Moving to a different town due to disability, I want to know if I have to start a whole new UC claim



  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    So glad to hear Shadow found and chose you, they really do choose their forever humans because they are so darn smart :) And she sounds absolutely delightful.

    Warm Regards as always Chiarieds x x

    Jay-Jay x x

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Hi Poppy, sounds like you had a wonderful time with the Grandchildren.

    Its so good to hear you are a cat fan, I knew you were when I first saw your profile picture and truthfully it made me very emotional as your cat looks like my beloved pure white cats Summer and Breeze, who I had for many years. I said goodbye to Breeze when he was just 11 years old because of stomach cancer and I said goodbye to Summer who reached the age of 16 in 2020 whilst we were all in lockdown and the vet gave me a very hard time trying to not let me say goodbye to her because of the restrictions, but I demanded it and they had no choice but to let me. My heart broke when I lost them both.

    And then I found and rescued Angel and Lunna who were being abused horribly.

    So as you can tell by now I am a huge cat fan.

    Poppy I do hope you have the most wonderful holiday and thank you for suggesting Chiarieds if I need advice, she is a very sweet lady.

    I think I will be OK all I have left to confront now is the Tribunal thing which I am obviously not looking forward to, the DWP have until the 5th of September to respond and then I will probably need some advice if they don't, or if they do, what to do next.

    I've attached a few photos of my Kitties' past and present.

    Thank you so much for all your help

    Lots of love and hugs ๐Ÿ˜Š โค๏ธ

    Jay-Jay x x x ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ

    P.S. Is the white cat on your profile picture Alfie? ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ป

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    @JayJayJuliette sorry for the delay againโ€ฆ grandchildren, daughter, haircut and getting ready for my holiday are all my distractions at the moment. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Yes my profile picture is Alfie, he's 11 years old and an indoor cat, although he does like to sit in the garden under my Hydrangea. He means everything to myself and my daughter and we love him to bits.

    I'm sorry my profile picture made you emotional but I can see why because Summer and Breeze looked so much like Alfie, wow. I'm so sorry you lost them both. ๐Ÿ˜”

    I can't even imagine what my life would be like without Alfie. Some may say he's just a cat but he's not just a cat, he's part of my family and my baby.

    Awww Angel and Luna are beautiful and I hope they've helped heal your heart after losing Summer and Breeze. They sure are the best company aren't they?

    I'm sure we will have the best holiday. I just can't wait to get on that plane and into the hot weather and do nothing but relax.

    Don't be too alarmed if DWP do not respond by that date because they very often don't.

    Here's some better pictures of Alfie. โค๏ธ

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    edited August 2024

    Thank you for the photos of your cats (sadly passed, & joyously present), Jay-Jay. Well Shadow just had to join in. Here she is:

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Aww Shadow is just so adorable and I've had the real pleasure of meeting her.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Since there's a bunch of cats here, I'll add my Suki ๐Ÿ™‚

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    @poppy123456 Hi๐Ÿ˜Š I am sorry my response has been a couple of days, I've been in a lot of pain and couldn't sit at the computer for a couple of days, but I am feeling better today and wanted to get back to you before your holiday starts and am sure you are crazily rushing around and organizing things before you go.

    Alfie is beautiful and really reminds me of my Breezey boy very much and Alfie looks very happy and content I love the photos you sent.

    The pic I've attached is of Breeze 2 years before I had to put him to sleep sitting in his cat tree, he was ever so special Poppy and not one day went by without him making me burst out laughing, he really was such a funny character and a mummy's boy to.

    My Summer girl mourned him for over 7 months it was so sad and made my heart bleed as myself and Summer really missed him so much.

    Ive also added the last picture I took of My Summer girl who was over 16 years old before I had to put her to sleep also.

    I always said no more pets after Summer and Breeze as I was getting older but I believe Summer had other plans for me as I found Angel and Lunna dying under a bush in my garden not long after I said goodbye to Summer. I didn't want them but knew I had to help them and save them and then of course ended up keeping them because they were so grateful and so sweet.

