Waiting 6+ Months for ESA Re-Assesment
Any suggestions on what to do? strarting to make my anxiety go through the roof, all the wondering whats going to happen, seems odd considering ive been on esa for 10+ years and also get higher rates of PIP
Work capability assessment decision timeframe
Hi all what is the expectation on how long it takes for a work capability assessment decision? I’m currently at 9 weeks and have chased 4 times and been told there’s no news. My assessment was cut short towards the end too because the assessor felt they had enough information. Feels a bit disheartening waiting so long I’m…
Positive news after an assessment?
Hi had my PIP medical last week and it was awful the asessor was not interested in what I was saying and I feel it didn’t go well at all! I received a message to say the DWP had received my written report I’m dreading my decision I have fibromyalgia hyper mobility and anxiety and depression I’m in the esa support group can…
Hi all, I`m new to here and just wondering if anyone can give me some advice. I am on ESA income related and PIP I separated from my partner over 8 years ago and still live in the house with my 19 yr old who is at university. There is no morgage on the house and he allowed me to stay in it until my son finished his degree.…
ESA and Permitted work
Is it true that ESA benefits does not get deducted, if you do a few hours work every week and stick within the guidelines, say if I earned £80 a week permitted work, will my ESA get deducted, or will my payments stay the same. I have a serious health condition, and can only work about 8 hours a week.
Hi. Will being paid holiday from employer affect my ESA?
I have been off sick for nearly 2 years. Still am, but after June 2024 I was going to lose outstanding holidays from 2022, so my employer paid me for them. I get new style ESA since January 2024. Does the payment of holidays from 2022 affect ESA? If so, how do I communicate it? Thank you.
Hi people, already worried for my ESA.
Hello Dear people. My review for ESA is in August in a year time and I'm already scared. If I dont get ESA I will become homeless. I have a problem because previously I was only placed in the support group because I was suicidal and I could show them that Im getting suicidal and Im a risk to myself. This time I really…
Need some advice about ESA and permitted work.
Hi, I'm on income related ESA (in the support group) and have a job which is 4 weekly pay, and have figured out my pay days as follows: 9th August 6th September 4th October 1st November 29th November 27th December I get paid twice on the November and I get annualised pay so it's essentially £10.25 per hour, and my hours…
Hi, my name is johnron!
Employment and Support Allowance with Housing Benefit From Autumn 2024 (TBC) on there web site now need wate other few months wish it was soon cause so worryed
No payment
Hey guys ive been on esa and pip for ages. My mandatory reconsideration with pip was updated in my favour last week. However ive not received my normal esa payment today. Do you guys have any idea why?
hi I was awarded ESA support group around 2016-2018 , but can’t find my original letters from them, do I need them for moving on UC I just can’t remember anything from that period in regards to assessments on how I got it unless it was automatically given when re assessed
Requesting personal information
hi I was wondering how I go about finding my records the dwp hold on my esa, old style I lost mine and would like a new copy, does requesting them affect my benefit thank you
Esa useless
Hi, recived this today and don't understand, self employed and off with a hand surgery What does this mean?
Hi, my name is Suepugh! Will I have to sign off ESA for the summer period?
Hi, I am looking for some advice please, I have been claiming new style ESA since my statutory sick pay ran out and have been on nil pay since the 10th July but taken a period of annual leave and contractual term time over the summer period so will get payment as part of my contract( but still on sick) I then am finishing…
ESA Contributions Based help
I have MS on Contributions Based ESA. No probs. I've been diagnosed with a blood condition called ET. Discovered through blood work for MS. No symptoms. Doc keeps eys on platelets. Do I need to tell ESA? ESA claimed for MS not this. Really scared start claim all over again. This is not related to MS at all. Just bad luck…
Can some please help, esa are usesless
Trying to claim esa, recieved p45, now recived this.. anyone know what I means? Im self employed and had hand surgery.
On ESA - I am having an operation soon, do I have to inform? (More details inside)
I have Crohn's disease (for a long time) and have been awarded support group ESA about a year ago after being on the other type for even longer, however soon I'm having an ileostomy which will hopefully fix some of my issues. I applied for PIP also and asked the woman doing the assessment if I needed to contact the DWP…
Do I need sick note if off Sick from Permitted Wirk.
Hi, I claim ESA and am in the support group, and do 7 hrs a week permitted work. I have been off work for 7 days and my Employer has now asked me for a sick note from my GP, do I need to provide one for Permitted Work, as won't be claiming any Sick Pay? And I hope to be back at work next week. Thanks for your advice.
Change of doctors
Hi, I moved house back in January and did the change of address . At the time I did not have a new doctor but I did change that a few months ago. I haven’t yet informed ESA but I just spent over an hour on hold trying to call do do this but have to go out now. Is it essential I change my doctors with them? And if so can I…
Will claiming CB end ESA (not for a baby)
Good evening Quite literally asking for a friend. Their child's mother is unwell and he looks after their children full time. He is unwell and recieved ESA couples rate (income related), SDP, HB, PIP. His partner is his carer and gets PIP also. Their circumstances haven't changed. They already look after his children full…