support group esa new style contributions

teddybear56 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

Hello everyone

I received a letter today advising i have been put in the support group for new style contribution based esa. i am in receipt of PIP also. My husband is my carer and he is paid carers allowance every month. I am so confused now. Will i stay in the support group until retirment age now and can my husband still claim carers allowance for me, as this is not income related esa but contribution based? I know i would not be entitled to any means tested benefits. Thank you


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,147 Championing
    edited March 19

    You will stay in the Support Group unless you are found fit for work/work related activity group in a future reassessment, or the Government changes the criteria for existing claimants.

    It's your PIP not ESA than enables husband to claim Carers Allowance for you.

  • teddybear56
    teddybear56 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Hi Kimmy87

    Thank you, so esa award has nothing to do with my husband claiming carers allowance for me

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,147 Championing

    That's correct.

  • MinX2306
    MinX2306 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Under the proposed merger between Contributory ESA and JSA they are wanting to END NS ESA! They want to create a new benefit that is time limited. When that ends they are saying we can apply for UC 'if eligible'. I live abroad so I'm not eligible. It needs raising with your MPs this folks! They are trying to cut it entirely. They are burying the bad news under PIP. Ending ESA also affects your future entitlement to State Pension as it pays NI credits. Write to Liz Kendall, try to get it in the papers. It needs exposing because it's going to be a very devastating cut. I'm looking at losing over €8k a year in 2028 at the age of 59!

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 95 Empowering

    Will this apply to current claimants? It needs to be clarified by someone.

    53. Unemployment insurance would be a new non-means tested entitlement for people who have contributed into the system. It would be created by replacing contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) with a new single entitlement, paid at the current ESA rate (currently £138pw) and will be time-limited. … People claiming this would be expected to actively seek work, with easements for those with work-limiting health conditions.

    54. Alongside levelling up the rate, this change would end the indefinite entitlement to contributory ESA for those assessed as having limited capability for work-related activity (for new people claiming). Those unemployed after the time-limited period would be able to claim UC, depending on their personal circumstances. … "

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    I totally agree that this is getting overlooked. This affects every person now who is working and every person who works in the future. I don't think a lot of working people have heard of this benefit and they don't know this is the benefit that you get now if you can't work but have paid NI in the 2 years prior to becoming unfit. This needs to be explained on the radio and in the news. People who have savings, have worked and can longer work after the time limited will NOT be eligible for UC. If you don't get 4 for PIP will NOT be eligible for that either. So how does working pay? When you need support from the government after paying your taxes you get NO SUPPORT and because you're not getting any NI contributions you will probably get NO PENSION. This needs to be in the news and on the radio I think this is huge and is being overlooked.

  • MinX2306
    MinX2306 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    I am sending a letter to Liz Kendall today asking for clarification because under the terms of the Brexit WA there needs to be an exportable benefit. She is saying that the WCA will end in 2028 so unless she agrees to let all those in the ESA Support Group be parked on the benefit with no further assessments, the only option is UC but it's not possible for people abroad. This is a much bigger deal than PIP as many older people rely on NS ESA as their only source of income. Maybe because they have £17k of savings rather than £16k! She is trying to axe this 'under the radar' while all the attention is on PIP. Everyone get writing in to her at the Commons, get onto your MPs. The last time they tried to means test Contributory ESA was 2015 and they had to back down. So let's make sure they can't do it this time just so Reeves can keep her job! If they do this what is the point paying NI at all because they are also talking about means testing the SP?! No wonder all the young people only want to stay on UC. It seems to me they should axe UC and go back to the Contributory benefits! Go and chew her ear off, everyone write in en mass. They can't ignore written paper letters like they can emails.

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,493 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Afternoon all. We'd prefer to keep the conversations regarding this all in one place - The Green Paper Discussion so as to protect the mental health of all on the community, so we will be closing this discussion. I hope you understand. 🙂

  • MinX2306
    MinX2306 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hi guys I am trying to get a petition going for people living abroad who will have nothing exportable after this proposed NS ESA and NS JSA merger. I need one more signature from a British national with a UK postcode to get it live. Could someone help me out please this is the link

    Thank you!