
Catherine21 Posts: 3,545 Championing
edited February 1 in Current affairs

Im seeing more articles about bad treatment of disabled people by DWP ive read about four now stating the inhumane treatment so i actually think labour has brought it all to light not the way they wanted



  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Online Community Member Posts: 159 Empowering

    I don’t want to get political on here but they are all the same . There is no choice .

  • birdwatcher
    birdwatcher Online Community Member Posts: 102 Empowering

    It's a worry isn't it? I wish starmer and his cast of clowns could live our lives for a week. I think they'd soon have a rethink

  • Vogue
    Vogue Online Community Member Posts: 41 Connected

    Hi guys do we no if there Targeting the new claimers for pip or people already receiving it ?

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,216 Championing

    we know nothing and won't till march.

    The one thing we do know is people are sick of them and that laws and advocates will reign their necks in.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,545 Championing

    Yh maybe but i am seeing more posts about DWP regarding treatment of disabled people wheres as last year it was all bashing people on benefits

  • IrishManc
    IrishManc Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    all of this could very well be a warning about the impending collapse of the U.K. benefit system and the U.K. economy generally - already, in my 24 years living in the U.K. as an Irish patriot, there are no jobs for people here in the U.K., disabled or otherwise, even as the DWP are sanctioning and forcing people off benefits citing what they see as fraud, people in work are taxed to the hilt, are paying the highest rates of tax and NI and forced to rely on food banks to survive, council tax and energy bills are through the roof, the cost of living is going through the roof - all of this is not mere incompetence nor mismanagement, it is by design and is a deliberate act and I believe that it is a criminal act, as the truth is that our political leaders are guilty of treason and sedition against the British people on behalf of their globalist and WEF masters - we are already seeing much worse going on in my native Ireland

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,545 Championing

    What can we do ? Keep using cash one of them whatelse can we do

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 527 Empowering

    whomever you vote for, the government always gets

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 527 Empowering

    always gets in

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Online Community Member Posts: 159 Empowering

    you heard the saying first they come for … then

    For … then ..

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,545 Championing

    Well lets hope thier stopped in tracks can only hope just cant keep living under so much pressure my friend had a stroke last year thought i was having heart attack promised my daughter i will try to stay in the moment who knows whats going to happen tommorrow

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Online Community Member Posts: 159 Empowering

    Got to let it go past you it’s no good making ourselves ill thinking about it when it’s not happened . If you see it scroll

    Past it / look other way . Flick the news off . ❤️

  • NDmummy
    NDmummy Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor

    It feels like a deliberate contrived effort to dehumanise and demonise. The more downtrodden we are made to feel the easier it is for them to make us feel hopeless, without hope we are lost. If we are lost, the strength to keep fighting, to carry on is lost. Divide and conquer, classic playground bullying tactics. VILE.

  • colejames
    colejames Online Community Member Posts: 31 Empowering

    I had hoped for better with Labour but then the government is not really the same Labour Party that Starmer lied to in order to become leader. Much as they may plan to "help" people back into work, there have to be employers willing to hire us and jobs which we can do. I don't think it will be as easy as they think. Sanctions and hitting benefits are not going to help people into work and organisations like Scope are going to be telling government that, hopefully they will be devising campaigns which reach out across and unite the different support agencies for disabled people but we need to be getting stories to our MPs, the media and social media about our situation.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,545 Championing

    ASAP lets start TODAY we are running out of time

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,545 Championing

    Spot on thats why we need to stay alert and start planning togeather if i was good at writting i do emails pertitons ok they probley laugh at them but its still our voices we cannot lay back and let this happen without a fight or all will be really lost more so for people with mental health like myself and millions

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,545 Championing

    100 percent and if we need to fight back we have each other x

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,545 Championing

    We have to do this asap all of us i go from feeling ok to pure dread how can they target mental health i think it will be good if someone writes a template and we all send same emails flood them with emails we have to fight times running out my writing is awful we need to everyday do this !! Asap my dad was saying starmers oxford eductated hes more torie then the tories but as a group lets start planning what our next step is

  • silmarillion
    silmarillion Online Community Member Posts: 20 Contributor

    I held some hope of positive change when Labour were elected. They just feel like an extension of the Tory party!

    I feel that disabled people have been demonised and labelled as lazy scroungers and benefit cheats by the right wing media ( the majority of it)

    I feel we are going to lose the majority of our incomes by March.

    I don’t know which disabled people the government consulted, but it’s nobody I know!

    Employers are unwilling to take on people who need reasonable adjustments at work as there are plenty of folk looking for jobs without disabilities.

    When I was in my last job, I constantly felt like they were examining my health and disabilities under a microscope. I was micromanaged more than other people. My employer showed a flagrant disregard for the equipment I needed. I’m partially sighted anmong other things, and despite constant lobbying from myself and access to work , it took them 4 and a half years to get me a s big screen, screen magnifier etc. For a long time I had to hold an hand magnifier up to my screen so I could see the type on my small screen. Every mistake I made, despite the tech not working properly, resulted in a trip to the boss,s office, and a reprimand. Their quality checks were draconian. I was singled out by the fire people and had my ability to exit the 15 storey building questioned like it was a major problem, and I’m not in a wheelchair. The bullying was unreal, I had to go out the building for breaks as they were a bunch of bitchy backstabbers. My job was a nightmare. They eventually medically retired me.

    I have a brain injury, hydrocephalus, a brain anuerysmn, suffer from intercranial hypertension and chronic migraines, I’m partially sighted, diabetic, I have fibromyalgia, thyroiditisis, asthma and a host of other immune related issues. I’m in constant pain and I feel completely exhausted all the time. I wear hearing aids too. I cry at the thought of having to take another job with that level of stress and I’m still trying to deal with the mental fallout from my last job.

    I believe the current government have not really considered the obstacles people with disabilities face in the world of work. Every adaptation I had to fight for and provide written proof from my medical practitioners, physios, rehab team at the brain injury unit and I even had to get my union involved and access to work was always on the phone to them. It has left me with long term depression and ptsd.

    I still have the collection of giant things my workmates left on my desk as they thought they would be helpful……a giant calculator half the size of the desk, a giant pencil, giant post it’s, giant glasses, a giant toothbrush, a giant metre sized ruler…..I wasn’t as unlucky as the poor lady in our team that lost all her teeth…she got a big donkey with giant plastic teeth and a can of purred soup!

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 527 Empowering

    I was going to remark on your fine taste in avatars, but after reading your post, perhaps it will sound trivial? Sorry you have had such a crappy time of it at work.

    Anyway, if it was within my gift, I would send Glaurung around to the Treasury for a wee chat!