Upcoming changes to benefits



  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering

    Labour doubled down on the Tory WCA changes after Ellen Clifford took the changes to court and the judge ruled them unlawful due to a lack of honesty/transparency.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,336 Championing
    edited March 17

    They mistakenly think claimants are as greedy and money obsessed as them, and wrongly believe we have LCWRA for 'lolz" when (how shocking) it's because we're genuinely disabled enough to qualify for it.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,262 Championing

    Your rightI need to stop redirect my emotions thankyou

  • Martinp
    Martinp Online Community Member Posts: 6 Contributor

    I’m thinking about the best way to end it all, I’ve been trying to stay positive but however I look at it I can’t see a way out. I like everyone else simply can’t work, I wish I could but I can’t. These people are beyond evil, I hope one day they get to feel what it’s like to have very little and then have that taken away.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,739 Empowering
  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 327 Empowering


  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering

    Oh and by the way I complained to Ofcom and IPSO (I know it won't make a difference but still) complaining about the misinformation and disinformation, the demonising and the downplaying towards disabled people on benefits on newspaper sites such as the Times, Daily Mail, Telegraph and the Sun.

    I told them that because of the fact they are not holding these news sites to account that they are enabling such propaganda which to my knowledge contravenes the equality act 2010 in regards of incitement to hate on grounds of disability.

    It was cathartic and uplifting to write a whole complaint.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 327 Empowering

    Liz Kendall: We know there will always be people that cannot work because of the nature of their disability or health condition and those people will be protected.

    Whatever that means

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,336 Championing

    "May' disgraceful!

    and they can "ask" what they like but I for one am proving nothing to them when I've been diagnosed by experts in all my conditions and classed by them as incapable of functioning in daily life.

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 169 Empowering

    is there going to be a live stream? we can all watch and freak out together or feel relieved

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 278 Empowering

    Please hang on in there with the rest of us. One step at a time, let's get tomorrow over with and then decide what steps need to be taken. You are far from alone

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,336 Championing
  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

    You’re welcome ❤️ I know exactly what you mean, and it is really hard. I’m trying to switch my brain off as much as I can tonight. It’s not working!

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,739 Empowering

    It's difficult to know what she means but her admission that some people simply cannot work is a positive sign.

  • William01
    William01 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    I am so so concerned about these reforms. I worked for a while, but got bullied bad which irritated my mental health and I discovered I had Austism which caused issues. I got so frustrated with things I self harmed and OD'd , just wasn't getting any support and mental health declining. Was eventually signed off on medical grounds and got a pension out of it (first review next year which I'm also terrified about), it's not quite enough so benefits helps. I just know at the minute because of the way I am and still on waiting lists I'm definitely not able to return to work. I dread ehays coming tomorrow and the possibility of having to go see a bully work coach who will use any excise to sanction you. I really hope that something happens tomorrow or there are grounds to fight this through the courts.

  • travis50
    travis50 Online Community Member Posts: 34 Empowering

    I echo that completely. Stay strong Martin. I'm in the same situ as are many people. Don't leave this life as we don't know what's on the other side. Keep the faith. And I also think the way it's going they will have to back down on a lot of what they propose to do. Just stay strong mate. Please.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 486 Empowering

    There's a really key/significant difference.

    The Covid vaccination/boosters came at a time when, as a healthcare worker I felt a responsibility to patients - as well as myself - and very little time plus no research/knowledge out there to know the effectiveness.

    (I caught Covid again in Jan 22 and was very unwell affected lungs badly causing scarring/chronic difficulties).

    I guess my health after Covid in Nov 2020 was pretty bad but it has now become extremely debilitating. I'm just trying to survive and am definitely averse to anything making it worse. I understand they were starting to see some good results from the current trial which is good news and promising.

    What I would expect as a minimum is complete transparency about any adverse effects experienced by the 70 people it is, I think, undergoing the current trial as that information will be available to the research/trials team. Those kind of results would likely be known by next year. Hopefully.

    If there was not that transparency then I don't need to fret at all as I wouldn't participate. I also won't know if I meet the conditions of the trial for months yet and I may not be able to meet them so I have to keep a pragmatic state of mind about it versus excitement of a 'cure'

    I think what 12 years nursing has taught me is to take ownership of my health (and lack of it!) and any and all decision-making relating to it will be mine alone. I won't readily hand over my own autonomy to any healthcare professional or research scientist without being able to make an as fully-informed decision for myself as possible.

    I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic. I appreciate your comment - it enables me to reflect on my own thoughts about it and the possible challenges.

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