    Poppy you are 100% correct of how good company cats are, and all of mine have been my little furry children LOL, but they really are my kids.

    I really hope you have the most wonderful holiday Poppy and soak up that lovely warmth and sunshine and have the most relaxing time of your life.

    Lots of love and hugs

    Jay-Jay Angel and Lunna x x x โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ’

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    @chiarieds Hi ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh my, what a beautiful little girl Shadow is and I can tell you spoil her which she of course 100% deserves as all cats do LOL!

    Thank you for sharing your pretty girl with me, she made me smile ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Warm Regards

    Jay-Jay x x

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor


    Well Hello there Suki what a pleasure to meet you oh and you also Jimm LOL๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    Suki is very beautiful and such a lovely color, very unusual which of course makes her extra special. I am sure she is the queen of the house. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜น

    Thank you for sharing her with us as it is always nice to be connected to cat fans.

    Warm Regards

    Jay-Jay ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    When we were going through adoption sites we saw her and immediately thought the same! She's an unusual but lovely colour and pattern. We didn't even need to think about it that much. She certainly has the rule of the house, though she's smart enough to know she isn't allowed on the dining table and kitchen worktops at least. I can't say the smarts go much beyond that though when she's usually chasing her tail when not sleeping. ๐Ÿ˜น

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    @JayJayJuliette I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well but glad you're now feeling a little better.

    Thank you for sharing that story, it did bring tears to my eyes. So sad that Summer missed Breeze so much when he went over the rainbow bridge.

    I can't believe how much Breeze looked like my Aflie, goodness me. I can't quite see the colour of his eyes, were they blue or green or one of each? Alfie's eyes are both blue, which is very rare in white cats.

    I can see Summer looks a little like him too but not as much as Breeze.

    I'm sure that they both brought Angel and Luna too you and what a fitting name Angel is. They knew that living alone without the love of another cat wouldn't have been good for you. Aww it's so sweet.

    My daughter would give anything to have another cat but I won't let her ๐Ÿ˜‚Alfie would be far too jealous because he's so spoilt. They are wonderful company, I love the evenings when Alfie comes downstairs and sits on the sofa with me. At night when it's time for bed he will look at me and meow, as if he's saying "come on mammy, it's time for bed now, lets go and have a cuddle." Then he follows me upstairs and waits on the bedroom floor for me to get into bed before going on the bed himself. ๐Ÿ˜

    Yes, I have been busy buying some last minute things for my holiday but I'm all done now. I just have to finish off packing the cases and then wait for Saturday. I can't wait to have some sun! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Poppy, Aflie sounds so adorable he really does. Breeze had green eyes and I'm not sure if you know this but white cats with blue eyes 9 times out of 10 are actually deaf or partially deaf if they have one bue eye, it's pretty much a known fact but maybe Alfie is the lucky 1% and isn't. many people don't even realize they are deaf as the cats learn to adapted as they have never known anything else. A vet first told me about it when I got summer as a little kitten and when I looked it up on the internet I found it to be true and all over the world as well, it was amazing to me how they functioned so normally and you couldn't tell by watching the videos of them, but all of them were indoor cats as they preferred it that way. It was so super sweet watching them and how sweet they were.

    I think you are right about Summer and Breeze sending me Angel and Lunna as it was only 2 months after Summer went of the rainbow bridge. Sorry if I made you sad with the story, it wasn't my intention Poppy.

    I agree Breeze looked like Alfie, and I have other photos where he is actually the spitting image of Alfie. ( now you know why when I saw your profile picture I got emotional)

    Isnt funny about the bedtime thing, Angel and Lunna do the same and Breeze also used to come and Meow at me to come to bed when I was on the computer too late. It's so sweet that Alfie waits for you to get into bed first, what a little gentleman he is, I love that. Cats are so amazing and so misunderstood by many people around the world. But I do believe social media is educating people now of their intelligence as there are so many cat videos all over the internet nowadays.

    I understand now after studying them for most of my life why the Egyptians worshiped them so much and made them sacred.

