Anyone as confused as me on who to vote for



  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,063 Championing

    nothing surprises me any more she was hardly likely to vote for the blues not sure what colour her failed party was so voting red was the logical thing to do she may or may not get another bite of the cherry as they say never say never

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 937 Championing
    edited June 2024

    Anna Soubry formed The Independent Group in February 2019, which underwent several name changes that year before being disbanded in December 2019. Their branding featured black and white colours with orange highlights, a departure from the single colour branding of traditional parties. The fact that she's now voting Labour in this election makes me wonder what has changed? her perspective or Labour's direction? or perhaps a bit of both?

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,468 Championing

    MW, she was led away from her position as a vocal backbencher by Heidi Allen because she challenged the right-wing of her party.

    IDS' trickery began in 2011 and he deceived us all with plans for welfare reform. Anna Soubry voted according to what she knew at the time, like the great British public did.

    What matters is that she eventually understood the deceit and did not keep quiet about it. She knows far more about government than most of us ever will.

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 937 Championing

    It's likely that Anna Soubry's extensive experience as a former MP and her involvement in various political issues have given her a deep understanding of governance and policymaking. However, the depth of political knowledge can vary widely among individuals, and many people outside of politics can also possess significant insights and understanding of political processes.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,468 Championing

    So do you, as a trained solicitor, know of the trickery set in motion by IDS in 2011?

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 937 Championing

    The changes introduced under the Welfare Reform Act 2012 have sparked various viewpoints and concerns. Could you elaborate on what specific aspects or issues you're referring to regarding IDS's actions in 2011?"

  • brandondreamer
    brandondreamer Online Community Member Posts: 15 Contributor

    my head is telling me vote tactically to get this government out but my heart is telling me to vote for the manifesto that most aligns with my interests and that is greens.
    big decisions to make.

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    I thought of suggesting vote for a candidate not a party, if you can find one that seems a relatively normal human who broadly thinks what you think but that means actually seeing and talking to candidates. Not hide or hair in this neck of the woods. Apart from a couple of leaflets from the Greens, there might as well not be an election. Maybe in more divided constituencies candidates are fighting for every vote. Here in Brighton Pavilion Queen Caroline has abdicated and her heir is pretty much assumed to be going to win. I'd guess Labour have quietly decided not to argue and the Tories know they haven't a hope.

  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,675 Pioneering
    edited June 2024

    I'm not talking about their politics / decsions. I complained to The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) about the Conservative Government regards 'Austerity'. I have the emails. I'm talking about them as an entity.

    If were talking 'crazy' policies, I'd start saying they withdrew 'free school milk', free school meals etc (this is going back some decades).

    Also, even if politicians don't believe in policies, they 'go with the flow', there's always some 'horse-trading' to be done, 'I'll vote for your policy, if you vote for mine'.

    Keir Starmer / Corbyn is a 'good example'.

  • JW77
    JW77 Online Community Member Posts: 159 Empowering

    As I replied on another post.

    I read the manifestos (although I had to push myself to read the conservatives)
    Benefits & Work has created a summary of how all the manifestos stand on benefits and disability etc

    I've already postal voted. Let's just hope the proposed drop for conservatives is real!

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,468 Championing

    JW it is real! 😅 I've never known a General Election like this one though.

    I've read that Sir Keir Starmer plans to 'super-charge' the Windrush compensation scheme 👏 and is willing to consider reversing the two-child benefit cap so I'm hopeful that he will protect welfare benefits and all vulnerable claimants. Why wouldn't he? Those are core Labour values.