Trying to get the NHS Mental Health Services emergency funding
Hi there I’m part of a group called Call Your MP. We’re trying to get the NHS Mental Health Services, both adult and child, emergency funding. We’re asking as many people as we can to call their member of Parliament on the twentieth of May and tell them why you believe the NHS Mental Health Services need emergency funding.…
Hi, I'm DesCoke, I have two children - one is autistic and the other has ADHD - any tips?
Hello everyone just joined, my wife and I have two children one autistic and the other with ADHD. Anyone got any tips?
Help please - struggling to get ASD diagnosis for my daughter.
Please I need some help a feel like iam going out of my mind! I know my daughter has asd she had a assessment with camhs two years and they say have said that she does not meet the tripod of impairment, she is to sociable! I am in a fb group for girls with asd and every day people post things about their daughter and I…
Oh my. Getting tested for autism at the age of 40
I have felt out of place for years just had a phonecall for 45 mins and now at the age of 40 Im getting tested for AUTISM so shocked ?
My kind is blamed over bad things other autistic people do.
Like the topic title says, my kind is blamed over bad things other autistic people do, despite the fact non-autistic people do worse. When an autistic person kills someone, you get normies that say ‘Autism is a sociopath trait’ and ‘Autistic people lack empathy’ even though you see non-autistic people on the news that have…
What essential maths & English should my brother know at 15 ?
I will give some context I am hes older brother in my 20s my younger brother goes to a special needs school. He was left behind in primary school due to how the system is. He now goes to a special needs school but i want to help him on the side every day for maybe 1 to 2 hours eventually for skills like Handling money,…
Toilet issues with autism at school and bedwetting
Hello I am new but have Autism. Does anyone else have trouble always needing the toilet etc very frequently as part of their disability. Did you ever wet yourself at school? If so why, was it because you were not allowed to go, or forgot or another reason? I had a few accidents. What did they do if you did? Did you ever…
Looking for some advice for my son
Hello, I hope I've come to the right place. I have had my concerns with my son Isaac for a few years, he is 7.5 years now. I have been to the GP, his school, school nurse etc and I feel no one is listening to my concerns. Isaac is really good at school, follows the rules, quiet, plays nicely etc but once he gets home from…
How do you get a referral to Speech and Language Therapy from your GP?
How does an autistic adult get a referral to a speech and language therapist from their GP?
Hi, my name is MrsRFW! I'm here to learn how to look after my boys and myself
Hi there, I am mummy to two lovely boys, one of whom is autistic and the other is a rumbly tumbly adventurer. I am here to learn how to look after my boys and myself. In particular, helping my son to learn and look after himself. I just need a lot of sleep and probably a weekend away. My husband (their daddy) is struggling…
Hi, I'm Sad_Scotsman! I was recently diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. Anyone else?
Hi I'm a teenager who was recently diagnosed with asperger's and i didn't have an explanation for why everything seemed so complicated and difficult to understand till now. I've had a hard time sustaining friendships or feeling included and wanted and i often feel lonely or like I'm annoying to other people. I don't have a…
Do employers generally lack the ability to provide meaningful support.
I include my ASC diagnosis on my CV and am open and honest about my requirements and triggers for maximum transparency, otherwise how can your employer even begin to attempt to understand your condition and offer support? Unfortunately every single employer I've been this way with since my diagnosis has paid me lip-service…
Autism and your experience finding work as an adult
Hi everyone, I have autism and was diagnosed a few years ago when I was 19. My question is finding work, I have found that if I ever mention I have autism I am completely looked over, and won't get a response from employers. But if I never say I have autism or don't disclose it, I get interviews and responses back quite…
Tablet , I pad, phone . TV
My son william is 4 and has autism , he is obsessed with technology he constantly has to have some form of it and uses more than one at once 2 , when we try to take it off him he hurts himself not always but we do struggle and I'm scared he's gonna really hurt himself... we do have set times he uses them to and he does…
Hi, my name is ollieollie!
Hello, my name is Kev, I have a late diagnosis of ASD I was wondering are there others similar to myself?
taking the next step?
hiii, i'm stevie, i'm twenty five, female and new to anything like this. i am not officially diagnosed with asd (just anxiety) but i question whether i could be on the spectrum having looked into the disorder (slightly obsessively) over the last couple of weeks, but i'm currently a little reluctant to speak to my gp as i…
leaning disability pass
I am look for a pass like hidden disability card but something saying I have leaning disability's I have try looking on google pic not have much help I was winding if any else has had the problem or find websites for it
Late signs of Autism
Hi all, My son has recently been diagnosed with severe ASD and as I’ve been doing my research I think I may be on the spectrum too, at a lower level. One of the big signs for me is I hate my personal space being invaded. My wife took my phone off me to do something tonight and I almost freaked out as I thought she was…
Hi, my name is healeywilliam24! My 4 year old son has autism
Hello my name is Amy, my son william is 4 and is autistic
Autism is positive and neurodiversity encompasses everyone, it helps my imagination as a writer
Autistic people like everyone has strengths and needs and my late diagnosis helped me understand and gave me the strength to help others. My workplace viewed it as a negative and despite being s supposed "disability confident" employer and "autism-friendly" workplace no one in management had any idea or interest in…