Get your MP to act against cuts

Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,461 Championing
edited March 13 in Current affairs

Hi everyone 🙂 It's Tori from Scope's campaigns team here.

I think it's fair to say that the last few weeks have been pretty bleak. We saw widespread news coverage last weekend about potential Government proposals to cut disability benefits. I know this is worrying for many of you.

MPs from all parties need to understand why they must be vocal in pushing the Treasury to make the right decision. Cuts to disability benefits is a choice the Government is making. A choice we at Scope think is morally wrong.

Email your MP today to get them to act against disability benefit cuts.

More MPs are starting to speak out against the idea of cutting disability benefits. Because of action Scope supporters like you have taken. We need to keep the pressure up, especially over this weekend. Once the Government's green paper has launched, we'll continue working with you to apply pressure on them not to cut disability benefits. And deliver a benefits system that works for disabled people.

P.S. Thank you to everyone who's already signed our petition. Over 19,000 people have added their name to tell the Government that cutting disability benefits would be catastrophic for disabled people. Make sure you're one of them!



  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,491 Championing

    I emailed my MP

  • evonneo
    evonneo Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor

    Going to be a dead end for me as my current MP is IDS who frankly don't care about disabled people but I will give it a go.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,491 Championing

    Mine is also Liebour and right stuck up self serving little **** but I emailed him regardless.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 773 Championing

    My SNP MP won't need me to tell him to oppose these cuts. The party are totally opposed.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 801 Trailblazing

    I emailed my MP Labour, Hasn't replied, he never does to anyone. Just comes out for photos

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,533 Championing
    edited March 14

    My SNP MP won't need me to tell him to oppose these cuts. The party are totally opposed.


    The SNP abstained en mass when MP's voted for cuts to benefits in 2015. They stayed at home while the Welfare Reform and WORK Bill was agreed by the other parties.

    Those reforms are relevant in 2025 and we should not be surprised by any announcements from this new government following the 2016 Act.

  • Hopeless
    Hopeless Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 540 Empowering

    This is my 3rd email to my Labour MP about this… reply as yet

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,491 Championing
  • Morinas
    Morinas Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected

    MPs never respond to anything I sent mine this

    Restricting PIP impacts more than just our income

    In this argument about the govs plans to restrict PIP and reduce money for disabled people, there is something I think that isn't being spoken about enough.

    Restricting the eligibility criteria from PIP impacts more than just our income. It impacts disabled people's ACCESS.

    PIP is used nationwide (and even internationally) as evidence of disability. A medical diagnosis hasn't been considered 'enough' for many years.

    Denying people PIP makes it harder for people to get their access needs or adjustment needs met.

    To get an Access Card, Disabled Persons Railcard, Disabily Cinema Card and to use disability access in places across the UK and even abroad, you require evidence of PIP (or adult DLA/AA).

    Being denied PIP doesn't stop us being disabled. Being denied PIP disables us more.

    It will financially cripple many of us but even more importantly, it will also restrict our access, prevent our carers being able to claim support for caring for us, and have such a large knock-on effect that is beyond simply the money we receive.

    For me it isn't just about the money. It about every area of my life.

    If I lost PIP, my carer could no longer afford to support me.

    If I lost PIP, I could no longer access an adapted vehicle.

    Both of these things means I would have to give up my job.

    If I lost PIP, I could no longer access many venues across the UK, I could not takea carer with me or use disabled access.

    If I lost PIP, I would lose my freedom.

    If I lost PIP, I would lose my life.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    My MP has never replied to any emails I've sent in the past 3 years, but that won't stop me still emailing. Just because they've not replied, it doesn't mean the email hasn't been seen.

    (I won't say who my MP is, but I really don't expect a reply from them.😆)

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering

    @Hopeless Even if they reply, it's a standard cut copy and paste from whatever their ridiculous discriminatory manifesto says (same one used by the trios- Starmer,Kendall&Reeves). When you ask something personal …. they go quiet… they are just mere puppets controlled by Starmer !!!

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering

    @Morinas ,  your post almost feels like you read my mind—this is exactly how I feel. It also seems to me that since this Labour government came to power, their manifesto clearly suggests they are more focused on punishing disabled people than protecting our rights. They keep repeating their discriminatory vows, as if their goal is to erase the disabled community and take away our rightful support. The only solace I find is in the support of disability rights charities like Scope, Disability Rights UK, and Benefits and Work, etc trusting that they will fight our corner.Labour MPs have proven to be truly useless.Mine is a labour MP too…

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 203 Empowering

    No not bleak at all completely expected

    I did send quick email asking mp view and silence.

    That is not a usual thing as they are very vocal with communication so I'm guessing it's either

    A) Bombarded with emails over the bombshell

    B) Agrees with the proposed cuts but doesn't want to confirm

    C) Doesn't agree but been called to number 10 and told to gwt on board or else

    My guess is C) As she was more left Corbyn camp

  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,461 Championing

    It's true that some MPs unfortunately do not reply, or may send a non-committal copy and paste response ☹️

    As Albus has said, this doesn't mean they haven't read it. But I know it's disheartening.

    We're encouraging anyone who receives a template reply, without any mention of whether the MP is planning on meeting with Scope our attending our event, sends a follow up email to their MP to ask them again directly what action they're taking against cuts. You can also try following up with them if you don't get a reply!

    Thanks to those of you who've sent an email to your MP already! And those who've shared personal experiences on this thread. We must keep going.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 203 Empowering

    Tori my email was very sharp

    "What's your position on the proposed benefit cuts"? She has replied over years on anything but this one I'll be sending same email again if I've not heard anything after few weeks.

    Bambi That's why I voted for them with confidence pro active

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 203 Empowering

    Rachel Reeves first budget was 3 billion over 3 years so quite a jump to 6 billion per year.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 801 Trailblazing

    Just heard reeves got free tickets for a concert at the 02 last weekend


  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 203 Empowering
  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 801 Trailblazing

    Sabrina carpenter I think it was, I know it was carpenter