oct 7th not a good day for my mental health.

ernie2009 Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

hi everyone, well my mental health is always bad and anything can push me over the edge but yesterday oct 7th at 5.45pm i had to have my little dog put to sleep and it ripping me apart. ernie my little 15 year old sausage dog was my best mate and im ging to miss him so much . the past few yrs ernie had been through the wars but he was always there for me as i was for him. yesterday he just walked around in circles and his back legs started to go and vet siad he had alzeimers and dementia so it was time to say goodbye to my best friend ernie. ive been up all night in tears as im really going to miss him so much. i just had to tell someone so thanks for listening. rip little ernie im missing you mate xxxx


  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 750 Championing


    I am really sorry to hear about Ernie. It is so heart breaking to lose such a beloved companion. The bond you shared was truly special, and it’s completely normal to feel the depth of that pain right now. Please remember, we’re all here for you if you want to talk. Sending you love and strength during this difficult time. xx

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 1,791 Pioneering

    Hello @ernie2009 I am so sorry to hear about your little dog Ernie. It is very difficult when we loose a loved pet. They become part of the family. Please take care of yourself and know we are here if you want to chat.

  • judie
    judie Community member Posts: 104 Empowering

    My heart is breaking for you. RIP Ernie, sounds like you had a full and meaningful life, giving as much love as you received ❤️

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,395 Online Community Coordinator

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss @ernie2009 losing a furry friend really is as bad as losing a family member, sometimes worse. And I know how devastating doggy dementia can be after I lost my old gal Leeloo to it. So please be gentle with yourself. I'm sure you gave the lil guy the best life and he loved you very much.

    We're all here if you want to chat. ❤️

  • ernie2009
    ernie2009 Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    hello @MW123 @Bluebell21 and @judie MASSIVE thanks to you all for your kind words. im really going to miss little ernie as he was my best mate. its going to be hard very hard. ive just booked his cremation so will keep his ashes untill i go then be scattered together and as one again. i never ever thought id get so emotional over a little dog. thanks again folks your kind words mean so much to me xxxxx

  • luvpink
    luvpink Community member Posts: 374 Empowering


    So sorry to hear about your earnie.

    Its so heartbreaking to lose a much loved companion.

    Its obvious how much you loved him and you gave him a loving home.

    Thinking of you.

    Take care. 🥰

  • ernie2009
    ernie2009 Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    thank you so much @luvpink its been a hard day keep thinking about ernie the sausage dog. ive lost my best mate and its going to take a lot of time to move on. i know he is not sufferring now which dosnt help as im just missing him so much. thank you everyone who sent kind words as it does mean so much ❤️🐶

  • SaraC_Scope
    SaraC_Scope CP Network, Scope Posts: 124 Empowering

    Hi @ernie2009 I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. The love and joy a dog brings to our lives is immeasurable. Please be kind to yourself these next few days. I'm sure he had a wonderful life with you.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Community member Posts: 374 Empowering

    I have lost old cats before and they were my best little mates.

    My brother had to let two elderly dogs go and he loved them dearly.

    Its heartbreaking and deep down we will always miss them.

    We can only gradually adjust without them knowing we gave them their best lives.


  • ernie2009
    ernie2009 Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    hi @SaraC_Scope i have 2 jack russells aswell ellie who is 16 and mollie who is 8 but ernie and me were inseperable thats why its so hard. yes ernie did have a wonderfull life and spent so much time with me. now there a big hole in my life and i just hope it will get a teeny bit easier in the coming wks and months. thank you so much for yor kind words xxx

  • ernie2009
    ernie2009 Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    i lost a little dog when i was 7 and now71 and never forgot how upset i got and now little ernie has gone ive never cried so much. its never easy when they are your best mates or as my wife calls them the kids.