PIP for Bi-Polar Disorder (Mental Health)



  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    I was contacted by the DWP who said that they did not have the form on file.

    I explained that I didn’t complete it because they never sent me the link to do an online version.

    They sent it to me straight away and said it’s a big part of the decision making process.

    I was assessed without it because I had a ‘vulnerability’ flag on my file.

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    As I’ve just mentioned, it wasn’t just randomly sent to me. I had spoke to the DWP.

    Plus, I had already prepared a response to each descriptor in readiness to appeal via MR because I didn’t feel the first assessment went well. So completing the form wasn’t a problem.

    All this is explained in my first few posts.

  • MyHappy256
    MyHappy256 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Contributor

    For myself I tried typing up the form and then adding a note on the form "see attached typed version". - when I took the matter to tribunal, there was no evidence of any of the information I had attached to the form, it was not even on file, they had carefully "misplaced" it.

    Perhaps sticking it to the form might be a better idea, or getting someone else to write the form for you, back then my handwriting had started to deteriorate, now I cannot even hold a pen, but as you say, typing on the keyboard is fine.

    The electronic version seems like a good idea too.

    Seems to be a lack of consistency among assessors, I suppose this is inevitable with so many third party contractors, some good, some bad, perhaps Scope might push for the govt. to appoint either an impartial or independent person to check that the assessors are honest and consistent in their approach?

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    Another observation, the weekends are tough when you’re waiting on a decision because you know you’re not going to get an update.

    I’ve been very anxious this weekend. I really do need this to be over ASAP.

    24 weeks is long enough!!

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    The waiting is horrible @Steve1987! Hope it all gets sorted soon so you can relax. Take it easy on yourself 😊

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    It is, I’m really struggling to not worry about it.

    The amount of times I’ve googled “do case managers agree with Capita reports” is ridiculous - believe it or not there is no magic answer each time you click search…

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    It's so difficult to put it out of your mind. We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed for you! Sounds like lots of distractions are in order if you can manage it!

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    You are right, there's no magic answer. Having been advising thousands of people in the last several years I can tell you that it's rare for them to go against the report but I does happen.

    Based on my own experience after many assessments, I've never known them to go against the report.

    This is one of the reasons why we don't advise to request the report because for most people, it just causes more anxiety.

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    On reflection, the only reason I requested the report was because I wanted to pre-empt a denial. Which in turn has caused more stress and anxiety.

    Because I’m worrying and putting effort into something that may not happen.

    So, if you’re going through the process and you’re reading this thread to see how the journey has played out for me - DO NOT request the report until you’ve had the decision. It genuinely just adds to your angst. Even if the report is making a recommendation that you’re happy with, that just makes you worry about the DWP dismissing it.

    So my advice is DO NOT REQUEST IT until you’ve had the decision officially.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Steve1987.

    I'm so glad you're keeping us updated. It'll be really useful for others. I'm sorry it's so stressful for you. I've got everything crossed that everything goes smoothly from now and you get the result you deserve 😊

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    Well the forum was one of the first places I visited when I applied and wanted to get some answers. So thought it would be good for others.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    It definitely is. Always good to hear people's journey as everyone's can be so different.

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    UPDATE: I was reading the report that Capita have sent the DWP and it states that they haven’t accessed GP records.

    I then checked my GP summary and it clearly states a form was completed for Capita on 24th July 2024.

    I’ve got a copy of that completed form and I’m not sure it was helpful. It essentially states these are his diagnoses but we do not know how it impacts him.

    They have also attached a LOT of letters that go back a few years and paint a picture of me that isn’t current; for example, I used to be quite active in the gym. I haven’t used a gym since March this year. I’ve barely left the house.

    If I was a sneaky case manager I would use this as evidence against the Capita recommendation even though it’s outdated.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    They don’t usually access any medical records.

    A report being sent from your GP is not medical records. Yes a GP very rarely knows exactly how your conditions affect you and if they do it’s because you told them.

    I think you are trying to convince yourself that they will go against the report but this rarely happens.

    Remember that for PIP it’s about the majority of the time, so at least 50% of the time over a 12 month period. You do not need to be affected all of the time.

    I know it’s difficult but please try to distract yourself and think of something else while you wait for the decision, otherwise it could be a very long wait.

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    I’ve taken myself out of the ‘zone’ today and distracted myself. I’ve promised myself I will no longer focus on it, but it’s hard with my condition. I become hyper-fixated.

    The GP response to Capita’s request includes A LOT of my medical information. A lot.

    But, I am done worrying for now (I’m not but that’s what I’m telling myself!)

  • MyHappy256
    MyHappy256 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Contributor

    Even though I don't suffer from Bipolar I can relate to not thinking about things,my friend who is Bipolar has a lot of coping mechanisms and I likewise have learned to just blank my mind, otherwise I find singing to myself works or certain smells and colours help too, Lavender, Rosemary and Lemon smell for example help me improve my mood.

    As regards my GP report, my GP report contradicted the medical evidence in favour of ATOS, I ended up with a temporary GP covering for my regular GP and ATOS got them to write a report that contradicted the medical evidence, on my medical file, the report was blank, but when I went to tribunal I got to see what this person had written, they probably expected that I would never get to see the actual report. They said things like I regularly run 5 miles per hour, but I struggle to walk more than 5 feet with walking aids, so they ignored the walking aids and used the run 5 miles, even though this was ofc, completely inaccurate. Even when my regular GP came back and corrected, this they stilll used the incorrect report. I think it comes down to whatever helps their case they include?

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected

    UPDATE: I’ve just had a call from my case manager and I’ve been awarded in line with what Capita recommended.

    Thank you all for your help and I hope this thread helps someone in the future!

  • Steve1987
    Steve1987 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected


    So, to summarise…..

    • I applied in February 2024.
    • I was assessed (twice) in July 2024.
    • I was awarded August 2024 (award for two years).

    I provided sick notes, a statement from my partner, evidence of diagnosis and the completed PIP2 form.

    It is a LONG and tiresome process but it is worth persevering.

    Good luck to any future claimants and I hope you get the award you deserve.

  • MyHappy256
    MyHappy256 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Contributor