Despite not having success with either method of dating, do I still want a long-term relationship?
I only can get to date from online dating but didn't lead to anything but back to start . I have taken a break multiple breaks. My mum will come with me when I date men and my mum will be with me while I have a date. My mum also comes with me when it comes to social events . I am being trying and lot to change things but…
Obsessive negative thoughts about being a bad person
I’m having some really unhelpful obsessive recurring thoughts at the moment and can’t get them out of my head and am just wondering if someone can help me dispel them, or maybe tell me they are justified, but hopefully the former! I’m having lots of doubts that I will be able to find somebody and that someone with my…
Double disabled couple
Hi everyone Both me and my partner have cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegia full-time wheelchair user. Just wondering how we move things forward in the bedroom. I've done some research doesn't seem a lot of options in UK. Some carers in past have more willing than others. Which is fine everyone has there choice/opinion but…
My attempts to meet new people have been unsuccessful, both on-line and in the city center.
I've been struggling in real life to meet new people too and I'm getting frustrated that mum tries to help when it comes to dating but it is going to be the same modern dating nothing will change. I still feel stuck no matter what dating form I go to a social event in the city centre since they no where to go in my town .…
Finding the special person
Sorry for the long thread, it's just some rambling that I have written, I haven't really proof read / edited it so it might not read very well For the last couple of months I have been upset beyond what I can explain in words, as a result of being so lonely. I get really distressed and tearful most days. I have sort of…
Looking for support on boundaries: partner vs caregiver
Hello everyone, I am new here. I have multiple long-term or permanent but variable conditions both physical, cognitive and mental health, I do not receive professional care at home. I have been with my partner for a few years, we're both in our 30s no children. I am really struggling with finding the right approach to…
What are your feelings about online dating being a waste of time for long-term relationships?
I got some dates throughout online dating but not of them didn't go nowhere but right back to start . I met with different men that i met throughout online but none one of men were not that interested and now i been trying to find social events but there is no social events in my town but has to go city centre to find more…
Dealing with a selfish husband
Can anyone give advice on divorce and all that goes with it
Following my use of body language and attempts to approach men without success, what do you suggest?
I have tried being direct with using body language and also done approaching men directly but hasn't been successful. I been rejected when i had approach some men and i do direct body language and men still hasn't approach me even i give green light signal with smiling, blinking, touching my hairs and still hasn't had any…
I want to be able to meet people as a Disabled person
Hi, I’m getting rather frustrated as it’s very difficult to meet people, my disability gets in the way of this. I don’t know what websites online to go too. Dating apps are all rubbish and don’t work. Nobody seems to know, how disabled people like myself can meet people, it’s very frustrating. I’m single and alone and…
What is the difference between online dating and real dating, or are they both the same?
women aged 25 years old. I kept getting men that seemed to not be interested in a relationship or I wasn't much interested in some men that I met through online dating and some I did was interested but didn't go any but back to the start. Real life dating has been very awkward for me. Sending different body language to…
Dealing with end of a long term relationship
Hi all, new here and having a rougher tough time of it at the moment. For context, I was diagnosed as autistic just after covid and although would consider myself fairly 'high functioning' I do struggle, as many do, with change and handling my emotions among other things. So to the point, my now ex partner, said she wanted…
Testing 3456736374
How to handle my mother's dating problems and her preference for different men than I do.
I noticed each time i go for social events inrl i still somewhat not interested or attracted to any men that Yet my mum prefers guys that I met inrl. One of guys that I met did has a red flag already started to talk about his ex girlfriend that was his best I'm a jealous type and I'm not interested in some men that have ex…
What does body lagunge mean to some men? Some men look at me while I do it, and some men don't know
Dating in rl is more harder to do. It is not like the old days when you met people in pubs or night clubs. I been to some disco and some social events for learning disability in modern ages and it was just impossible to get men to talk and they only looked at me when I did do body language. I had the same problem with RL…
Are there any reasons I only consider men as friends inRL, but not boyfriend material?
I got a problem with sometimes when I meet men through social events, I don't seem to be attracted to the guys that I did meet through social events. I only just see RL men who are just friends and I don't see them as t boyfriend material. I think talking about ex patners seems to be another red flag for me. Yep also did…
I have just learned about Hypersexuality and due to my Autism I was wondering if this could be linked. Does anyone else relate to this or is it just me?
Having bad luck with dating in 2023, what can you do in 2024 to be more successful?
Is this a way to make dating more successful and get what i want from me or i become already more bitter? Depends already felt like that last year when was 2023 was one worst year of my life. Nothing much happened apart from going on different dates with maybe different men that didn't lead to any relationship or sex. For…
With a babyface and dull learning disability have I had difficulty dating in person and online?
I seem to be getting the same type of men that I don't want from online dating and has to be that one player that still ended messaging me from different dating sites . That one that I did reject and friendzone . I got some of the guys that their relationship status is Complicated . As well as some guys that have snapchat…
What makes guys change into bad men without getting involved or wanting to? Men can change himself
Women with a learning disability I know think to change a men but I know you can't change anything about a men. . Men should only change himself. I have previous partners that did change into bad men or did become bad men without me getting involved or trying to change them. It is impossible to change a man that is not…