Spotlight On Rainy Days

Mary_Scope Posts: 795 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists
edited October 2024 in Families and carers

The summer weather does not seem to want to stay! So we’ve been thinking about rainy day activities for our children (and us!)

Many indoor activities can be adapted for disabled children and adults.

Need to burn energy? Have a kitchen dance party.

Enjoy making things? Cornflour, water and food colouring mixed together makes a natural play dough.

Or maybe a day snuggled up on the sofa watching films is more your style.

Personally, my family used to like putting sandwich bags on our feet and "ice skate" on the kitchen tiles!

Let us know what you're doing and share your suggestions below. We can also answer any questions you may have about keeping your child entertained on rainy days.

Look forward to chatting soon!




  • Jemima_Scope
    Jemima_Scope Posts: 67 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    These ideas sound like lots of fun! We love a living room rave in my house too @Rachel_Scope

    You can buy glow sticks and glow paint in your local craft shop to make it extra fun 😊


  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    That's a great idea @Jemima_Scope! I love a glow stick.

  • SaraC_Scope
    SaraC_Scope CP Network, Scope Posts: 215 Empowering
    edited August 2024

    I love baking and on a rainy day, I'd bake with my gran. She'd be making an apple pie and I'd use the left over pastry to make jam tarts.

    They never looked the prettiest when they came out of the oven, but what 7yr old doesn't love pastry and jam. 😊


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,046 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Well seeing as the skies have opened today, this discussion seems like a great idea!

    I'm a big fan of watching a movie together in the front room, but then you face a few hours arguing over what to watch. So maybe that's not such a great idea. 😆

    Baking some fresh bread is always a great idea though, it makes the house smell so good.

  • Lola_Scope
    Lola_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 45 Family Services

    Hi @Steve_in_The_City I don’t think liking rain is weird. They say there’s no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothing! When my kids were little, we loved a wet weather walk with umbrellas and wellies jumping in puddles and playing Pooh Sticks. It also makes you appreciate coming back into the warm and having a hot chocolate complete with marshmallows. 😊

  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 762 Trailblazing

    Hello @Lola_Scope I've never heard the saying "just the wrong clothing"! I've never heard of Pooh Sticks and I had to Google it! So I guess I am living proof that the older you become, the more you learn!

    One of my favourite movie scenes of all times that make me feel so happy is Gene Kelly "Singing in the Rain".

    I have sung and danced in the rain, but obviously not like Gene Kelly! If I could sing, dance and smile like him I would be a millionaire!

  • Lola_Scope
    Lola_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 45 Family Services

    Hi @Steve_in_The_City Well, they do say you learn something every day and although I’m not sure that Pooh sticks is a vital addition to your knowledge bank it’s good learn new things 😊

    Singing in the rain is an excellent example of happiness in the rain. I also like Breakfast in Tiffany’s, very wet happy, ending.

  • Doris_Scope
    Doris_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 183 Family Services

    Like @Albus_Scope I used to love (and still love) snuggling under a blanket and watching movies. I love seeing the wild or wet weather outside, knowing I am cosy inside.

    Also like @Steve_in_The_City I love being out in wet weather. Especially at the beach with the roaring waves and the wind. As @Lola_Scope said, as long as you are dressed in the right clothing, there is no such thing as bad weather.


  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 762 Trailblazing

    Hi @Doris_Scope Here goes! I loved your post about roaring waves and the wind! When I was a young lad, about 11, we moved from London to Kings Lynn in Norfolk. Hunstanton was our local seaside resort and wasn't very far away. My late and much loved Aunty Ardrey came to visit from California, and brought her son Craig who is my cousin. He had been brought up in the best circumstances (think middle/upper class California) but like me he is completely adaptable to whatever situation he finds himself him so he settles down into our Council House no problems!. He tells me he wants to go swimming in the sea so that when he goes back to Calif he can tell his friends he went to England and swam in the sea. So I took him to Hunstanton on a bus. He had never been on a bus in his life. The weather was terrible. It was pouring with rain, the wind (which is bad in East Anglia) was blowing a gale and the waves were rocking. Anyway, we went skinny dipping in the roughest of seas and wind. We had a great time swimming together in a unfriendly sea and couldn't stop laughing. It seems to me that some of the best times I have ever had has involved wind and rain.

  • Doris_Scope
    Doris_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 183 Family Services

    That's fantastic @Steve_in_The_City

    What a memory ☺️

  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 762 Trailblazing

    Hi! I know I am off topic and thread, but anything to do with wild weather gets to me. I am sorry about that. Yet like the poem says "way leads onto way". You get a thought in your mind and suddenly so many memories come flooding back. The memories are happy and it is all to do with being in wild and desolate places. I was in a sandstorm once in Nevada and I just loved it. Travel was impossible (I was meant to be going to The Grand Canyon). Yet I just liked the feeling that The Universe has different plans for me; you know what they say about the plans of mice and men. Anyway, I was in Jersey on a bus and completely lost. The most wondrous storm was brewing. The driver brought the bus to a halt and told us this is the end of the line. So a handful of us got off the bus - I don't think anyone knew where we were. At least I didn't. I walked along the beach. The rain was lashing down, there was plenty of thunder and lightening and I just felt so happy. So to get back on topic/thread before I get told off, what you do with kiddies on a rainy day is take them to the seaside!

  • Lola_Scope
    Lola_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 45 Family Services

    I get that @Steve_in_The_City the power to nature is awe inspiring and ultimately we are all at its mercy. As far as going off topic is concerned, it's a community so no worries. Also there is the coffee lounge if you have something you'd like to share and chat about anytime. You don't need to stick to the conversation starters posted there 😊

  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 762 Trailblazing

    Thank you @Lola_Scope Your words are nice and I feel ok.

  • deldora333
    deldora333 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    the best film ever singing in the rain I like being in the rain too

  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 190 Empowering
  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 190 Empowering

    My Mum used to take me and my brothers on to Dartmoor and get MUDDY/WET and laugh our socks off

  • egister
    egister Posts: 756 Empowering

    Who can say how the climate in his place of residence has changed over the past 20-30-40 years?

  • bashaa
    bashaa Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    He tells me he wants to go swimming in the sea so that when he goes back to calif he can tell his friends he went to England and swam in the sea