    I am so happy you are almost done organizing for your holiday and just have the packing to do.

    I know you will have a wonderful time as I can feel it already.

    Have fun Poppy and see you when you get back. Till then wishing you all the best and all the fun you can possibly have.

    Lots of love and hugs as always

    Jay-Jay x x x

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Thank you, he really is so adorable and very loving. Yes, I did know that about white cats with blue eyes. Alfie is in the 1% he's definitely not deaf or even partially deaf. He will hear a pin drop, literally. He hates loud noises, shouting, hoovers and even my grandchildren ๐Ÿ™„he's just very scared of the children and the same for them with him. I think it's because Alfie is not a small cat at 7kg, he's quite a giant.

    He's actually a Siamese so I would also say that breeze was too because they look identical. The reason he's white is because he has no pigmentation which is what makes the Siamese change colour. I don't know if you know that. In different lights you can see the off white colours in his fur, which should have been where he would have changed colour.

    We've had him since he was 7 weeks old and didn't know at the time he was a Siamese. If you look at their temperaments online, it matches the way he is perfectly.

    It's incredible how much Breeze looked like him, even down to the way he's laying and his expression on his face, is exactly what Alfie does.

    I've had cats all my life and never had a cat like him. He's almost human and will talk to me too, as well as give cuddles and kisses. When we go to bed, he will put his head on my hand and that's how we go to sleep. ๐Ÿ˜

    I can definitely see why you were so emotional when you seen my profile picture and I'm sorry it upset you so much. I would have been the same to be honest. You didn't make me sad in a bad way and I know you didn't intentionally do that.

    Yes the Egyptians love their cats and I've experienced that in real life because we went there on holiday last year.

    It is so sweet that Angel and Lunna also tell you it's time for bed. I'm so glad you found them, saved them and took them in to love them.

    We will no doubt have a wonderful holiday but we will miss Alfie very much and I know he will miss us too. This is the downside about holidays.

    No doubt we will talk once I'm home. Thank you also for being so lovely! โค๏ธ

  • JayJayJuliette
    JayJayJuliette Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Hi Poppy it's so good to hear Alfie is in the 1% and it's funny you say he is a Siamese as Breezy wasnt but Summer definitely was, even the vet told me this when she was a tiny 6-week-old kitten, and she sure did behave like one that's for sure, Summer always did what Summer wanted to do and if I told her off she would complain vocally at me and even hit my finder when I was telling her off๐Ÿคฃ Her legs and body were also like a Siamese. Both her and Breeze were pure pure white like snow, no other shades in a different light.

    They really were beautiful and friends always said to me they are so perfect they look like book ends ๐Ÿคฃ

    Summer was bigger and older than Breeze but Breeze was heavier 8kg and a little piggy and Summer was 6kg and always ate like a little bird. I used to call her Miss Madam and Breeze Little Lord Fauntleroy plus several other nicknames๐Ÿ˜‚

    In the picture, I first sent you with them both together Breeze is the one with the smaller head and his little pint nose showing on the left.

    It's been so lovely talking to you about Alfie and my kitties and given me so many smiles, thank you๐Ÿ˜Š he sounds so wonderful and yes you will all miss each other but they do forgive us eventually after we get home after being away.

    I too have had cats my whole life but never such a bond with any quite like I did with my beloved Breeze he was always by my side and jealous of me giving Summer attention, but to him I was his world and loved kisses and cuddles, Summer didn't like kisses but she did like sitting on my lap and at bedtime would never give up her place on the bed which was facing me with her head on the pillow looking at me when I slept.

    I did have a couple of questions I wanted to ask you before you went on holiday if you don't mind.

    Firstly, RE PIP. The DWP is supposed to have responded to the courts by tomorrow and I know you said sometimes they can often be late, but what if they don't is my question and how will the court get my pack if the DWP doesn't respond or send it to me? Hope I'm making sense.

