uc payments

lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
edited January 9 in Universal Credit (UC)

hi could any body work this out for me .we were migrated in september to uc from income support ,on ivcome support we go £392 a fortnight with the add onsfor myself being on high rate pip, when we got migrated over we started getting £471 a fornight which i wasnr complaining amout lol,ive now been awarded lwcra so dont have to do anything , igot a letter saying i would be entitled to extra money , i know there is the migration protection thing but i dont know how that is worked out ,but our statement came and nothings change i was awarded the LCWRA in november and wad told any changes would be on the january payments but as ive said no difference is this right ,I dont think it sounds right surely the migration protection wasnt that much i was working iy out as the difference between the £392 a fortnight we got and the£471 we get now so there should of been some change ,does anyone have a clue thanks


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,822 Championing
    edited January 8

    I've had a quick read of your other threads, but a few more questions so we can advise correctly.

    What date were you awarded LCWRA?

    Were there any breaks while you were providing Fit Notes, any that were backdated etc?

    Is any Transitional Protection listed on your previous statements? If so what is the amount?

  • lucylucy
    lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    hi kimmy it was the27th november and the transitinal payments are £64.90 thanks kimmy there were no breaks in my fit notes they started 30th august 24 thanks again

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,291 Championing
    edited January 8

    I see you submitted your claimed in 8th August. This means your waiting period will benefit..

    Sept/Oct, Oct/Nov, Nov/Dec.. LCWRA starts from 8th Dec to 7th Jan and first payment will be 14th Jan.

    In this months statement does it include the LCWRA element?

    Your Transitional Protection payments are £64.90 and this would have eroded completely so you should be about £351.29/month better off.

    I see you mentioned “we” if you’re claiming UC with a partner were you both claiming carers element each before the decision was made on the WCA?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,822 Championing

    Due to the TP your UC should increase by £351.29, with TP being reduced to zero.

    I can think of two possibilities.

    There was a break in Fit Notes which effects the waiting period and subsequently when the LCWRA element becomes payable.

    Or, that they haven't had time to apply the decision to your award, although personally I think 6 weeks is enough.

    If that's the case, they owe you one months LCWRA. Once the decision is processed, a letter will be added to your Journal with the amount owed and the money will be sent as a separate payment.

  • lucylucy
    lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    thanks there was no break in fit notes so just wait and see thanks

  • lucylucy
    lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    hi poppy my partner isnt on any sick payments hes just my carer thnaks

  • lucylucy
    lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,291 Championing

    When kimmy mentioned a break in fit notes she was also referring to any that may have been backdated.

    For example, if your last fit noted ended on 20th Sept 2024 and you didn’t provide your next fit note until 25th Sept and it was backdated to 21st Sept then that would be a gap.

    You can check through your journal and it should tell you.

  • lucylucy
    lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    no there were no gaps or any backdated i got them earlier than were due ive only put 2 fit rnotes in and there were no gaps or backdated i got them in before the other ran out the first was for 2 months the second for 3 months thanks

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,291 Championing

    Then all I can advise is that you put a message onto your journal under the payment section and ask about the LCWRA element, tell them it wasn't included in this months statement and it should have been.

  • lucylucy
    lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    ok will do thanks poppy hate contacted them they give me the heeby geebys😏

  • lucylucy
    lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    hi just an update was told today get nothing extra they deducted the carers allowance from us 🤔

  • lucylucy
    lucylucy Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    they had been paying me 481 transitinal

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,822 Championing
    edited January 13

    Is the LCWRA element now listed on your statement?

    If your Transitional Protection was £481, then the LCWRA (£416.19) would reduce that down to £73.

    Carers Allowance is always deducted from UC in full, so that's correct.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,291 Championing

    When I asked you earlier in the thread if there was any Transitional Protection you said it was £64.90.

    If it was £481 with the LCWRA element included this would reduce to £64.81, the £73 figure from kimmy is a typo.

    Carers allowance should have been deducted in full from the start of your claim. Carers element of UC should also be included for your partner.