Living with disabilities, finding listeners
Hi all, this is my first post, my counsellor advised finding similar listeners to chat with. Coping with depression and anxiety. After 3rd operation on my spine, I have a spinal cord stimulator implanted and struggle to find it difficult to speak out, who likewise can benefit sharing stories
Medication for a Fear of Medication?
I can't believe I'm the only person with this issue, but I just can't find anyone online in a similar situation or any medical professional that has understood this - which leads me to believe it can't be common! I've just had another report back suggesting the only way forward is medication. I have NEVER taken a pill in…
Therapist with NHS in highlands Scotland or other NHS services in Scotland
Hi I am my wife's carer and she used to get systemic psychotherapy in Wales, before we moved to scotland and her therapist quit his job and now has been not getting any therapy for 2 years, she is on the Scottish highlands waiting list now for 18 months, but there are no therapists available on the NHS highlands…
mental shut down
Not sure where to start,had depression most my life im 37 now ,recently hit rock bottem in the process of swopping onto new meds at the mo ,emotional wreck for last 5 days. Lost my mother 18 months ago and i didnt deal with it very well at all ended up turning to drugs was in a very dark place. im slowly climbing my way…
My life is a joke
Ive been suffering mental health since i was about 11 ive got three adult children on top of everything else ive had womb cancer mini strokes ive got biopolar and bpd cant seem to function at all i hate it all im pushing everyone away cause its easier i dont want to carry on loke this i feel so alone my life is a joke
why am i still getting panic attacks when on sertraline
Good day all, why am i still getting panic attacks when on 50 mg sertraline? I have been taking them since 19 May, that’s 5 weeks now I have been on it. Had 2 episodes late night while trying to go to sleep. Did the breathing, tried telling myself u will be fine, but nothing helped. So I just took a sleeping pill that the…
Bipolar Medication Change - Worried
Hi, Im looking for some advice with anyone who has experience with Bipolar. I suffer with Bipolar, I was diagnosed in 2017. I was prescribed mirtazapine 45mg and Lithium 900mg. I recently had bloods taken and my thyroid fuction has declined, the GP doctor believes it is down to the long term use of lithium therefore he is…
Local lockdown
Hi, hope you're all well. I have an issue. I'm worried sick there's going to be another lock down, or a local lock down soon, I have aspergers syndrome and severe mental health issues. I live with my partner and during the last full lock down he was struggling to cope with me and my depression, suicidal thoughts and…
Feeling like a failure due to illness
Hi there every one . As I have mentioned on other posts I do not work I did return to work early this year for a month and then ended up being discriminated against and have really taken steps back in my recovery . I suffer with ocd , anxiety and ptsd psychosis . I’m very lucky to have such an amazing partner who really…
I have depression and anxiety, and struggle to work with other people. Does anyone have any advice?
I have depression and anxiety,i struggle with working with people I only can work on my own because of my anxiety am really bad with meeting new people or being in groups I fresh up and try hiding my self I have tryed working but it didn't work out because of my anxiety
Dealing with anxiety
Having suffered from anxiety myself I’m wondering if you’d like to share your remedy partial or otherwise for this condition. Of course there are medications for anxiety but there are also other methods to help deal with it too, perhaps yours could help me or others to cope with this debilitating condition. What is it that…
New Meds...Quetiapine, anyone tried this?
Hi Apparently I've come to the end of the line as far as anti depressants are concerned so my mental health team have given me this to try at a low dose along with the meds I'm already on, Sertraline and Buspirone. Anyone been on this? How did you find it? ("My mental health team")...like I have my own personal…
Counselling NHS or Private?
Hi Just wondered if anyone here had experience with the above and did they find going private any better at all or no? Apart from waiting times... Thanks
Problems with increased dose of sertraline
Hi, for the last 2 weeks I have had to up my dose from 50mg to 100mg a day. I’m having the same problems as when I started the 50mg. Is this normal as I adjust to the new dose. The past 3 day I have had anxiety and panic attack episodes, last night my heart was beating so so fast and had cold hand and feet for over 2 hrs.…
Isolation ...
I’ve gone into mostly isolation mode again... I was doing ok,,COVID-19 came along and I’ve got used to isolation again...now we can go out again I’m trying so hard not to isolate, it’s proving Very difficult For many reasons, believe me when I say I’ve tried..it’s times like these someone to walk with or have a coffee with…
Anxiety(Help please)
My sister is 15 and about 3 days ago, she randomly started feeling really anxious and she doesn't know why. She keeps crying out of the blue and she can't tell us what's worrying her, A few hours ago, we were larking about, playing, joking about, Then she spent 2 hours on her drawing and suddenly burst into tears. This has…
Hi all
Sorry havent been on here for a while had a lot going on has anyone ever felt so alone sometimes you feel your no good for anything im so low i dont know how to feel no more
Mental health and the pandemic
Good morning everyone, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. When I first received my letters from Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson about being grounded for several weeks, my heart sank, I was expecting to be told I was grounded, at the moment I'm receiving treatment for TB. However, I let it sink in a little,…
Isolation and pushing people away...
I have isolated a lot at times in the last few years.Gradually started doing trips out, visiting nice places, not too far away but a short train or bus ride,(prior to lock down) looking back over the last couple of years I’ve had Lots of therapy for PTSD and anxiety . I’ve been on mindfulness courses..I’ve learnt a lot…
Itching on my back is this part of menopause
Hi in the last couple of weeks I've had terrible itching on my back. I get my husband to put moisturing cream on but makes little difference. I have tepid showers as I have heard that hot showers can cause dry itchy skin. I'm visiting my GP tomorrow. Just wanted to know are there any women who have experienced this and if…