March 26th and Green Paper Mega Discussion (ITV leaks, etc)



  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,678 Pioneering
    edited March 8

    The thing is that 'Disabled' people aren't organised, the people / groups who represent us, only offer meaningless 'platitudes' i.e. it's 'unfair' etc, etc. We know that, what are you actually doing besides the 'platitudes'? They are 'hardly' on the front foot. Labour were shouting the 'odds' on Austerity i.e. Human Rights Act etc, etc, that was dealt on the 'disabled' by the Conservative Government, now they are in power 'the emperors new clothes' comes to mind.

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,421 Championing
    edited March 8

    They can't freeze PIP without a change in the law - and this will take years to get through both houses…….."primary change legislation"

    And how would that work with "pip mobility" paying for "motability cars" - would the leasing charges of cars be frozen ?

    PIP could never be frozen…

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing
    edited March 8

    My feelings are will be fazed out and pip the main health benefit thier will be alot of charities on at them and let's hope lots of labour mps

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,421 Championing
    edited March 8

    What really gets me is that Pensioners are getting annual rises in State Pension, guaranteed by the triple lock !

    From April, the full new state pension is going up from £221.20 per week to £230.25, or £1,281 per month in a four-week month.

    So whilst younger disabled are struggling to survive - the elderly are getting more and more.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 737 Trailblazing

    Have no idea, it's worrying, that they are cutting money if you can't work.its so we have to look for work to survive and get extra money to live on. Haven't a clue what I can do with what I've got, mines is not going to get better only worse. I'm having further tests at the moment. It's ok for them with their thousands pay packet , even the speaker has rack up thousands going abroad first class, flights , hotels , limos etc

    Surely something should be done to stop this.if you go onto disability news , the UN said cuts by the government shouldn't go ahead. But the government seem to pick and choose what they listen to by the UN

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,103 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi all. I've merged all the discussions regarding March 26th into one discussion, as it was getting a bit unwieldy having multiple discussions all talking about the same thing.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,694 Empowering

    @Wibbles The Personal Tax Allowance is frozen. I think this is a ways a reducing PIP without new legislation.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing

    OOh They can do one they literally emotionally and physically drained us dry liz kendell smiling away when photographed !!Sunak took me down these lot won't let myself get that bad again bullies bully through social media it's embarrassing but obviously works as alot of people believe thier posion karma for all of them and as for Stephen timms well money buys all hey

  • mangomungo
    mangomungo Online Community Member Posts: 158 Empowering

    They can all do one as far as I’m concerned too. I’ve had enough of them ruining my life exactly like you Sunak put me under!! I’ve been on Twitter and barely anyone agrees with them even the reform lot are against it by the looks of it. Same on tiktok about 5% of comments agree with the cuts so it’s gone down like a sack of poo anyway to the people they’re trying to get votes from. Good luck to them if they think they’ll get away with it is all I can say

  • sben
    sben Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 76 Contributor

    I take it that The Department of Work and Pensions does not care about health, safety, disability, and mobility.

    The Department of Work and Pensions does not care that I constantly have seizures at work, that my safety is at risk, safety of others is at risk, I always have injuries and accidents at work, I always end up in hospital because of accidents and injuries, and I always need support with every day things, because of having seizures.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 766 Empowering

    Disabled people are not organized because they are disabled, today I am Captain Obvious. There is no strength, no opportunity. The government takes advantage of this.

  • A_Z1961
    A_Z1961 Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected

    Morning everyone, I posted early this morning around 2.00 am but it seems to have disappeared, I can't find it. What I am going to say may trigger many people but maybe it can help you think and see what you thought was true in another way.

    I know we are all concerned about these cuts to disability/pip/lrwca, me included.

    It seems the plan was always to deny the poor, sick and needy. If they can spend billions on wars without a backwards glance (and don't be fooled by what you think it is), 100s of millions on people coming into the country and 100s of millions on a so called plandemic but have to penalise the sick and elderly in order to make this money back (remember, the narrative mask and jab in order to save granny) but now it's ok to destroy "granny" then this is a long thought out plan and they will push forward with this. Look how they are pushing the assisted dying. Look at how they keep raising the pension age and taxes .It is not about us it's about their agenda and fulfilling it by 2030. Look at what has/is happening since 2020 and how bad everything is now. We are in a world many of us don't recognise anymore. Look at all the sick and affects on people.. My comments aren't about the state of the world or politics as such but there is no good side. No politician or "leader" is going to stop this because they are all signed into the same game, they just play their part so we get dragged into fighting one another and looking for a saviour. This is down to every individual to stand up for themselves. I woke up to what is going on very early in 2020 and didn't comply or fall into any part of it then or since and yes I was condemned, bullied and vilified. It is not just a political party doing this, it is global, especially within the western world. They are all doing it to reach an end goal.

    So yes, I am in the sick and older generation group. I am 64 this year, just started the health process with a view to wca and lrwca although I have had ongoing health issues for 26 years. Yet for me it may never happen now especially if they start with new sick claims.

    I appreciate many will not know what I'm talking about or think I'm crazy, that's fine but look at the bigger picture. Ignore absolutely everything all government, main stream media and social media tells you about everything. All you have to do is look into owns owns these companies, then look beyond that. It is all scripted and not necessarily true. Turn the fear mongering on it's head in regards to world events. It is all about keeping you in fear, sick, obedience and discord with each other.

    I don't know what the outcome of these changes will be. I'm in the same boat too but look beyond just yourselves and individual circumstances. Remember, if they can lock the world down because of some so called killer cold and people complied, masked up, injected themselves (got sick), then they can easily bring in anything they want. All they have to do is pull the fear factor and blame card. They don't care about legal aspects (look at the judicial system now), or doing the right thing for people it's part of their agenda and every single one of them is playing their "good guy or bad guy" role. Try not be fooled to believe otherwise . The evidence of it all is right Infront of you. We are living it so try to wake up to that aspect. It doesn't stop it but it helps you to understand what is going on.

    It may turn out ok for us but it could also be they will ease off for a year or two and we think we are safe then they double down hard and bring it all in. Whatever the right hand is doing (metaphorically) look at what the left hand is actually doing and what they are not telling us. That is how they play the game. Then they turn us all against each other trying to prove "I am right and you are wrong". Classic gaslighting and manipulation tactics.

    I wish the best for all of us. I am experiencing all of this too but I don't look to blame one person, one group one political party. They are all in on it, no exceptions.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you can understand my point of view;

  • emc123
    emc123 Online Community Member Posts: 101 Empowering
  • emc123
    emc123 Online Community Member Posts: 101 Empowering

    Not Abolishing at All they're Reducing it for New Claims!

  • johnron
    johnron Online Community Member Posts: 59 Connected
    edited March 8

    yip they are leaks to itn news very scarry if do this

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 227 Empowering

    it makes me think they leaked it to see if the reaction they’ll get , either that or someone so disgusted by it leaked it . Either way how can they legally cut back LCWRA after the judge in the Ellen Clifford case said it was illegal?

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering

    Dr Jay Watts. I'I've Started following her and i agree with what she says.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing

    It will eventually come round to us so we need to fight for everyone

This discussion has been closed.