
Genetics Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

I wish I had things to talk about!


  • Genetics
    Genetics Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    Knowing what to say, having things to talk about I wish I was like this!

  • Genetics
    Genetics Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    W here can I go so I can have things to talk about and get on with people.Or do some people only want to know certain people?

  • Genetics
    Genetics Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    I wish I was someone who can get somewhere with other members of the community? Anyone like to be my friend? Where can I get on with other people?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Everyone so lovely on here there's always someone to talk to about what every you like or want

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,188 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Genetics. If you're looking to socialise on here, take a look at the categories. The coffee lounge and games den are really good for meeting new people, and getting involved in discussions and games.

    Are you looking at just online, or physically meeting people in your community?

    Best wishes,


  • JennieWren
    JennieWren Online Community Member Posts: 31 Empowering

    I’m sure you have things to talk about. It’s a matter of finding others that have similar interest. My daughter is autistic and EDS and has always struggled with friendships. Fortunately she got a Saturday job and her colleagues like similar things art styles etc It’s nice she’s finally found that. She’s also close friends with my best friend’s daughter and although they don’t have much in common, they are the same age and chat about cultural stuff they grew up with. As most of us are neurodivergent we play lots of games so that we have fun together but don’t need to talk too much, as in that group our interests don’t align.
    Hope that encourages you that you will find your tribe. Just keep looking and being open.

  • sprinkly
    sprinkly Online Community Member Posts: 26 Connected

    Hi, I had felt isolated for 2 years battling stomach cancer, I've slowly came out of my bubble and reached out to old friends ect, I started going to fitness class that's a good way of meeting new people, I suggested to a group of them to go for coffee so I'm booking a table for 6 of us . I plan on suggesting more places + further afield JUST CUZ YOU CAN, nothing stopping you.

    There are also some FB groups you can join, there's loads, there might get better some local groups near you such as walking groups, knitting groups ect . I've seen people post in FB GROUPS , asking such questions ( in your own area) if there's groups you are bound to get some answers, and probably find people in the same boat.

    If I can reach out, so can you, hope this has given you food for though and good luck xxx

  • JennieWren
    JennieWren Online Community Member Posts: 31 Empowering

    @Sprinkly Go you! Well done for reaching out and making things happen. Most people are up for making more friends. I’ve just started meeting up with ladies I work with (we probably only work together once every couple of months, but connected). It just took one of us (not me) to be brave enough to suggest it. It’s then a case of keeping the ball rolling. WhatsApp is great for being able to agree a date and venue and just touch base and update. I have a friend who does a lot of organising, however she does get fatigued by it and loves it when others take the ball by the horns and steps up to arrange something, even if it’s just a coffee at our homes. We all need to pitch in as even our organised, extrovert, able bodied, social friends like to be invited somewhere, rather than doing all the inviting. Such an encouraging post - thanks for sharing.

  • Elizabeth100
    Elizabeth100 Online Community Member Posts: 49 Contributor

    I have a friend with a daughter with those two same conditions….co-incidence or not, I find young women who have ASD also have something else to accompany it: dyspraxia, hEDS, epilepsy etc. This is not really helping Genetics…I usually mention Social Prescribing via some GPs. Take care, E xx

  • JennieWren
    JennieWren Online Community Member Posts: 31 Empowering

    Her EDS consultant suggested the ASD (she also has Irlens) could be due to the EDS and her brain slumping in her skull. So that could be why? I joke she’s collecting letters as she’s referred for adhd assessment too. Half me and half her dads influence 😂

  • Elizabeth100
    Elizabeth100 Online Community Member Posts: 49 Contributor

    Hi Jennie, you're really great for maintaining a sense of humour throughout all this…it's so tricky to get the right assistance, or any assistance at times. Yes, we'll all have letters after our names for one reason or another!😉