewed since 2020 because for most of that time they have been suspended. At the moment they are concentrating on the work group mostly. 
  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 198 Contributor
    Can you stay on esa permanently if you are unfit for work? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    If this is New style ESA then you will remain on this in the Support Group until a new decision says otherwise. 
  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,230 Trailblazing
    How often are you reviewed when you're in the support group?
    Does it just happen without warning?
    Is it paperbased, face to face? 
    I'm in the support group and I've had no follow up or contact with anyone since my award started last may

    I was reassessed last year out of the blue after being in the esa cb support group for several years.
    It was a telephone assessment that lasted about an hour and a half.
    It was very thorough and it was obvious the assessor had read all of the evidence I had provided.
    I had a decision in my favour from the dwp within a few weeks.
  • Jram46
    Jram46 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    Hi @Broreb1981
    Here’s my experience 
    I was placed in the ESA support group in 2013 
    I then heard nothing until June2023 when I received a capability for work questionnaire esa50 which was promptly returned and signed as received 3 weeks later… forward 41 weeks to now…. heard nothing!
     I’m still being paid so they must be happy :-)