
Catherine21 Posts: 3,248 Championing

It's my daughters birthday and I cancelled her coming over whats the matter with me when it's meant to be a happy occasion I get so low I can't pretend to be happy I relize I'm extremely unhappy now I feel so guilty I feel awful I just can't face anything I do have bpd and body dismorphia some days when I look in the mirror I avoid mirrors shiny windows anything that can see my reflection I feel repulsed and when people around me I'm constantly belittling myself in my mind aging process doesn't help the truth why I cancelled today is I feel to ugly and don't want to ruin the day my bdd so severe I only got few photos with my daughter over years most was when I was married and my ex made me have photos my daughter was 3 so from 3 till 21had no photos with daughter or anyone had to when daughter graduated should of been happy occasion and I was worried about having photos done on special occasions I get extremely low also with the shame and guilt of cancelling today sad thing is my daughters used to this sorry had to get out

