Moving to a different town due to disability, I want to know if I have to start a whole new UC claim

JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
edited August 2024 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi Everyone hope you are all doing well.

I have a question to ask.

Could someone please help and point me in the right direction?

I am on UC, LCWRA and housing benefit, plus PIP which shouldn't make a difference on the PIP side of things apart from an address change.

I have finally been granted a new home due to my disabilities through the council and have been offered a better home with a housing association to help me cope.

My question is, even though the new home is not far from me, it is listed in another town.

Will I have to make a new claim and will I have to go to the job center which is nearer to the new home to do this, I truly hope not as I cant get around very well at all and it would stress me terribly to have to do this at this point of my life.

I don't go to a job center anymore because I am on LCWRA and am unable to work.

So, I'm not really sure what I must do. I know I need to make a change in my UC journal regarding my address, but other than that, I'm really not sure.

Do you really have to do a new claim if you move house when on LCWRA, UC and Housing allowance already?

I am still waiting for my view date for the new property which should be next week now but it has already taken them a month since they offered the property to me, so maybe there was a lot for them to do to it before I can view it.

Many thanks and

Warm Regards

Jay-Jay x x



  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    Hi Jay,

    If you were managed migrated and you had transitional protection, then you would lose that. As it would be a new town and potentially new landlords, possibly even council.

    You would of course need to tell PIP a change of address and Doctor if you are changing.

    You might be called into the new job centre as they are not going to know you, just for a chat.

    You will have better people than myself that will advise you better than I can, as I know very little about UC, but I do know about TP and that will end because of a change of circumstance.

    Good luck with the move.

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 286 Empowering
  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Hi Needhelpandadvice Thank you for responding but I'm not really sure what you are saying and don't understand the lingo you are using regarding migration and protection and also what TP is. So I'm a little lost at present.

    Warm Regards


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I'm afraid I dont know all the answers @JayJayJuliette but I just wanted to say a huge cograts on the new place, that's ace news!

    As far as I know, you'll have to do the usual change of address etc with all of your benefits, but I'm not 100% sure on any changes to housing allowance? I'm guessing there will be due to the change of area. Hopefully one of the super smart regulars will be in to give you a definitive answer soon. 😁

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Hi Albus, nice to hear from you and hope you are well.

    Thanks for the positive wishes on the new home, haven't got to see it yet but hope there is not too much work for me to have to do on it.

    Its always nice to hear from you Albus and thank you for responding

    Warm Regards

    Jay-Jay x

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @JayJayJuliette If you were on ESA previously, but you had a letter to say that we need for you to move onto universal credit, if you were in the support group then that is managed migration.

    ESA transferred onto Universal credit

    Transition protection is where you was paid £500 on ESA, you would get £500 on UC so you do not lose any money.

    If that happened to you, and you do a change of circumstance happens, such as moving towns, landlords etc, your protected money is not protected any more.

    So your £500 may now be £400 because you lost your protection.

    If you was not managed migrated then someone that knows more about UC will be able to tell you more than I know about the thing.

    Hope this clears things up a bit better for you

  • Chris321
    Chris321 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    @JayJayJuliette If you have been receiving UC for more than a year you won't be receiving a transitional protection as this lasts for only one year. As for making a new claim for UC at your new address I'm not really sure. Under the old Housing Benefit Scheme you certainly would have to make a new claim with the new Local Authority. I really do not want to confuse things but have you checked the tenancy agreement for the new property? Are there any support charges contained within the rent charge? Is the new property classed as supported accommodation? The Housing Association would tell you this. I mention this as if it is supported accommodation the rent costs would be claimed from the Local Authority and not UC. Also last thing to remember is to claim Council Tax Support from the new LA. UC may tell you that they will inform the LA that you want to claim Council Tax Support but I would advise you to claim directly.with the Council.Good lick in you new home

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Hi Needhelppandadvice thank you for explaining and I understand now.

    I have never been on ESA so that explains why I did not understand your communication prior.

    Thank you ever so much for trying to help, I really appreciate it very much.

    Warm Regards


  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Hi Chris thank you for responding but truthfully I am getting even more confused as I have been on UC for over a year and was put onto LCWRA last year November so I am not sure where transitional protection comes into this as I was never on ESA and have never heard of transitional protection.

    The housing association have already approved me with my UC, Housing allowance, LCWRA and PIP criteria.

    Or maybe I'm just not getting something you are telling me.

    Many thanks again for responding

    Warm Regards


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    There seems to be a lot of confusion and incorrect information going on in this thread.

    @Needhelpandadvice Transtional protection doesn't end simply by moving house. It will only end if you're going from a joint to single or vice versa or you're moving house and your housing element is increased to more than your TP.

    @Chris321 You're advice is not quite correct in all cases. TP only ends after 1 year if you migrated from Tax credits and had more than £16,000 in capital/savings when you migrated across. For everyone else TP lasts for as long as it lasts and that will depend on each individual case, some people's TP may only last a few months, while others may last many years.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited August 2024

    @JayJayJuliette That's fantastic news on the new home, I'm very happy for you and know just how exciting and nerve wracking this is as I only moved house myself at the beginning of the year. I hope you'll be very happy in your new home!!

    You will not be claiming help through housing benefit unless you're currently living in either supported or temporary housing, otherwise your rent will be paid in with your UC known as housing element.

