Has anyone been able to get 3rd party insurance to take their electric wheelchair to North America?
Hi I’m hoping to visit my brother in Florida next month and would like to take my Electric Wheelchair. It’s insured here in the UK via Blue Badge Mobility Insurance which includes Worldwide Third Party Liability except it excludes USA and Canada 😞 I’ve tried many wheelchair insurance companies here in the UK, but they are…
Powered wheelchair
Good evening to you all. I'm Tracey aged 53,and from South Yorkshire. I live alone and right now I'm housebound due to my disability getting worse and I hope that someone could give me some advice about my predicament. I'm desperately in need of a powered wheelchair to help me get out and about but I don't know the first…
Moving care from Switzerland to UK, help and advice?
Hello. Thank you for setting up this community. I am excited to join it. I'm writing this on behalf of my son and myself, and am hoping that some of you are willing to share your care and aid experience with us since we are in need of some advice please. My son has pachygyria (a form of lissencephaly), resulting in a…
My new pride scooter change over
Hi guys got a Nice surprise yesterday morning in the post I exchanged my electric chair for the new pride scooter due to me being overweight with the electric chair so yesterday's morning I received a check for £100 pound's from mobility solutions for the change over which I was not expecting because normally I don't think…
Can anyone advise as to what cars are compatible for a Quingo Flyte and docking station please?
Can anyone advise as to what cars are compatible for a Quingo Flyte and docking station please ?
Does anyone know of any charities that could help me with decorating my home?
Hi everyone I’m new here
Does your car have to go back to original dealership if you're changing to a different vehicle?
Hi all, hope you are all well. When changing your car after the 3 year lease period. If you are changing to a different make of vehicle at another dealer does your car have to go back to the original dealership,
what problems and how to solve footwear for wearing prosthetics on both legs
Hello there. Im new here and just wondered what problems and how to solve footwear for wearing prosthetics on both legs
First Home Buyer - looking for advice on adaptions
Hi all, My partner and I are starting to look at buying a bungalow. We are aware that we will most likely need to adapt whatever we buy as we are both wheelchair users. We were looking for advice on what the process might include when seeking funding for adaptions etc. I have experience with adaptions from my current…
Moving to a smaller property
I live in a large 2 bed bungalow in a beautiful village. I love it here and would stay, but for bullying intimidating neighbours. I won't go into detail, but it's all about parking; they think they can take over half of my parking space just because I am elderly, disabled and don't have a car. Problem is, when I have…
Disability housing enquiry
My son is living in Basingstoke in a studio place the council gave him he did not view it as it was during covid but the walls are all cracked the radiators are rusty he has no bed curtains carpet and has no support down there I was looking for any organisations that can help me to help my son he has Aspbergers and CP
Don't know if suited to relationships
Few months ago met someone from autism site been sort of visiting her getting know each other. From start been very difficult this only relationship ever had at time she had spit up with her ex bf at time having breakdown where her child taken off her into care. With my autism being on pip and universal credit explained…
I need a referee for a charity grant
I’m a 42 year old lady with degenerative spinal problems and Fibromyalgia, amongst other things. I have mobility issues, and use either a pair of walking sticks or a powerchair. I can’t get far using just my walking sticks, and rely on my powerchair when out and about. My problem is that my powerchair has become…
Being independent (long thread)
I appreciate this is a vague question I am reliant on my parents for most things due to a combination of issues - OCD and autism/social anxiety but I believe the most significant issue is what I call my obsessive thoughts. These are thoughts that I am going to lose control and do something bad on purpose. A couple of…
OT back again
Hi guys had my OT out again as my new pride scooter I am having problems getting it through the front door it's damaging my arms on the scooter I had this problem before the insurance will only keep paying out so far before they tell me no I have to pay to replace arms because it's the arms where the door so narrow it gets…
Housing banding criteria for medical issues
Hi all, I've requested a council housing banding review of my current status which is the lowest, I've got some medical issues namely cancer & a brain tumour which is being affected by my current accommodation. I'm living in a private rented flat & have been here for several years, the flat is poorly insulated (it's a…
Hi 😊 occupational therapist
Good morning everyone , my OT been out , this morning to let me know that my bathroom on waiting list to be done after her report ,with Aberdeenshire council meeting , they well let her know when it we'll be started happy about that news , my chair as come witch , is definitely helping my legs and standing , hope everyone…
Is there a gadget I can use to clip my walking sticks to my wheelchair?
Hi All. I'm new here so please excuse me if I'm in the wrong place. ? After a long wait and a bit of tooing and froing I am finally getting the correct wheelchair delivered next week. Now after having a bit of a play on the - wrong - one they sent me I have realised that I don't know what to do with my sticks while I am…
New pride scooter
Hi new scooter come today 🙂 very 😁 happy with it 🥺 but my front door at very sheltered housing are very narrow , not made for wheelchair access the OT hoping that she can get my door widen, so my new equipment won't catch the doors and rip the foam , it's going to make mt life little restricted as I no longer have the…
Can anyone else relate?
Hi Everyone, I got an apartment two years ago, and it's twenty minutes from my parent's house. Even though I love it, sometimes I feel like it's not what I expected. I thought I would meet a lot of people, but it's isolating. And, I can't do a lot without my aide there. She stays for a couple hours in the evening, and…