Awarded LCWRA and rewarded by LOSING almost £200 a month from UC



  • h69
    h69 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    ohhhh that’s interesting regards welfare rights doing that on your behalf. I do believe we those here in my area. I’ll definitely get into them too 👍

    To be honest I wouldn’t have a clue where to start with any legal jargon to quote with regards to appeal 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

    Let’s hope the outcome of the case waiting to be heard on the 30/10 has a good outcome.
    it seems dwp has something against disabled carers 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • don11
    don11 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    can I just quickly ask on the back of this - if I’m a career for my partner ans I get carers allowance but he gets pip and has just been awarded the LCWRA will I will

    Get my career’s allowance ? I have been awarded LCWRA he has but I claim carers allowance


  • malvinmulch
    malvinmulch Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering

    yes, you will get carers allowance, but you on UC should get 1 carers element and LCWRA (as they already take carers allowance out of your UC - something that I think is an utter nonsense frankly…and another example of give with one hand and take with another)

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,407 Championing

    Carers allowance a completely separate benefit to UC and it is deducted in full. Your UC should also include carers element, which is for you. The LCWRA element is for your partner, this means you're claiming your maximum UC entitlement if your UC include each of those elements.

  • don11
    don11 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    thank you yeh its the carers element in my UC that I was wondering if I would still get while my partner has been awarded the LCWRA , the last stick note that we handed in was 2018 as we were told we didn’t need to hand in any more we then had a review in dec 2023 then didn’t hear any thing back till another review in September 2024 which was a phone call from a dr then we got a letter to say he has been awarded the LCWRA , I spoke with some one from UC this morning and they told me that they would be backdating the LCWRA back to 2018 and I’m not sure that they would do that would they ?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,407 Championing

    Carers element will be paid as well as the LCWRA element. Who was it that told you it would be backdated to 2018?

    Based on the information you gave here then that's unlikely. If this was a review started by UC and it sounds like it was then when going from LCW to LCWRA the extra money is paid from the assessment period in which the decision was made.

  • h69
    h69 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    @poppy123456 do you know where we can find the outcome of the UT hearing that happened 30/10 regards the TP erosion via CA please ? 🙏🏽

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,407 Championing

    I haven’t been able to find any information regarding this, which is why didn’t post anything.

  • h69
    h69 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener


    I’m assuming a decision hasn’t been made yet?
    I have the same issue regards my TP is it beneficial to get an appeal in before or after the UT decision on said case ?
    TIA 🙏🏽

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,407 Championing

    No, not that I’m aware of. You should continue to challenge the decision now, rather than wait until the Upper Tribunal make their decision.

  • h69
    h69 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    @poppy123456 thank you

  • h69
    h69 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    @malvinmulch hi

    So sorry for late reply but been very ill. As expected my TP was completely eroded by LCWRA and lost carers so now I’m £146 a month worse off. I’ve requested an MR but had no reply.
    my question is on what grounds do I request an appeal please ? I don’t have a clue how to word it and I don’t have welfare rights in my area unfortunately.
    TIA 🙏🏽

    MAURICE82 Online Community Member Posts: 22 Listener

    It seems to me that Universal Credit is a mechanism that has been brought in to intentionally decrease the welfare budget -and shaft recipients all at the same time-we are all now deemed a huge problem on the sinking ship that is Albion

  • malvinmulch
    malvinmulch Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering

    Yep, look into the links between the DWP and Unum….

    Universal Credit and PIP closely follow the us insurer model of delay,deny,defend

    With a deliberate focus on demonising claimants and creating a public zeitgeist about fraud and scrounging

  • onlymeagain
    onlymeagain Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor

    Following this since we recently migrated to UC and I stupidly applied for LCWRA.

  • malvinmulch
    malvinmulch Online Community Member Posts: 68 Empowering

    Sorry for the late reply, I've been ill myself and busy as hades. I'm not sure tbh as I've left it in the hands of WR (though I need to give them a prod as I'm not wholly convinced that they know what they are doing and not going to run out the clock and leave me shafted…(my trust level in others competence is.…nil)

    If I had to write mine alone I'd point to there being no warning given that applying for this would erode TP but I don't know what matters of law you could lever to your advantage (hmmm something I need to look at myself.…as hopefully there is some legal precedent that might have some bearing...wishful thinking?)

  • Poppyangel2004
    Poppyangel2004 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Hi does anyone know whether there's been any news on this tribunal? As citizens advice mentioned to me about this Tribunal hearing but I can't see any information on whether it's been heard as it was supposed to be 30th october 2024 the hearing and I've been told to appeal to "stay behind the tribunal" not even sure what that means and how I do this and then what happens? Why in earth we should be worse off due to declaring health issues is beyond me it's awful 😞 any update or advice would be amazing thank you xx

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 554 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @Poppyangel2004, unfortunately no decision has been made on this case yet.

  • Poppyangel2004
    Poppyangel2004 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 11 Listener

    @Morgan_Scope thanks for messaging, do i need to make a note in my journal when my payments drop about all of this, so that an appeal for it is in process, or do we have to wait till the tribunal is heard? It's such an anxiety filled stress all of this isn't it 😔

  • h69
    h69 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    @malvinmulch @Poppyangel2004

    Just thought I’d check in and see if you’ve had any update regards your appeal. I’m still back and forth with them to even be able to do a MR at present.
    Any way I’ve worked out my argument when it comes to my paperwork for appeal.
    Basically put it’s discrimination against my disability.
    This is my argument…..

    If a person with exactly the same circumstances as myself, was managed migration , single, one disabled child and a carer of said disabled child, same legacy benefits as me and that person was awarded LCW rather than LCWRA then that person would continue to receive the same amount of benefits that they got before the award of LCW, & would still have no work commitments (due to being a carer)

    Where as me , I now recieve £146 less per month JUST for being found to be completely unable to work. That is discrimination in my eyes and I’m pretty sure there’s some legislation about it somewhere - just need to try and find it to cite it in my paperwork.
    I hope you’re well and this issue isn’t stressing you out too much.
    have a wonderful Christmas