Help with Capita and PIP



  • Robbo76
    Robbo76 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    fingers crossed for you

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Glad to hear there's been some progress @jamesG93 it can feel like an eternity waiting for the decision, so I'd recommend finding things to take your mind off it. I'm keeping everything crossed for you. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    Thank you when I get the result I'll put a little message about the out come, all the best with yours Robbo aswell mate.

  • Ricky_2024
    Ricky_2024 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hello everyone I am Ela unfortunately I sent my passport to the address Personal Independence Payment 2 ,Mail Handling Site A
    Wolverhampton ,WV98 1AB
    On 19th of August through freepost .the documents have not yet arrived and I called several times but they said it has not arrived yet. How long will it take? Has anyone had a similar problem because I am afraid of losing my passport. Thanks

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    It's not unusual for it to take a while for it to be added to the system and there was also a back holiday in-between that too. Give it another couple of weeks and then ring again to ask. I'm assuming you included a letter or something with your name and NI number on it?

  • Ricky_2024
    Ricky_2024 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    thank you dear Fro your reply Unfortunately, I forgot to put the letter with my ย National Insurance (NIN )inside the envelope, they only have my address

    and I need my passport before September 10, and before sending it, I asked them how long it would take.

  • Malcolm2417
    Malcolm2417 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hello everybody

    I had a assessment 4 weeks ago and I am still waiting to hear about the results and with this new system that the government is bringing in I an really getting stressed with it all

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Not putting your NI number on the letter could be why there's a delay. What's the reason you need it before 10th September? If they haven't received it yet then it's unlikely you will receive it back by that date.

    What new system? There isn't one because nothing has been announced. All we've had is nothing but speculation..

  • Ricky_2024
    Ricky_2024 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    I informed them that I forgot that letter and they said that the passport should be returned to you. 10th I need the passport for a trip that I have already booked but unfortunately I don't think I can go.

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    Nearly midnight typing this but I've only just read my PA4 at the end it says Based on the claimants likely future circumstances, it would be appropriate to review the claim in 2 years I assume it's a good sign? Hoping for some good news ๐Ÿ˜….

  • ricky1040
    ricky1040 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Empowering

    I get what Ur saying. When I do something I always want everything to go perfectly. But the reality is it very rarely is. I really hope you get the outcome you hope for but in mean time probably try really hard not to fixate on it. Like poppy said earlier try and find something else to focus on.

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    I only ask because I don't know what it means and as I said it's from the PA4 likely that the assessor will go with it maybe not aswell. I was curious if anybody new what it meant or has seen it before.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    That doesn't really mean anything. I've know them do that when there's no award recommended.

    Have you added up any potential recommended points from the report? If you haven't then in the report you'll see activities and descriptors. Next those there will be either a dot or a tick next to either A, B, C, D etc etc. Use the PIP self test and transfer those dots/ticks from the report into the self test. At the end it will add them up and tell if there's enough of points needed for an award. See link for the self test,

    They mostly go with the report but it has been known for them to go against it.

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    Oh so I probably haven't got it then.

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    Thanks I'll do that now poppy.

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    Rite ok so I did add the scores up and from it what it said at the end I've been awarded 15 points for daily living & for mobility I've been awarded 20 pints it did state enhanced on both of them, just have to wait now to see if that's the end result but it looks Asif the assessor has been genuine and decided no turn my one bad.

  • Robbo76
    Robbo76 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    jamesG93 fingers crossed sounds positive, finally got an appointment for my assessment on the 19th. Very very anxious about it, terrified of saying the wrong thing

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    Thanks bud, I now how you're feeling I was the same dude I was very very anxious. My preparation was with my sister listing everything form the pip from in question order to go back to during the phonecall better to have someone with you if you can dude back up support.

    Really hope it goes good for you mate it is a nightmare I'm not 100 percent on mine it was just the assessors report and the self assesment but it is the same questions so that was the outcome.

  • Robbo76
    Robbo76 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Thanks and all the best, let us know the outcome

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    Sorry if I did annoy anyone here with the questions and stuff my ADHD is pretty bad at the moment and still waiting for the right to choose just wanted to apologise haven't received any treatment for it yet so it's making things hard.