M R overturned!

Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
Hi guys just to let you all know i have had my M R overturned to my favour from dwp.
It is such a great relief.
I am buzzing as to say...
It is such a great relief.
I am buzzing as to say...
Hi @sundontshine123 So happy for you. I rang about mine today and it's back with the DM after they consulted ATOS again for the 3rd time. Can't think why. Still am feeling optimistic that I'll be celebrating with you soon.4
hi @wildlife Thank you im actually buzzing i did it.
So yours has gone to yet another person as each time there sent back for re-work someone new has to look at it.
Fingers toes crossed for you.
I really did not think i would get it overturned as i only had 2 points lol.
I got original award back had before so i am happy now.
All i can say i am no great letter writer but i felt assessment was terrible so i complained about that did my M R did not assassinate assessor just concerntrated on my illness and how it effects me, medication urgent fax from mh team.
Anyway 27 pieces of evidence was looked at that was mostly complaints.
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@jose2 Hello @sundontshine123 - just catching up on posts,I'm so pleased for for you, such good news.2
good 4 u.2
Thank you everyone and thank you for listening to me. Cx1
very pleased for you sundontshine.2
Whoop whoop lol
hopefully me next!1 -
So if you do apply for an M R.
only write about your illness and how it effects you and how your medication effects you. Also if you cannot do something safely tell them that.
i did say assessor said i took this medication so many times then underneath in bold FACT
what medication and how many times a day i took it.
so easy to get side tracked into assassinate the assessor, but dont your m r is your chance to. Change things. Plus DWP will just rubberstamp it and your 1 chance is gone.
i sent my m r off sent capita a complaint also about the unfit for purpose report and how bad assessor was. Told them my report was like 3 different people.
Then after m r recieved i did sent letters to Dwp about guidelines not followed by them nor Capita and sent them my complaint letter that was sent to Capita.
i am so gobsmacked i achieved to get my award back.
I wont lie its been absolutely horrendous to go through and im no letter writer but i managed it.3 -
Me too @sundontshine123 had a phone call 5pm today to offer me higher rate mobility which I'm happy with so a double celebration today. I agree about how to do the MR I didn't make a big deal of how bad the assessment was but I did list the reasons given by the assessor for the suggested scores and my argument that they were not valid reasons with a detailed description of how I actually do the activities I disagreed with. For everything I told them I put a reference to the relevant medical evidence. Mind you it wasn't that that changed things. It was a third so called "medical professional" at ATOS who I have to thank for getting it changed. But the fight still goes on to get the assessor to face up to the damage she caused.4
@sundontshine123. fantastic news!!! You must be so relieved, I am very happy for you after all the stress you have had. I am sad though that they put so many People through this needless nightmare. I had a big grin on my face reading about your success :-)2
Meant sticking to your guns xxxx1
I'm so pleased that we are all sharing the positive end result for @sundontshine123 even though it was a challenging journey
lets hope we are all going to be reading many more successful end results :-)2