Mental Health - Struggling



  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    Aww sorry to hear that @Meredithshep it's horrible isn't it and it quite often made me not want to be fully honest because I feared having my son taken off of me (he's 31 now), I had various types of abuse as a child and adult and was in an abusive relationship when I had my son, from 14 - 26 (I was 19 when I had my son), so that didn't help much, I also believe I have PMDD so that on top of my mental health really didn't help, I ended up having the IUD and implant and still have the implant to stop my periods because of how bad they make me feel.

    But yeah, the mental health service where I am is poor sadly. When I last referred to one the staff were rude and the woman who would have been assessing me was rubbish, in turn it's put me going back to the GP, I have read that I can ask to be referred to somewhere else though and the woman I had the emotional support from said she'd try and help me in relation to be referred when/if I felt up to it.

    Thanks for the responses, it's always good when someone understands, I quite often feel like people don't.

  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 76 Contributor

    Mental health services are poor everywhere I think, it's like a one size fits all service with little empathy it's suffering from burnout due to demand. It's hard to trust anyone including doctors and medical people but I know I need them and although it would be easy for me to give up it would not be fair on my family. I actually found mental health services in the 80's to be far superior to what we have now.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    I found that you were offered more sessions previously, now you are offered 6 sessions of CBT, CBT is of no use to me at all, neither is 6 sessions.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering
    edited October 2024

    Thank you @vikki66 :)

  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 76 Contributor

    Ah I had 10 sessions of talking therapy then saw mental health and was given a diagnosis then 14 sessions of intensive CBT. Maybe they will give you more than 6 too

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    If I can find a decent therapist that isn't an abrupt a hole and doesn't blame my weight which I've only had off CBT therapists. I'm not sure CBT is right for me honestly.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    I don't know if anyone else struggles at this time of year but I find it getting dark earlier and the cold weather causes my mental health to become worse, plus it affects my fibro.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    Lol same here about hibernation!

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    I hope everyone's doing ok today :)

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,537 Scope Online Community Specialist

    Hey @Nashota, I do hope you are doing alright just now. Your experiences with the medical centre mirror my partners experience a little. She's had so many issues getting basic issues acknowledged because either nothing ever seems to gets noted or flagged until it's the third or fourth time bringing it up.

    Better than my experience with our previous GP at least, I had to get a letter from my IBD team at the nearby hospital before they would put the "immunosuppressed" flag on my account (for things like flu shots, covid vaccines etc.). I'd been asking them for 6 months at that point. It can be so tiring.

    I hope you find a therapist that works for you as well, it certainly can take a few to get one that genuinely works for you.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    Hi @Jimm_Scope yeah it's hard work isn't it! I don't want to move from the medical centre because the one nearer to me is apparently just as bad if not worse, while it would be great so I don't need to have home visits I don't want to start all over again. I need to have a good think about it.

    See, I have problems with them booking flu jabs without being asked if I want one! My mum has said the her medical centre doesn't do that, they send her a text to say that she is due one and she books it herself which is how it should be. If I want one I can book one at the Boots near me.

    I'm hoping that the practice manager does what she says and does actually deal with the complaint and my medical record concerns, my son has said he'll go in again if she doesn't and I'm also going to contact ICB and possibly CQC if it continues, it shouldn't take 2 years and 8 months to address someone issues.

    I'm always anxious, I think I have GAD along with other MH conditions so I worry about everything and anything. I hope you are ok Jimm.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    I feel a bit sad at the moment, I had an advocate from an Autistic charity, although I've never been diagnosed the advocate who's name is Louisa has been helping or trying to help me with various things such as referrals to OT, the complaint I'm still trying to get the medical centre to properly address (there is an update about that as well actually which I'll explain below), she's helped with benefit forms, written supporting letters for benefits, tried to help me with the council and so on, sadly she's moving on to somewhere else as a benefits adviser and the charity doesn't have any one else who can help with those kinds of things at the moment, although I think I'd feel a tad uncomfortable as it took me so long to gain a bit of trust for Louisa.

    In relation to my complaint, my son ended up going into the medical centre and luckily the practice manager was on reception so he got to speak to her about the email he sent her requesting reasonable adjustments which he needed to send her again as she didn't receive it, he spoke to her about my complaint and said it had been going on for 2 years and 8 months, she said it wasn't good and that it had been passed around to 3 other people to sort out and he also mentioned how it had impacted my health, she said she wasn't surprised, and told my son that once she was back from her annual leave that she would be looking into everything (it appears the complaint has now been dumped on her to deal with), she got back on the 4th of November, she has said this about something else and never followed through so I don't really trust her to do as she says, but we'll see. If not then my son is going to see if he can speak to her again and let her know that if I don't receive a proper update about various things in 10 working days then I'll be going back to ICB about it. I'm hoping it won't lead to that though.

    Sorry if my post is a bit all over the place, my anxiety and depression aren't the best at the moment.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 569 Pioneering

    I am going to take a break from the forum for a bit. The whole budget uncertainty and the UC migration which is flawed is on my mind constantly. And reading problems people had ,I am so scared. I am dreading it. My mental health has deteriorated since this year with pip , then the migration of Uc being brought forward, and now the budget. Seeing all and not understanding everything that posted about wca as well.

