Hi, my name is hattie61!

hattie61 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited January 11 in Start here and say hello!

My sister wants to move with me with her 15yr old granddaughter whom she has guardianship we are both on pip dla I have a 2 bedroom flat which I rent from local council I receive full hb will effect hb? we are doing this to look after and support each other any advice would be appreciated many thanks



  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,243 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @hattie61 I wanted to say firstly how wonderful it is that your both doing this for her Granddaughter. I bet she feels very lucky to have you two.

    I would suggest speaking with your local council/benefits office as you're expected to report any change to them anyway. But hopefully given the circumstances, they'll support. Is your sister also on HB?

    Best wishes,


  • hattie61
    hattie61 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Thanks Holly yes my sister is on hb she has no partner and neither do I so why not all live together our only worry is will we get full hb. My sister gets no financial help for her granddaughter so we wouldn't want to lose full hb

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,921 Championing
    edited January 12

    If your PIP includes Daily Living then no deduction will be made to your hb.

    Unless your sister gets added to your tenancy (and not many councils allow joint tenancies outside of couples in a relationship), she has no liability to pay rent therefore no entitlement to hb herself (or UC Housing Element if the move means a change of local authority area).

    Seperately if the Council feel you will be making yourself overcrowded deliberately, they may refuse permission.

    You really are best off speaking to your Housing officer on that aspect.

  • hattie61
    hattie61 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Thanks I asked the council if she could be added to tenancy and she said yes?

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,243 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @hattie61, @Kimmy87 makes a really good point about the size. It's great that they've agreed to allow your sister to be added to the tenancy but will the house be a comfortable size for you? If not, it might be worth reaching out to the housing officer to understand if they can facilitate something more suitable, maybe something a bit bigger if needed.

  • hattie61
    hattie61 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Good morning all me and my sister live together joint tenancy from housing association. We are both on dla esa and pip both high rate. Local council are paying half of our rent is this right? Also my sister has guardianship of her 15yr old granddaughter who lives with us and receives family allowance is there anything else she can can claim for her? She leaves school this year and starting collage in September. Thanks in advance

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Wow they added her to your tenancy agreement extremely quickly. Yes, you will now each be responsible for half of your rent each.

    You said your sister claims family allowance but this no longer exists. Do you mean she’s claiming child benefit? Does she also claim Child tax credits for her granddaughter?

    If she’s not claiming child tax credits then the only other benefit she can claim would be Universal Credit. If she claims this any Income Related ESA she’s claiming will end 2 weeks later. UC can also include help for her share of the rent.

  • hattie61
    hattie61 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hi many thanks for your reply Poppy yes it's child benefit 😊 I'll tell her to look into child tax credits thankyou

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    As I advised in my previous comment, she will not be able to start a new claim for Child Tax credits because this has now ended for new claims for everyone.

    Instead she can claim Universal Credit and this will include the child element for the child. This would end any Income Related ESA she maybe claiming 2 weeks after she submits the claim for UC.