    And secondly. I am still waiting for my view date for the bungalow and it's been over a month now ๐Ÿคจ But Poppy was your place in a bit of a state when they handed it over to you because they have told me that they won't clean it or fix much of it up. This place hasn't been touched in 20 years, they have removed the asbestos tiles thank goodness but the filth is pretty bad and you can hardly see through the windows, never mind about the buckled and bent shelves in all the cupboards. I just thought I would ask.

    It's not that I am ungrateful because I am but I have explained to them about my spinal disabilities and all they said was this is just what it is and that someone else would take it like that, which I do understand when people are desperate.

    But was wondering if you went through the same thing. They said they would give me a paint voucher but it won't be enough to do the whole place and now I understand why, as the ceiling's walls and woodwork haven't been touched for 20 years and the walls are like a 1970s darkish royal blue๐Ÿ˜•. They also said to me some housing associations do paint for older people but Westward Housing, which is who they are, doesn't do any of that kind of thing.

    It's been really nice connecting with you Poppy and think you are also a lovely person, thank you for being you๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ

    Love and hugs

    Jay-Jay x x x

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Sorry for the delay, another busy day with my grandchildren. Sometimes I get time to answer a few questions very quickly but longer comments, threads need more time and that's something I can't spare when I'm with them.

    How strange that Breeze wasn't a Siamese, yet he looked so much like Alfie. It was a vet that confirmed it to me that he was when he was about 6 months old. I have no doubts that he is and his personality gives it all away because he behaves exactly like one.

    Breeze and Summer both sound so adorable and it's so sad the way you lost them both. Memories are wonderful aren't they?

    If anything happened to Alfie I have no doubts that eventually I would have another Siamese. Although I could never ever replace him. He's one of a kind and my baby.

    For your PIP, they will respond and before they do they will review your claim. Sometimes they may ring to offer an award or a higher award at this stage but NOT always.

    I'm sorry you're waiting so long to view the bungalow. I didn't think I would be offered mine because 5 weeks after placing the bid I hadn't heard anything and thought someone else had probably been offered it. Even though I couldn't see anything online to suggest it had been offered. Then the phone call came in the middle of the week to offer it to me, which I think was a Wednesday. There was a short delay with the viewing because they wanted my OT to be there as well so had to wait until the following Monday. I viewed it, loved it, accepted it and signed the tenancy agreement a couple of days later, I think. Moved in about a month later.

    It had been empty for about 6 months and the previous tenant was an older lady in her 80's. It was very clean and it didn't smell at all but the decoration was really nasty. 90's wallpaper on every wall, dark brown banister rails up the stairs, brown doors on all rooms. My bedroom was the worst of all and I needed sunglasses to go in there, no kidding ๐Ÿ˜‚

    They didn't give me any vouchers for paint, I had to buy all that myself and paid an absolute fortune for a painter and decorator to come and do the living room, landing and stairs. However, I know from past experience that the vouchers they give are only for a very small amount, hardly worth it really to be honest.

    The kitchen was brand new and only recently put in not long before I viewed it. The bathroom and toilet wasn't new but it's nice enough and both rooms are fully tiled. It has a walk in shower room but no bath.

    There were some issues with the boiler and most of the inside doors wouldn't shut so had to call them out for those but they came within a few weeks and before I moved in which was good. The boiler was also sorted before I moved in.

    All in all, I was very happy.

    I have in the past moved into a social housing property that was disgusting, smelly, dirty and just eww.

    Sadly, they don't seem to be bothered about the state of the properties and often do not check them over before a new tenant moves in. It is disappointing when the property hasn't at least been cleaned but it's the way it is.

    If you're offered it, you'll make it your own and turn it from a "house" into a home. It won't be done overnight but eventually you'll get there. โค๏ธ

    It's been lovely talking to you too and I'll be back once I'm home from holiday.

    I'm always so grateful for all the lovely things you say and I know you're always grateful for the advice I've given and that means a lot.

    I've never been any different and love helping others as much as I can anyway.

    Hopefully, when I get back I'll have some good news that you've been offered your new home. Please private message me anytime you want to! โค๏ธ (if you know how to do that) if you don't then I'll be more than happy to message you first and you can just reply.