    My health is worse, I have chronic illness which won't get better and it will eventually kill me like it did my sister. As well as genetic illness. I am scared of what will happen as it also effects your heart. I don't look to the future, but this government and their torturous attitude towards us. Is causing me fear. I wish I could voice and write to starmer to what he's doing . But having dyslexia I word it wrong. I come back after Christmas

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    We're all here if you need us @Andi66 I hope you'll be ok. ❤️

    @Nashota it's totally ok, it's better to voice these things so we don't bottle them up. With regard to your complaint, if your practice manager has only been back for a couple of days, I'd give them a bit more time as they'll have a lot to catch up on and probably want to make sure things get done properly. But I hope it can get sorted quickly none the less.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering
    edited November 2024

    @Albus_Scope not to sound rude but she's had long enough, she'll get 5 working days to update me or my son and then she'll get another 10 working days before I report the practice to ICB again which she'll be told, all I want from her is a proper update which she hasn't done at all, their complaint page literally tells you that some complaints take longer in which case someone should inform you and keep you informed, they haven't done that at all, I am not going to keep letting them take the micky with it, it's gone on for long enough. She already told me back in August that she'd update me about something else then never bothered.

    As I said in a previous post, this has been going on for 2 years and 8 almost 9 months, it's had an impact on my health, I don't trust the staff at the practice and they continue to make the same mistakes that I've put in my complaint, it's ridiculous, plus I cannot use their services unless she deals with the reasonable adjustments request, one of the GP's wanted me to have a blood test and my blood pressure checked but I can't because I can't physically get there so I need someone to come here.

    While it's not the current practice managers fault she should have been keeping me informed and shouldn't have said 3 times that I should hopefully receive a letter soon because quite clearly the person who was meant to be dealing with the complaint and medical record concerns hasn't bothered, I'm tempted to complain about her as well (not the practice manager) but I won't because I didn't like her much due to her ignoring requests and causing me to have panic attacks etc.

    I hope that didn't come across as being rude but this is constantly affecting my health. I'm advised to address things directly with the practice but when I try I'm either ignored, emails are lost or someone says they'll do something but do nothing.

    Just to add as well, my son spoke to her a week prior to her going on annual leave for 5 days, so it's not like it's just been dropped on it, it's been over 2 weeks.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,537 Scope Online Community Specialist

    Hey @Nashota, I don't think it is rude to say that you've given them enough time to sort it out already. Frankly your level of patience after nearly 3 years is something to admire. Is there anything we can do to support you at all?

    Do let us know how you get on with the complaint and forwarding it to the ICB.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    Oh that's very nice of you @Jimm_Scope what sort of support do Scope offer?

    I've tried my hardest to be nice to the staff at the medical centre, even when I had a pedantic admin responding to my emails, I was blunt with them but not rude, it's not something I like to do as I feel if you're rude to people they are less likely to help you, but sometimes if you're too nice it doesn't help either. I'm now really just getting to the point where I want someone to look into everything so I can move on from it.

    I think it's fair to give her 5 working days before asking her for an update.

    I will, I already have an open case with the ICB as I've asked them for help about 3 times over the last year so far. I also have 2 open cases with Pohwer but I can't proceed with one because I don't know if my medical records have been looked at or not, I need to prove that the medical centre haven't done anything with them before Pohwer will help with that part, which is fair enough.

    I do need to find another advocate but they seem scarce where I live, even Welfare Rights closed down this year.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey @Nashota no offence taken at all, I understand if it's been going on for so long, the frustration levels must be through the roof!

    I believe when Jimm said support, he meant is there anything the community can do to support you? 😊

    I was going to suggest PowHer for advocacy, I've heard good things about them.

  • Nashota
    Nashota Online Community Member Posts: 463 Empowering

    oooh I see, I'm not sure in what way though @Albus_Scope

    Yeah it's VERY frustrating, it constantly impacts my health because my medical records are also something I've been trying to get them to properly address, when I first registered there they kept saying I had symptoms of agoraphobia which was very annoying and puzzling because I'd actually been diagnosed with it, then I find out at the end of 2021 that my previous GP hadn't properly coded it so the GP's at this medical centre didn't realise but in saying that, I had tried to tell them, they could have easily asked me about it and checked my medical records but still, it's made me worry about my other conditions, she didn't even put that I likely had obstructive sleep aponea, luckily I had cured it by losing weight, but I think you see my point with my records, plus there's a possibility that about 6 years of records could be missing.. I believe partly because of these issues, it's stopped me from receiving the correct help/support from the current medical centre staff but as I said, there is nothing stopping them from looking at my records when I tell them about something.

    Anyway, I shall shut up waffling and repeating myself!

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Oh not a worry at all, better out than in I say!

    It's taken three years to get all the medical records sorted from my move, so I understand that frustration to a degree. Hopefully they can get things shipshape for you soon and you can get that proper support!