Ill health retired - Civil service pension

Ladidi Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited February 3 in Work

I retired from civil service on Low rate pension. TBH I think I was ripped off and I couldn't get anyone to help me not even the union. Felt like they just wanted shot of me. My MH couldnt take anymore. I was in a spiral. Anyway, the Mccloud remedy. It seems I'm effected. Anyone know how this works? I've researched an I've not been able to find the answers. Thanks for your time.



  • Ladidi
    Ladidi Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    P.S I have never been reviewed at any time regarding my health conditions. Should I have been? Reason I ask this I have read that they should review you every so often. I haven't had a review since I was IHR 9yrs ago.

  • Bydand
    Bydand Online Community Member Posts: 201 Empowering


    Hoping you won’t mind but I will deal with both of your post questions in this your latest post to save jumping back and forward.

    First post…..You certainly wouldn’t be alone in feeling that union representation is woefully inadequate a lot of the time and can often feel like banging your head of the proverbial brick wall. This is only aggravated when something as serious as ill health retirement is brought up and you need the correct answers. It is obviously a scary time and puts a lot of pressure on you.

    Ref the McLeod remedy… likely know the basic jist of this but it can be confusing depending on what pension scheme you were in, but if you haven’t already then try googling….lots of pension information on this including in depth info about the remedy period. There is also a handy am I effected tool which is easy to navigate…I’ve just tried it

    There are also contact details if you need to go down that route.

    Hope you find the info you need.

    ref pension review points….i believe if you retire on ill health grounds and are awarded the lower tier then you are paid that pension for life without requiring to be reviewed or reassessed even if you re employed……if you are awarded the higher tier then yes you would likely receive a review near the 5 year mark……on my pension award letter it clearly states a review on year 5

    Hope this helps and feel free to ask questions…if I can help then I will.

    For info I was awarded IHR in April 2024 so the process is still fairly fresh in my mind.



  • Ladidi
    Ladidi Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    Hi Scott

    Thank you for replying.

    I have checked out the civil service pensions "am I affected" it came back saying I am. It doesn't really say anything else except they will be in touch.

    My previous pension scheme was Premuim and then became Alpha.

    When I applied for IHR this was awarded the doctor contradicted herself. I tried to argue this and was shut down at every turn. My disabilities are life long and not going miraculously cure. Access to work could do nothing to help me stay in employment. My mental health was suffering a great deal and I couldn't get anyone to listen despite the "literally shouting from the roof tops" but no one was listening. All my conditions I put on the IHR paper work are the same as I have been diagnosed with life long with no cure.

    I was sent a form to complete when the McCloud Remedy came into effect. I sent this back recorded delivery with all up to date diagnosis. I don't know if that's going to make a difference? Or if they will review my previous paper work and check the latest information sent. I've tried to find the information, so far I haven't been able to.

    Everything that is on pension pages is mainly generic with a wait and see what we say when we write to you.

  • Bydand
    Bydand Online Community Member Posts: 201 Empowering

    Hi, yes, a lot of the information is fairly generic with lots of we are working on it replies…..if my memory serves me correctly I think civil service pensions have given themselves until March 2025 to write to everyone affected.

    I think you stated that you retired 9 years ago so that would have been about 2016 so only one year over the start of the remedy period so realistically any extra to your pension based on your eventual choice will be fairly minimal I’m guessing, but every little helps.

    I was fairly lucky with respect to my illness being fairly straightforward and un argueable ( both condition and symptoms agreed as permanent)so although never a certainty I believed strongly that I would be awarded top tier IHR which I was despite me trying everything to stay in work.

    I can certainly understand why you and others can feel genuinely aggrieved at how you feel you were treated. Speaking to colleagues I have heard horror stories about the horrendous interaction between employer, employee, pension dept and doctors.

    It’s also sometimes difficult to put yourself through any appeals process at the time if your mental health is already suffering which only with time and hindsight we can often feel we could have done better and stood up for ourselves more……unfortunately there is a very narrow time limit in place for appeals.

    Sorry that I can’t be of any more help and hopefully they will be in touch before March 2025….if not then get in touch with your pension provider


  • Ladidi
    Ladidi Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    Good morning Scott

    Thank you for responding. Your right I'm out of time for appeal. Although I did do this. I also argued a lot of points. They didn't care or listen. A pension person at MyCSP bluntly put it. I've made my decision and it's not being changed. It's my decision no one else's. Now stop writing nothing is going to change. Thanks for letting me know it's only 1 year I'm looking at. I thought whatever decision they came back with would effect the entire 9yrs of possible underpayment and not 1 yr.

    It seem's you learn something new by asking a question .

  • Bydand
    Bydand Online Community Member Posts: 201 Empowering

    Doesn’t sound like you were treated fairly at all.

    Not an expert but yes as you retired through IHR approx 2016, it would only likely be the one year you could get any recompense for……but others may chime in that know more about it than I do and I stand to be corrected.

    Take it easy
