Email To Grahame Morris

Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 286 Empowering

I've decided to email my MP about my concerns about the proposed PIP reforms and how the disabled community would be impacted. It's in my drafts, but i wanted to get a second opinion on here.

Dear Grahame Morris
I am writing to express concern about the proposed PIP reforms. Since Rishi Sunak announced this proposal to replace cash payments with vouchers, it has caused a lot of terror and anxiety amongst the disabled community, many PIP claimants are scared about the future. I have seen many a thread about it on the Scope forum and it is heartbreaking.
Cash payments allow disabled people to assess their own needs and purchase things to make their lives easier. It promotes not only independence to allow disabled people to go about their daily lives with ease, but also financial independence.
A voucher system would only create a financial apartheid and deny us independence. Being told how much to spend and where to spend it, doesn't really promote independence.
When parliament resumes on the 2nd September, I implore you to mention this at the next PMQs. The disabled community need peace of mind and we have the right to live with dignity and go about our lives in peace, without being demonised constantly.
Thank you for your time.



  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 286 Empowering

    Email sent off. Now to wait for a response. Hope to have some reassurance.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,975 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Fingers crossed for a good reply there @Ironside1990 thank you for sending that email.

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 286 Empowering

    I'll keep an eye on my inbox and I'll post the response here,if I get a reply.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,950 Championing

    God I sent Stephen timms email saying everything I think I went to far was actually scared

  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 190 Empowering

    A Voucher system, I for one will definitely be forced into debt, my finances are fine as they are, Does anyone know of a petition addressing this issue?

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,975 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    The government are reading through the green paper now on it all now @Razr it's not set in stone, as it was just an idea thought up by the previous government, so I'd try not to worry too much.

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 128 Empowering

    I’m glad you wrote an email to you MP I wish more people did. X

  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 190 Empowering

    @Ironside1990 would it help if we copy your letter and send one ourselves?

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 128 Empowering

    @Razr I think it’s best if everyone writes a personal one from the heart about how it would affect them personally.

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 286 Empowering

    I''ve been paranoid since I sent that email. It's the first time I've messaged a government figure and I hope I haven't come across as rude.

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 128 Empowering

    @Ironside1990 I think your letter is wonderful and not rude all x

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,950 Championing

    Omg me too listen your OK the email I sent to Stephen timms I said everything and I mean everything why they discrimination against disabled and wrote lots I had to delete email so I couldn't keep reading it I got a response saying I've read with great instreast and passed on and someone will respond in due cause sorry dyslexic so don't worry at all

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,950 Championing

    Oh I just read your email it's perfect

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 128 Empowering

    I also wrote to Stephen Timms and I’ve got to say he was absolutely lovely about it. I think it’s really important that whatever passions we have about it, we remain polite and speak with sincerity, yet respect, or they’ll just not feel good about us. Ultimately we want a good relationship with them. I feel so worried about it all though, so I totally understand the stress everyone else feels too x

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 128 Empowering

    @Ironside1990 I meant to say not rude AT ALL, sorry xx

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,950 Championing

    No don't worry yours is polite respectful yes if only I thought before sending I've worried endlessly may I ask what was Stephen timms response he said passing my on and I will recieve response haven't yet I'm wondering if send after September

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 286 Empowering

    Bumping this thread, as i've received a reply. Not sure if this is positive or not.

    Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns about the previous Government’s proposals regarding the future of the Work Capability Assessment and Personal Independence Payment. Since then, there has been a change in Government.

    Further details about the Government plans will be announced in due course. But let me assure you that I support a different approach to that taken by the previous administration. As stated in the manifesto I stood on, I am committed to championing the rights of disabled people and to the principle of working with them, so that their views and voices will be at the heart of Government policy.

    I want to see a social security system that gets decisions right the first time and which focuses on what people can do, not just what they cannot. I also favour reforms that can give practical help and support to get people into work and to stay in work. This approach would see a greater focus on personalising employment support. It must also be a priority to tackle the backlogs in our NHS and social care that have built up over the past decade, as well as to recruit more mental health staff. In addition, I support an “into work guarantee” which would allow disabled people to try work without fear of losing their benefits and having to undergo yet more assessments. 

    More widely, I believe our job now is to unite our country, restoring service and respect to politics. I know that rebuilding people’s trust will take time, and I share the Prime Minister’s belief that that public service is a privilege, along with his aspiration to serve in the public interest. I also acknowledge that earning this trust will be done through actions rather than words, and I assure you that I will be working hard to do so.

    Thank you again for writing to me about this important issue. 
    Kind regards,

    Grahame Morris MP

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,950 Championing

    Focusing on getting people into work Not any reassurance if you can't I wrote to Stephen timms was part where he said will protect people with severe illness what classes as severe but yes all I hear in speeches change change work work

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    Sounds like the same lines we've heard for weeks dressed up in a pretty bow, with a well meaning messenger.

  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 190 Empowering

    go for it and see the responce