IS all Long term sick on CB ESA moving to UC?

unsure65 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

IS CB ESA becoming what it was suppose to be 1 year benefit with all long term sick moving over to UC full time?


  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor

    Only if your entitled to UC. Sickness benefit in essence being scrapped by removal of WCA. UC is means tested and only if you get Pip non means tested would you get an additional health premium with your UC claim.

    Afraid from the green paper just read this about ESA(CB) Support Group and doesn't read very well

    "54. Alongside levelling up the rate, this change would end the indefinite entitlement to contributory ESA for those assessed as having limited capability for work-related activity (for new people claiming). Those unemployed after the time-limited period would be able to claim UC depending on their personal circumstances. We believe this reform would align with the removal of the WCA by offering a route to financial support for those with temporary and short-term health conditions, including for those who may not be entitled to PIP and therefore not entitled to the health element of UC"

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Afternoon. We understand you have lots of questions and concerns regarding the new green paper announcement, so we've created this discussion for everyone to talk about it here - The Green Paper Discussion

    We'd prefer to keep the conversations regarding this all in one place, so as to protect the mental health of all on the community, so we will be closing this discussion. I hope you understand.

    Best wishes,

This discussion has been closed.