Hi, my name is mushypea! I’ve been awarded DLA for my child, when do payments start?

mushypea Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited May 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I’ve been awarded DLA for my child , I’m new to all this
I wasn’t aware I was entitled to this help and been struggling for a long while 
working whilst trying to juggle care and health care hospital appointments etc 
I feel like I’ve been drowning for a long time. 
we’ve been given the middle rate 
the decision was made yesterday and we are now waiting for the letter to be sent 
I rang the advice line on Feb the 7th returned form 4 weeks later 
they didn’t scan it on the system until the 13th of March 
(we was moved to a priority case 
as we have a lot off Community care and support also from dwp and they have written to them directly that’s why we was prioritised. So it’s come through quick)
It’s a huge relief 
can anyone please help with when we will start to receive the payments , will they back date it , and when from - and how long does this time . kindest regards from a tired mum. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It will be paid from the date you rang to start the claim. Money owed will be paid into your bank first and usually it takes 3-5 working days to go into your bank. 4 weeks later you will receive the first 4 weekly payment. The decision letter should arrive within the next 2 weeks and it will tell you what day of the week to expect the money into your bank. 

    Are you claiming any other benefits, if so which ones exactly? Do you work? 
  • mushypea
    mushypea Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you poppy 

    yes I’ve always worked full time 
    but I’ve had to drop hours as I’m mentally struggling now to juggle it all and I’ve held my hands up and been honest and said I can not physically do it anymore before I have a complete breakdown 
    work have been great and supported my decision 
    they understand how much I’ve tried over the years 

    I now Work 20-25 hours 
    and claim the tax credit universal top up 

    the lady on the phone said my claim Was scanned on from the 13th March 
    so im
    assuming that’s when they will run it from .. I’ve said i contacted you on the 7th of Feb 
    she said yes but we got your forms on file on the 13th March , so I was just so confused 
    thank you for y your reply and help 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    mushypea said:

    and claim the tax credit universal top up 

    It's not possible to claim Tax credits and Universal Credit at the same time. I'm assuming therefore that it's UC you're claiming. 

    You will need to report the changes on your journal and tell them that you've been awarded DLA for your child. Your UC will then include the lower disabled child element which is £156.11/month.

    You can also claim carers element of UC for caring for your child. You will need to report a change of circumstances and then click "caring for someone" then report caring for them for at least 35 hours per week. Your UC will then include carers element, which is £189.31/month. There's no earnings limit when claiming carers element, like there is with carers allowance. (this is assuming you're not claiming the LCWRA element for yourself)

    Both elements will be paid from the assessment period in which the DLA was awarded from. As a carer you will have no work commitments. 

    The DLA will be paid from 7th Feb. 
  • mushypea
    mushypea Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Yes I meant UC ( instead off family credit) Oh my god that will help my family out so much when we need it now the most 
    Poppy thank you  ! You have Beem an amazing help :) 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You're very welcome. 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hey there @mushypea and welcome to the community. :)

    I can see Poppy is already supporting you here, but I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling mentally with all of this, I understand it can be a lot to cope with. If you're struggling, please think about speaking to your GP for some help. 
  • mushypea
    mushypea Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Don’t be sorry 
    I think we all understand each others struggles
    It was my GP who’s supported us and told me that I should take time off of reduce my working hours 
    it’s just been such a struggle financially 
    but I’m glad I came across this group 

    I rang UC. They told me the DLA is only back dating it from the 13th of May as there are no dates on the “new forms” but to be honest I’m happy to receive anything right now 

    I know eventually they will both back date it 

    as poppy said 3/5 working days from DLA 

    Does anyone know if UC do the same 3/5 working days 
    or is that longer 

    thsnk you all again 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Awarding from 13th May? It's only the 11th now so I'm a little confused here. Or did you mean 13th March? 

    For UC then as I advised money owed will be paid separately to your usually monthly money. Before they can pay what is owed they will need to recalculate your past statements to work out how much you've already received against what you should have received. You will then receive the difference between the two. Once it's done you'll receive a letter onto your journal. It often takes quite a few weeks for them to do this. 

    Going forward the disabled child element should be included in your next statement, unless that's due very within the next day or so and then there may not be enough of time to include this month so they will owe you 1 extra month. Same for carers element. 
  • mushypea
    mushypea Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Again poppy thank you 

    yes it was supposed to say  13th of March ( blooming phone ) 

    no assessment is due until the 19th so again you’ve helped me understand it all again 

    sending you thanks ❤️
  • Elzchar78
    Elzchar78 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    So I'm new to all this dla stuff and would like som information if you don't mind

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing