Purpl Discounts
I think they are moving away from Q - there are no offers and they've repacked everything so changing the way they name their offers. I will email my contact and see what's happening for you but bear with me they don't always reply quickly.
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I know you say you've been with Sky for a long time, but if you're looking to save money, NOW TV is ALOT cheaper. You can get Entertainment, Cinema and Sports all separate. I've been with them for almost 10 years I think and I never pay full price, but even at full price it's cheaper than Sky.
Also, with the documentation uploading to Purpl, there is a document I think linked from the FAQ's page that talks about data protection etc.
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Ohhh interesting I shall have a nosy later
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absolutely we take data very seriously the fines for breaching GDPR would end my business.
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I prefer sky - because we have a Bedroom TV and in any case, you can't record on NOW TV
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Hi Wibbles, just heard back from SKY and they've stopped offering Q sorry. We have these deals and there are others but I just don't have time to add them all but if you let me know if there was something specific I could quickly take a look through their offerings https://www.purpldiscounts.com/brand/jgB7dkTK4cEGwbw9tQls8INB
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You can have a second box in another room with Now TV. It's true you can't record, but why would you need to when you can stream everything? My next episodes always appear in the continue watching, so I don't have to look for them.
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I will try to get some NOW deals. Always worth telling me brands you want to see discounts for.
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Hi Albus hope you are well. Did you have any success with this? Thanks Georgina
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I signed up quickly and easily, thank you.
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Today we announced our partnership with Access Card so if you have an Access Card you can sign up by just adding your details. To join, simply enter your Access Card details exactly as they appear on your card. If you run into any issues, let us know.
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I didn't realise when I posted the comment about it being called Purpl discounts - that purple is the colour for disabilities - although I see it now..
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Yes - but I prefer to chose what I watch (and when) - for example Star Trek voyager - currently being watched for the umpteenth time - it's not on catch up (Sky Mix) and we watch it at lunchtimes following it being shown at 7 pm nightly !
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Ok, I would've thought that Star Trek Voyager would've been available on Now TV as well, but it appears it isn't. I get that, but if it were me, I would buy it on DVD at a cheap price and watch it like that and get rid of the ongoing high cost of SKY.
Plus, if you have a TV licence and it is being shown live on a channel, you can watch live on NOW TV.
Anyway, it's up to you what you do, I just think there is a cheaper way of doing it.
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i am not a fan of the website. i have seen lots of websites like this, and i also knew an owner of a similar site. These sites pretend they are helping disabled people but in reality anyone could set one up. It is just a site using affliate links. So, when you press on the link or buy a product then you are making the website owner money. Very clever marketing but in reality it is just an affliate website. You could do it yourself without a lot of hard work
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It's the lack of "record" that I would miss !