Upcoming changes to benefits



  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering
    edited March 13

    Hi all, I have posted a link below for anyone who would like to sign the Trussell Trusts online petition to the government to rethink these proposals, although I'm quite sure many of you already have done!!


  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 390 Empowering

    Thank you. I will give this a look. I know it is not just me and that everyone is worried and stressed. At least on here it feels there is support and a bit of solidarity.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,383 Trailblazing
  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Apologies, some of these links don't always work, but it may be on their website somewhere. Hope that helps, thanks.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,205 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @charlie72, I've updated that link for you so it should work now 😊

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    Oh elizarose ofcourse I remember your suffering have you contacted your doctor this needs to documented what thier doing to us I phoned my doctor yesterday she said do not worry you have diagnosis do not worry in my fear driven head I feel exactly the same when I keep myself busy I think clearer they cannot force someone who has your sons diagnosis I'm sure that would be health and safety there's alot of support for us people aren't going to lay down and take it they are throwing everything out and seeing what's being pushed back the most people are seeing our distress and it is making them look absolutely vile when you finish therapy maybe ask your therapist if she could write a letter stating your therapy what for and how long you being having therapy I totally understand the feeling when therapy ends takes a while but you do get used to having none have you got support family friends This is what they want us to weak tired fearful we are easier to control so your right it does feel very abusive don't let them win you are a surviver a warrior we all are we are being dulled down they now exactly what thier doing it's very sinister they been doing it for centuries but these lot a dumb they made and effected most of the uk with thier proposals and that's the word proposals what you have to do is get your strenght back eating little and often most important fluids I went down 2023 and it was like yourself a living hell a nightmare to scared to get out bed even going to the toilet scared me didn't want to leave the bed they will never do that to me again we fall and we get up it does get more tiring as get older maybe today make a cup of tea or toast I know that feels impossible be kind to yourself they do not deserve any of this even me I know it will take years my mind tells me it be next week which it definitely won't big big hugs I'm sending strenght and guidance xx

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,256 Championing

    I think people see through thier BS what's concerning is how starmer trying to win them over in my logical head I'm like they can't or won't get away with it all charities waiting for green paper to come out I think ellen clifford threw them off course and they been scrambling ever since you cannot have a state that is meant to protect the most vulnerable be impossible to navigate which it already is to make that 100 impossible is crazy thank God with have some laws to protect us imagine if we didn't that'd why tories wanted out of echr so you'd only qualify if you was in a coma or a constant state of psychological distress when liz kendell says fluctuating illnesses yes that's correct so what we will be allowed to tell the employer I can't leave the house today I will let you know when I can pls or if you only manage one day of the month they want to hand problem to employers and employers won't higher us absolutely mind blowing it's sounds good sometimes when thier talking and yes some people do want to work but knowing the system it's not going to be like that making out the job centre will be a place of zen and safety oh tea and biscuits pls no it be a tacky made up CV like reeves has and then adios amigos

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Many Thanks, it was no doubt myself that copied it incorrectly!!

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Rosie at Scope has updated the link for me, it should now work, iv'e posted it below, if it dosen't work from my copied one she has included it somewhere on here as well.

    Tell the Government not to cut benefits

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,205 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    edited March 13

    @charlie72 Not at all! There was nothing wrong with the link you posted. Sometimes you just have to go to the end of the link address you've copied and press space to get the system to recognise it properly, it's a pain sometimes!

    Thanks for sharing it with everyone!

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    He has also now been on tv this morning with his usual distraction tactics over NHS England being abolished. His attempts at misdirection are pathetic, I did better at my 9th birthday party doing magic tricks!! He wants to avoid the negative press he's been getting over these cuts to put a different headline in the media, one of hope, and how great he's doing, what a plonker he is, and he's certainly not fooling myself, and no doubt others on here.

  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,678 Pioneering
    edited March 13

    Everyone is talking about it being 'unfair', it's more then 'unfair', it's not like those on disabilities benefits are 'partying' and living the 'high life'. Lets take food, we know there is a 'cost of living crisis', we know disabled people will have to make choices, food being one of them. This is what the United Nations says on food:


  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 390 Empowering

    Yes,That was what I was thinking, asking the therapist to write a letter about why I have been with them/ how long etc. I wish it could carry on as I have only just scratched the surface of many of my emotional issues but all their funding has been cut. I have some family but they are not nearby and not particularly supportive. I live with my younger son who just made me eat something so I am grateful he is here. I agree, it does seem very sinister, all this ruling by fear. Although I get distressed by other peoples upset on here, it is nice to feel the understanding and solidarity. I am hoping the backbench MPs opposing this don't get turned and vote for the cuts and hope that everything gets watered down in the end. As others have said, it will hopefully only come into force years down the line. My mind just goes into overdrive, especially at night. It's all so cruel. You sound a bit stronger now, it is lovely to see. Hope your dogs are okay. Big hugs to you too xx

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 390 Empowering

    I agree. I think there are a lot of people who seem sympathetic and know it's unfair but have probably never claimed benefits, especially quite recently, so can never understand how difficult and degrading it is and how worthless you are made to feel. Who would go through this process unless they were forced to? I certainly wouldn't.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 771 Trailblazing

    Just twitter, or is there a blog or videos as well? I seen another doctor talking about this on tiktok, and is against the cuts, but I think its only a one off video for her as she usually is a mixture of topics.
    The nice thing is on her tiktok video, is the usual people claiming false stuff, and she is correcting them all in replies given her occupation.

  • Jamk85
    Jamk85 Online Community Member Posts: 22 Empowering

    Your right, and after 14 years labour have learned NOTHING.

    The fight goes on.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 771 Trailblazing

    Welcome to politics, changes are always justified with the word "most" put in front of vulnerable/sick/disabled. To try and mask that they moving the goal posts. I of course completely agree with you, its sickening to pretend someone suddenly is cured just because of cuts.

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