    You won't have to make a new claim for UC because you're already claiming it. Once you move house you will need to log into your journal and report a change of circumstances, then click "where you live and what it costs" and then report it through there. As you'll be living in social housing, you will not need to provide a tenancy agreement because they will contact your landlord directly. You will just need to give the name of your landlord. (social housing)

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if you don't have some advice and a step by step guide from social housing because this is what happened when I moved at the start of the year. The guide included information for myself and my daughter.

    There will be no other changes to your UC and your LCWRA and standard allowance will just continue as normal.

    It's highly unlikely that you will need to attend any appointments for this because everything can be done through your journal.

    If you need anymore advice please do just ask and as always I'll be more than happy to advise you further.

    Please do let me know how you get on with the house move.

    Now for the Transitional Protection and managed migration confusion. This will only apply to you if you were previously claiming the old legacy benefits such as Income Related ESA/JSA, Income Support, Tax credits and housing benefit and received a letter asking you to apply for UC. If you didn't and I don't think you did then you can ignore that information because it doesn't apply to you. I hope this helps.

  • Chris321
    Chris321 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Thank you Poppy. I stand corrected. UC is a very different animal. Apologies if I caused the poster any confusion

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    No worries. Yes, I completely agree. It's taken me several years to understand it and I'm still learning. It's a minefield.

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Dearest Poppy, my guardian angel as I like to call you, (hope you don't mind me calling you that but you are always there for me, and appreciate that so much x ) Thank you for the advice.

    Yes I am really excited and also very nerve-wrecked as it will take all my savings to make the place nice and homely for me and my kitties Angel and Lunna.

    The home has so much potential but does need a lot of work. cleaning/scrubbing, painting, moving radiators to be able to fit the furniture into the place, plus flooring and with obviously being disabled I can't do the work myself, and have to pay contractors to do the work for me.

    But the environment is so lovely and peaceful and there are no through roads, so the kitties will be safe and happy to walk around the well-maintained gardens.

    It's a 60+ environment which also makes it lovely for me, and the other residents take great pride and care of their bungalows and make the entire environment so pretty, so I am sure once all the work is done it's going to be the most wonderful forever home for me and I will be so excited to move into it.

    The two ladies I have dealt with at the HA have been wonderful, 1. the housing coordinator and 2 the finance lady, she has given me lots of advice and been so kind, so I am sure when I sign the contract I will get more advice like you did, well let's hope so anyway :)

    Thanks again dear Poppy and yes I will let you know how the move went but it will be weeks before I move in as I am still waiting for my view date which is hopefully next week, and then all the work on it needs to still be done.

    I already know I am going to accept it as it just feels right for me and my fur babies to live out the rest of our lives :)

    Lots of love and hugs always

    Jay-Jay x x x

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing

    Hi - I'm so pleased to read you've found your 'forever home.' I now live in mine, & like yours, no through roads & a lovely environment where everyone looks after their bungalows & gardens. Mine's a Park Home, & mainly older people, tho my son & his wife live here too, which is great for me.

    My neighbours have become my friends, & it's safe for my cat Shadow. I look forward to hearing how yourself, Angel & Lunna settle in, & wish you all the best for your house move. Keep us all informed, please 😊

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Hi Chiarieds How sweet of you thank you so much, I'm so glad you are happy about your forever home, sounds so lovely there.

    Its funny but I wanted to call Lunna shadow as he is all black but he was a young very insecure rescue and I didn't want to confuse him and wanted to build his trust as he had been so abused, so I left him with the name Lunna. He turned into the most wonderful loving funny and playful cat and very talkative.

    Thank you for your message and will let you know when I move in, but first there is so much to do to make it livable for me and my fur babies.

    I will attach before and after photos.

    I was a hands-on interior designer for over 25 years so it should turn out well, just sad that I can no longer do the work and have to use my savings on the labor for contractors to do the work :(

    Warm Regards and hugs

    Jay-Jay x x

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    @JayJayJuliette aww that's so lovely, thank you. I don't mind if you call me that. ☺️ I'm always more than happy to be able to advise you.

    I'm sorry it took so long today but I have been with my grandchildren all day and didn't have a great deal of time to comment on many threads, until a got home.

    Your new home sounds wonderful! and lovely and safe for your cats too. I love cats too by the way and so does my daughter, we also have a cat named Alfie. It may take a while for them to settle but once they are I'm sure they will also love their new home.

    I too had to spend all my savings on my new home, new flooring, decorating, the garden, white goods, curtains, blinds and the removals but it was so worth it and I know you'll feel the same too. My neighbours are wonderful and I couldn't ask for better. I'm very grateful for this because neighbours are a worry when you move house.

    It's good to know that you've already had some advice from your LA, I'm sure that will continue once you sign the tenancy agreement.

    I just wanted to let you know that I'll be away on holiday from 7th to 19th September and I won't be on the forum during that time. Just incase you wonder where I am.

    I'm sure there will be someone that can advise you, should you need it. I know my dear friend @chiarieds has really good knowledge with UC because she's learnt a lot from myself and some other members and past members. I'm sure she will only be too happy to help, if she's online. 😊 There's also some other members here that have knowledge with UC too, so you won't be alone.

    Hopefully you're not waiting too much longer to view it! 😊❤️

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing

    Sounds like you'll make your new home great! Shadow was abandoned near me; I couldn't initially think of a name, but she just follows me around; she's very mischievous, but also very loving….sat on me right now.

    Thank you so much for your warm regards, & I look forward to seeing your photos!

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