Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.

How is your day going?



  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,764 Disability Gamechanger

    @talis what's Lewis?? A family member or is it a place? 😆 Sounds exciting!!!!

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,241 Disability Gamechanger

    Morning I hope yous have a good day whatever yous have planned.
    I’m feeling a bit **** got a spray for my throat. I just had time off my phone last night that’s why I wasn’t on.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 5,443 Disability Gamechanger

    Morning everyone, happy Saturday. 😁

    Hope the throat feels better soon @Lou67

    Heya @66Mustang hope youre doing good. 😁

    Have a lovely time today @talis 😊

    I hope the aches sort themselves out quickly @Amberpearl

    Hope the tummy ace gets sorted for you soon @Ada

    Albus (he/him)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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    Opinions expressed are solely my own.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,764 Disability Gamechanger

    Hi @Albus_Scope are you having to work the weekend?? I hope you can sit outside at least 😊

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 5,443 Disability Gamechanger

    Yes, I'm here all weekend for my sins today haha. I tend to use a wireless mouse and keyboard, with an extra monitor, but I maaaaay try and either get in the sun or go down to the office shed later. 😁

    Albus (he/him)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

    Concerned about another member's safety or wellbeing? Flag your concerns with us.
    Want to give us feedback? Complete our feedback form now.
    Opinions expressed are solely my own.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,241 Disability Gamechanger

    I hope your stomach pain eases a bit and I hope you can sit in your back yard.

    I hope you were ok yesterday and just busy with your family. How’s your mum getting on with her knee has she had another date yet for the surgery.

    Thanks it seem to be a head cold I have my throat and head and I feel bunged up. Happy days lol
    I hope you get to work in the garden.

    I hope your aches ease off soon.

    Enjoy your day out.


  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 3,968 Disability Gamechanger

    Morning all.

    Dry and sunny here after a dull start.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,764 Disability Gamechanger

    Hi @Lou67 I hope you're OK and thanks for asking, she's waiting for an allergy test now 🙁 they want to be 100% sure it's safe to put the metal in her knee, all because she had an allergy to costume jewellery when she was like 10, nothing since then. She wishes she never told them about that now but I guess it's for the best 😊

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,764 Disability Gamechanger

    We are going to walk Jenson the dog now, I will come back later 😊

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 5,443 Disability Gamechanger

    Morning @Teigr !

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your mum @66Mustang I totally get they're just trying to be extra careful.

    Anyone up to anything exciting this weekend then?

    Sis has just washed the 3 dogs, so I'm currently slightly soggy as they've all come in to dry themselves off on me. Guess I will be sitting in the garden for a bit. 😆

    Albus (he/him)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

    Concerned about another member's safety or wellbeing? Flag your concerns with us.
    Want to give us feedback? Complete our feedback form now.
    Opinions expressed are solely my own.
  • loladale87
    loladale87 Community member Posts: 41 Pioneering


    Today I get elsa and I have a meeting with my ex husband and his wife to discuss son moving in with me.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 5,443 Disability Gamechanger

    Eek, sounds exciting @loladale87 I hope the meeting goes ok!

    Albus (he/him)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

    Concerned about another member's safety or wellbeing? Flag your concerns with us.
    Want to give us feedback? Complete our feedback form now.
    Opinions expressed are solely my own.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 55,099 Disability Gamechanger

    Morning all hope the tummy settles @ada

    Hope you feel better soon @lou67

    Its really warm here already today

  • loladale87
    loladale87 Community member Posts: 41 Pioneering

    Thanks, M has decided he definitely wants to move in so I think it's just a couple of details. Though his step mum can be quite nasty so we shall see

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 731 Disability Gamechanger

    Morning everyone, hope you all have a good day.

    @Ada Sorry to hear about the tummy ache, hope it settles soon and you can sit outside and enjoy the weather.

    @Lou67 So sorry to hear you have a sore throat and a bad cold, I had a bad cold last weekend so something must be going around, just get plenty of rest and fluids and take care of yourself.

    @66Mustang enjoy the dog walk with Jensen, looks a really nice day today.

    @loladale87 goodluck with the meeting, hope it goes smoothly for you.

    Hope everyone else enjoys their day, anyone got any special plans?

    I have Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, Gilberts Syndrome and Crohn's Disease and have knowledge in these areas.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,241 Disability Gamechanger

    Yes i remember you saying about the allergy test I was hoping they’d have done it by now. Hopefully she won’t have to much longer to wait.

    Aww Elda’s a beauty and love that she’s posing for the camera 😊 I hope the meeting with your ex and his wife goes well, if the wife gets nasty take a deep breath and keep your cool.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,241 Disability Gamechanger

    Morning we must’ve posted at the same time there lol thanks yes I’m having a day in taking it easy. I started on the water tablets this morning and I’ve been to the toilet 5 times already 🙄 the doctor did say it’ll be a lot at the start and hopefully it tapers off a bit. So even if I was feeling good I couldn’t go out as need near the toilet lol
    I hope your doing good are you doing anything today.


  • Beaver79
    Beaver79 Community member Posts: 24,266 Disability Gamechanger

    Good morning everyone. Bright and sunny here. We had heavy rain last night after I had watered the garden.

    Catch you later @Ada

    I am sorry you are feeling unwell today @Amberpearl all the stress of yesterday will not be helping. Take care.

    Perhaps take it easy today and rest and hopefully you will soon feel better @Lou67

    Good luck with your meeting @loladale87 Lovely photo.

  • loladale87
    loladale87 Community member Posts: 41 Pioneering

    Yeah I won't bite, I'll keep reminding myself that the dog is arriving soon, it's been two months since my friend said I could have her.

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