Transition from lcw to lcwra

jandreew Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited July 2024 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi I have been on lcw for a number of years I was due a review and 3 / 4 years ago but due to covid and there being a backlog I had to wait I have recently had my review and been given lcwra I have been trying to ask uc when first payment will be but they keep saying I have to wait 3 full months befor I get a payment but I though if it was a review I would get payment straight away in next payment it was awarded 27/7/2024 could someone please help and explain what I need to do or if uc are correct



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing

    As you already had LCW there’s no waiting period. The extra money will be from the assessment period in which the decision was made.

    What date do you usually receive your money each month?

  • jandreew
    jandreew Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    Assessment is 6/5 and get paid 12th of every month

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing

    Then your first payment will be AP 6th July to 5th August and first payment will be 12th August.

    You don't need to do anything at the moment because it's not the end of your AP yet. When you receive your statement please check It to make sure the element is included. If it isn't then put a message onto your journal under the payment section and tell them.

  • jandreew
    jandreew Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    Ok thank you I will see what it says on the 6th

  • lidia
    lidia Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener


    I would like to know how long need to wait for the resolution...I know is around 3 months....but should I keep to handle sick notes until the resolution?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing

    What resolution? Fit notes are no longer needed, it will tell you that on the decision letter.

  • lidia
    lidia Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener


    It's my first assessment due my long term condition, my coach send me the form uc50. Was sent to the department of pensions. I am in the group focused interview. In meantime due my condition aggravated for a injury at work, I am off of work and a sick note was provided to my journal account.

    The question is and because I don't feel I am fite to work... so is required to send sick note....

    Thank you

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing

    Apologies, I didn’t realise you were a different person. This is why starting your own thread is advised because it does get confusing when asking on someone else’s thread.

    You need to continue to provide fit notes without any gaps until a decision is made on your work capability assessment.

  • lidia
    lidia Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener


    I have a pertinent question, regarding the lwc assessment, if is failed the assessment process, I will need to handle the fit note to my employer and the UC because I will continue dealing with my condition.

    I am not able to return to work and will need to send fit note to my employer, after 3 months my sick note is running out as well.

    How is my situation with my employer, cause I still have a contract with my employer and need to send the sick note.

    What I know so far , that is not reasonable to give notice, so I should wait for my employer to dismiss me that makes sense?

    How is my situation with the universal credit regarding my sick note which continues to be directed to the UC.

    Thank you 😊

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing

    As I advised you on another thread very recently, your UC claim and your employer are completely different. For UC once a decision is made on your work capability assessment, regardless of what that decision is you will no longer need to provide fit notes. In the meantime until that decision is made you must continue to provide fit notes until the decision is made.

    For your employer, yes you need to continue to provide fit notes. I can't tell you whether you should hand your notice in because I don't know anything about your employment contract and for this you should get some expert advice and use the link I provided to contact ACAS. Link here.

  • lidia
    lidia Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    Thank you for your message.

    But if I continue to send a fit note to my employer... automatically is received by the work department and universal credit.... right....both services will received.

    Thank you

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,735 Online Community Programme Lead

    Hello @lidia, I'm not sure I have understood your question. Until a decision is made about your LCW or LCWRA you need to keep giving UC your fit notes. Your work will also need to see them too.

  • lidia
    lidia Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener


    Yes ...I know that...the question is after the employer need to receive the sick note....and what's happens regarding the UC..the service will know my situation...or is necessary to send a message to my journal account all the situation in time?

    Thank you

  • lidia
    lidia Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener


    Thank you

    I need to ask that all this Acas to have a full understanding, cause is quite confused....and obviously I need more answers.

    Thank you

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing

    No, your employer doesn't automatically send them to Universal Credit. You need to send them separately to your employer and UC.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,735 Online Community Programme Lead

    Oh I think I see what you're saying. After UC make their decision, you don't need to give them fit notes any more but you continue giving them to your employer. Giving your fit notes to your employer won't have any impact on your UC @lidia.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing

    UC and your employer are completely separate. For UC you will be referred for a work capability assessment and receive the UC50 form, which you'll need to fill in and return with all your information. Any extra evidence you have should be sent with the form when you return it.