New Government

wendy1 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering
edited September 2024 in Current affairs

Well i have made my mind up and come to the conclusion that Labour are just as heartless if not not worse than the Tories. As I've said before, why don't MPs take less of a salary. I hate to think what this Country will be like in a years time, Labour will be giving nothing to anyone and now their talking about increasing the retirement age. I can see they will have a lot of deaths on their hands



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    What they did yesterday was inhumane a sad sad day soul destroying couldn't stop crying for our elderly community Labour are definitely worse than tories never though I'd ever say that never ! I'm dreading whats next absolutely dreading v

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,295 Championing

    I used to be a labour member.

    This is not the labour I used to support.

    I had a feeling what thos lot were like so made sure they didn't get my vote.

    I've never and I mean literally never seen so many disabled people online and in person trying so desperately to get off the toxic thing.

  • older01
    older01 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor


    This Labour Party call themselves the New Labour Party. Their callous disregard for the lives of the less fortunate in society might be a new turning point for Labour, but itโ€™s all too familiar from their opposition. The very party that we voted out of office - the Tory Party. This is something that people found wholly wrong and turned to Labour in the hope that they would be the party of the people. Sadly not so. This morning I have seen that their cutbacks for the poorest in society have had 0% impact on the economy.

    This should speak volumes that penalising the poor does not pay. It lessens support. It leads to a serious lack of confidence in the Government and their ability to control not only the economy, but also their compassion for the less privileged in society. I do think that the Deputy Prime Minister has a much clearer understanding of poverty and itโ€™s impact on people than Starmer and his Chancellor. They seem more interested in emptying prisons than caring. Out of touch is the rhetoric coming from Downing Street.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    What can we do wait till they come for us is there anyone who can stick up for elderly and disabled

  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,666 Empowering

    Note from online community team:

    Hello everyone,

    We want this discussion to continue, but weโ€™re concerned that things are becoming quite tense and could easily escalate.

    Please remember that all discussions on Scopeโ€™s online community should remain civil, supportive, and safe.

    We will continue to closely monitor this discussion, but if it escalates further, we may choose to pause, close, or even hide the discussion.

    For more information, please read ourย online community house rules.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    Yes I agree could you delete my comment thankyou

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    All done @Catherine21

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    @Nightcity @Community_Scope Don't think this is escalation or anything, just statement of fact. I have just left the Labour Party. I refuse to be part of this. The contempt for fact, for the public, is just total. No attempt to explain why pensioners alone were singled out. Thrown any old nonsense from the run on the pound to 'no choice'. Reeves the robot parrot offering no examination of possible other ways of filling that black hole. No mention of or examination of the very different housing situations of pensioners, from owning their homes outright to being on Housing Benefit. Etc.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    I find it absolutely devastating couldn't stop crying yesterday and today a deep feeling of sadness the tories didn't even do that! I dread the 30th for the whole of the uk ! Is there anything we can do to stop such cruelty it's actually inhumane

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    You're fine @Cantilip ๐Ÿ˜Š We understand the need to vent, we just don't want to scare people or jump to conclusions when we don't have answers yet. It's a worrying time for all of us. We just need to be mindful of what we say.

  • older01
    older01 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor

    I can only extend my sympathy to anyone affected by the new cutbacks that are or may affect them.

    I make no apologies for my concern for others that are less fortunate than myself.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing
  • wendy1
    wendy1 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering
    edited September 2024

    Well I'm glad I didn't vote for Labour and i hope yous that did vote for them are happy at what they are planning to do. Im disgusted that they are now going to make single people pay more council tax and force the long term sick into work. They are not humans, they are selfish and heartless to say the least. I just hope Stamer has eyes at the back off his head because he and his party are upsetting a lot off people.


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    No I agree I'm beside myself as we all are we been warned !! Tough choices been made so its going to be torturous what to do where to turn?

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    We do not know what the government plan to do yet, and until we do we need to try and not make assumptions as they can cause unnecessary stress. Avoid scaremongering websites and use legitimate sources. We're all in the same boat and we want you to be able to vent, but we also want you to be aware that a lot of websites only want to sow fear into everyone and they make claims that are not based in fact.

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    The most awful or alternatively the funniest part of it (depends on your sense of humour) is I read that if excellent wonderful and brilliant work by charities etc gets most pensioners claiming what they are entitled to, there won't be any saving to speak of.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    IIt's Easy to say that but obviously it's not going to be a bed of roses we are expressing that's all of course peoples scared fearful from what The goverment been saying not us no disrespect

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    edited September 2024

    Totally understand @Catherine21. The online community team all have disabilities and share the same worries as you. I said that we're happy for you all to vent, just be cautious as to what news sources you use as there's a lot of misinformation out there.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing


  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,158 Trailblazing


    I didn't vote Labour either.

    I understand that a lot of people wanted rid of the Tories and assumed that Labour may be more compassionate but I could see right through them.

    I am dreading what they may have in store for the disabled community.

    I fear I may lose the roof over my head.

    I am going to lose my single person council tax discount.

    Goodness knows how I will be able to afford it as I am already struggling to make ends meet. ๐Ÿ˜“