Limiting heating

Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

I am definitely limiting putting my heating on to the amount id prefer.The cost is just ridiculous now.but what I find odd is the man who lives in the house opposite me literally has his windows open day and night in this freezing cold.People you speak to when you go out are wrapped up now in coats and hats so I know it's definitely cold



  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Online Community Member Posts: 182 Empowering
    edited November 2024

    I remember when I had an over active thyroid I’d be only one with light weight coat on open in minus 2 walking kids to school . My bedroom window would be open all day and night and fan would be on constantly ! Now the cold has my life lol

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,070 Championing

    why is it odd i was brought up with no heating worked milking with short sleeves all year round i still sleep with the window open in the winter with just a duvet cover its what you get used to and what your comfortable with

  • dreamwarrior
    dreamwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor

    We sleep with our windows open all year round, don't really bother with heating but I installed a central heating system with smart thermostats so we only really heat two rooms up at all. It'd very rare we suffer with colds, brought up on a farm so used to being out in all weather's. I suffer with dysautonomia so in winter it can be too hot and I have a fan running in the bedroom to keep me cool yet in summer I can be shivering.

  • dreamwarrior
    dreamwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor

    We generally if too cold put on another few layers when inside, like you say the costs to heat a house are quite high. We are lucky that where we are in a terraced house mid row, the neighbours have heating on full blast and we have our headboards up to the chimneys so kinda get heat from the next doors houses.

  • Freesia123
    Freesia123 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor

    I live in a house and my bedroom is in the attic. It is boiling in the summer (not so much this year though, awful summer) and absolutely freezing in the winter.

    The rest of the house is cold too but my bedroom is the worst. I have 2 duvets on my bed and I sometimes wear a dressing gown over my PJ's and a pair of socks!!!

    I can't afford to put my heating on all night and like Jane315STARX I limit putting it on in the day.

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

    It's so interesting hearing all your answers.I remember stories of family members growing up with ice on the inside and having no heating on.

  • Jellihead
    Jellihead Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering


    You made me smile! I am one of those who used to wake up with ice on the inside of my bedroom window, as well as having to put freezing clothes on, including my underwear! I don't think I lived in a house with central heating until I was in my twenties! Which would be the early 70's.

    On a practical note are you on a fixed rate tariff? They usually last for a year, sometimes more. Change to one if not as you can then begin to compare how much you use. Also do you pay by direct debit? Most energy companies give reductions if you do. Do you regularly read your meter, whether gas or electric, usually you are able to save from central heating not being used in the summer to build up in the winter months.

    Hope the above helps.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,004 Championing

    I put mine on if I can't pay I can't pay I grew up in 70s we had a coal fire and no radiators used to be ice on windows and breathe out cold air when think of those times its like wow used to go to bed with 3 pairs socks coats and getting out of bed in morning was like torture getting ready for school and we walk ourselvesto school rain snow all weather

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

    Jellihead I'm on a standard Tariff and just pay as I go because I don't have the facilitie to do a direct debit

  • Freesia123
    Freesia123 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor

    I'm another one that grew up with only one coal fire in the living room. Oh we did have a paraffin heater out in the kitchen too. A tin bath by the fire.

    Jack frost on the windows.

    My father made a heater to warm our beds out of an empty chocolate tin with a bulb inside. Coats on top of blankets in bed too.

    Then we had coal central heating with a Parkray fire and a bathroom built, using part of the kitchen. Luxury 😁

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

    Love this x

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

    In an ideal world I'd love a real log fire and to sit in front of it at Christmas time drinking hot chocolate

  • Jellihead
    Jellihead Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering


    I am lucky enough to have a log fire and it is lovely to sit and watch the flames with a hot drink. However, you need to be careful what logs you use, it needs to have a Ready to Burn sticker and ensure that you have it swept every year by a qualified chimney sweep as well as having a fumes detector.

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

    You lucky devil!.How wonderful

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

    You will be saying you having a cat that snuggles up too next!

  • Billiegoat
    Billiegoat Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected

    I had a coal fire in a house I lived in once and it was wonderful.

    NoNow my husband will go outside in a t shirt in this weather whereas I feel every little draft.

    I have a heated throw on bed and can use on the sofa to limit having the heating.

    I've not worked out how to keep the end of my nose warm yet.

    Love the stories about heating in the past. We had paraffin heaters in the 70's and I thought power cuts were normal lol!

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing

    I'm wearing 5 layers and feeling toasty! When it's really cold it's 6 layers plus a hat. Bedroom window is always open at night. I live on my own and can do what I like 😊

    My clothes must be warm when I get dressed and I use hot water bottles in the evenings - anything to avoid putting on the heating 😄

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

    @WhatThe I just don't know how you cope with the window open on these cold nights

  • Jellihead
    Jellihead Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering


    No cats. I am a dog person 🐕️ but refuse to have anymore animals to look after as when the kids were little and our numerous animals died, hamster - 1, Guinea Pig - 3, rabbits - 2 plus one that escaped, puppies a horrendous - 5, my red setter was not an interested mother and she accidentally slept on them, though to be fair she did have 9 puppies, yes 9!! All of which were mongrels as she preferred the mongrel that leapt over the garden gate, rather than the lovely red setter that was down the road??

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 676 Empowering

    A friend of mine used to have a red setter called Rusty.Stunning dogs