Pain but doctors say everything is fine , please help!

BluPanda27 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener


Ive been having severe pain and fatigue for a while, but recently its gotten much worse in one wrist after i used a power tool. I get puffy ankles and hands, positive ANA test and other random positive results too. The fatigue a few years back was bad then it improved a bit and now i am back to having to nap throughout the day. I have been to physio, rheum (he was horrible to me and said i was a waste of nhs resources) blood test for inflammation comes back fine but i am honestly in agony every single day. Im so worried i have a note on my records for maligering when i am not. I find daily tasks difficult. I have raynaurds and autism but i really don’t know what is wrong with me and im so frightened i have a black mark. Doctors are not taking me seriously and when one does they refer me back to rheumatology who give me the same mean guy who says i am fine and is just harsh and repeat. Anyone have any ideas on what to help, who to turn to or possibly what condition i have? Very worried and scared that my life will be pain because no one will take me seriously and offer support. I want to work part time but thats really difficult currently.
