Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.

How is your day going?



  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,059 Disability Gamechanger

    It's hammering down here.

    I've only been out once today,it took us almost an hour to get to the retail park because there'd be a car crash at the bottom of the hill and Mr Teigr decided to avoid it by taking off along a single track road.

    On the plus side I guess we did see a bit more of the world.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,983 Disability Gamechanger


    I feel the same about parents and family (I live at home)! I feel like my parents are bound to me almost. I come away with them all the time on short breaks and things, but sometimes I wonder if they would sometimes like a holiday on their own???

    Similar to you my Mum gave up work, there were a few reasons but looking after me I think was a big one.

    I'm told I do contribute, if I was able I probably would work as an accountant or something so I do the best I can which is to advise/manage relatives' money and I do invest the family money to provide the family with extra income/capital gains โ€ฆ and also I do little bits like I'm the go-to person for everyone's computers and things when they go wrong ๐Ÿ˜†

    I think it's about finding something you do, to make yourself feel better about yourself. There is obviously something you do otherwise, to put it bluntly, your family wouldn't have you! It might be something that seems insignificant to you like just being there to listen to them or giving them emotional support but maybe identifying that thing would be a good idea

    I need to go to the shop now but will see everyone later or maybe tomorrow๐Ÿ˜Š have a good evening everyone!!

  • SunflowerValley
    SunflowerValley Community member Posts: 255 Pioneering

    ๐Ÿ˜‚ I bet it is worth it though ๐Ÿ˜‚. I bet she is looking forward to it ๐Ÿ˜Š.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 55,624 Disability Gamechanger
    edited July 4

    Thats a good pic @rubin16 my bins went out tonight too

    You took the scenic route @Teigr

  • SunflowerValley
    SunflowerValley Community member Posts: 255 Pioneering

    @66Mustang I live at home too. I think they probably like you coming on holiday but maybe in the future they would like to go on some on their own but they probably don't mind.

    My dad goes to work and my mum stays at home. She gave up work to look after me and my siblings but now that we are all nearly adults I think she would like to work. But because I need her to look after me 24/7 she can't work.

    Sometimes my mum needs a break but she can't have one because she is the only one who looks after me. Which can sometimes result in my parents having a disagreement because my mum is always so drained (which can make her irritable). Which then means I feel bad because I feel like it is my fault and feel like a burden. But I know they love each other and they love me which is why they look after me.

    I can't really help them which makes me feel more bad.

    See you later!

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 5,552 Disability Gamechanger

    Oh wow @rubin16 excellent photo! We also had a double rainbow, which was lovely to see, but I'm a rubbish photographer. ๐Ÿ˜†

    I won't tag everyone individually, but I hope everyone had a great evening and is feeling good today. โค๏ธ

    Albus (he/him)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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    Opinions expressed are solely my own.
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,059 Disability Gamechanger
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,983 Disability Gamechanger

    Hello @Teigr ๐Ÿ˜Š how are you??

    Hello @Albus_Scope ๐Ÿ™‚

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,983 Disability Gamechanger

    And hello everyone of course, sorry I forgot to say ๐Ÿ˜†

  • aworldalone93
    aworldalone93 Community member Posts: 14 Connected

    Hi everyone, hope you have good days!

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 55,624 Disability Gamechanger

    Morning everyone hope your all well

  • Nicebrit
    Nicebrit Community member Posts: 112 Pioneering

    Morning all,

    Raining here today, have my jumper on cos I'm so cold! Shopping turning up in a minute.

    Still not heard about new car yet, last I heard it was in transistion ! not sure if it's even reached the port yet.

    Anyway, it's Friday, it's the weekend, any of you have any plans? ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Warrior Of Fibromyalgia/PTSD/Anxiety/Depression

    Osteoarthritis/Survivor Of Domestic Abuse

    Always Live In Hope ๐Ÿ’œ

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Community member Posts: 1,371 Disability Gamechanger

    Good morning all

    So windy and cold here

    14 degrees

    I woke up a few times last night

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,983 Disability Gamechanger

    @Nicebrit what car are you getting???

  • Nicebrit
    Nicebrit Community member Posts: 112 Pioneering

    Hybrid Peugeot e3008 - already had test drive, dealer said he had already ordered two in, week before last, and were in transit. Just hope I don't have to wait too long. It's a lush car , I find it funny that they're called hybrids, as I watched Sweet Tooth, so reminds me of that, so will have now have to name it Sweet Tooth or after a character from the series ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Will be my first ever mobility car ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Warrior Of Fibromyalgia/PTSD/Anxiety/Depression

    Osteoarthritis/Survivor Of Domestic Abuse

    Always Live In Hope ๐Ÿ’œ

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,983 Disability Gamechanger


    That's a nice car, I hope you enjoy it and have lots of happy motoring in it

    The scheme is brilliant, they do everything except put the petrol in (of which you won't need to do very often, what with it being a hybrid)

    I'm on my 2nd Motability car!

  • Nicebrit
    Nicebrit Community member Posts: 112 Pioneering

    I tried other ones they had, but too low down, this is just the right size, ๐Ÿ˜Š just hope the dealer was being honest with me about it being here around mid July.

    Yes, thats the good thing with mobility, everything taken care of, I don't have a review till 2029 so I can get another car 2027 ๐Ÿ˜Š But will keep money by just in case, may not even be driving by then.

    What car do you have?

    Warrior Of Fibromyalgia/PTSD/Anxiety/Depression

    Osteoarthritis/Survivor Of Domestic Abuse

    Always Live In Hope ๐Ÿ’œ

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,983 Disability Gamechanger

    @Nicebrit I have a Mini ๐Ÿ˜Š

    If you have someone who drives for you you can still have a Motability car for them to drive you around in, if that's an option if/when you have to give up driving

  • talis
    talis Community member Posts: 285 Pioneering

    yes you can mum drive s me around

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