Feing down
Was hoping this summer holiday I'd have a nice peaceful summer but now just feeling really low and anxious again. My son made me take him doctor telling me he feels depressed I already constantly worry about my other son as I've always got the school on the phone just feel so low with everything right now
Please can someone write to me
please can someone kindly write to me who is on wheelchair or use mobility scooter how to cope im feeling very lonely please every is welcome to write here to talk even about a different subject thank you
How can I express my emotions to people who are not part of my family?
Whenever I go out on my own when my mum isn't with me, I sometimes struggle with showing my emotions to people who aren't part of my family in real life. Is one of the members of staff. I'm ok with showing emotion to other people that are my friends. I'm okay withs showing some men my emotions to me. Some women I can…
Disability and mental health i need advice
Hello everyone, I’m new here (though not to internet forums, just this particular one) so still finding my way round a bit so apologies if this is in the wrong place or anything. I’m a 20 year old female who has been severely sight impaired since birth. You would think I’d be used to it by now but truthfully, I’m not. A…
Bi-Polar Disorder (Type Two)
Hi all, Just wondered if anyone here lives with BPT2 at all? If you do, how are you finding it? How does it impact you? How do you manage the cycles? I got diagnosed in Oct 2022 following a suicide attempt and period of hospitalisation (informal). I find that I have very severe and long lasting depressive episodes with the…
An area for less safe content?
@Albus_Scope We've recently had concerns about what triggers. Latest is spider-lovers wanting to post pix of their pets. How about a folder called something like The Amber Zone - amber light, proceed with caution. Under Recent Discussions it would simply say, The Amber Zone and the number of new posts, not the titles of…
Worried sick
I just don't know what to do anymore I'm so worried and frightened and I just feel so unbelievably low and hoplessness. I am also in Terrible physical pain with my knees and back. It hurts me to walk and get up the stairs I have awful insomnia and I have been losing a lot of sleep due to pain and stress. I have told my GP…
The Blue Badge Stare
I'm not even sure where to put this as I think it covers a lot of areas, but I do know that it affects my mental health. As a 33 year old who is frequently on the receiving end of 'The Blue Badge Stare', I often think that some people forget that younger people can have disabilities too! This isn't just down to being…
Mental illness
Today l had to put up with confrontation that l can't deal with.Two HCAs not trained put me through an ordeal.This is what happens in a Portland Care establishment.
Mental Heatcare for Benefits
My local NHS CMHT are awful.They've left me in limbo for 3 months with no medication, ,no treatment plan or follow ups. I can NEVER get through to them. I've emailed, phoned, only to be literally IGNORED. I'm in the process of making an official complaint with an advocacy but that's taking just as long. I desperately want…
How to find a job with agoraphobia
I was diagnosed with depression anxiety disorder and agoraphobia back in about 2006. I have struggled with being recluse for about 10/15 -odd years. And I avoided being social in any aspect. Since covid, I have made a bit of progress as I needed to help me older family members. All I can seem to manage these days is doing…
mate of mine is taking a big step Monday
After advice from his MH advisor because of PTSD due to racist attack he's going to go out in his powerchair with his kippah (skullcap) on with his mate. As you can imagine he's very scared he says his belly will be in knots next week, any advice for him I can pass on?
My mental health
Hi, I suffer from Cerebral palsy, Epilepsy, and mental problems, they have put me on many medications over the years and none of them have worked, I have even been to Mind for nearly two years for talking therapy which didn't work. Self-harming gives me an enormous sense of pleasure and relief, unfortunately, I have 24/7…
Me versus depression (long mega rant)
Hi, I did my intro post yesterday and said I would post something in the mental health section. Et voila. Welcome to my personal rant about depression. It’ll likely be a long read, feel free to back out now. What, in my case, is so horrible about depression? The person it turned me into and who I then remained to be for…
Feeling like you dont matter
life is a rollercoaster, i understand you have highs and lows but mine like a constant low i have no friends dont go out and feel like am meant to be invisiable the question is how many people sit at home and feel like life passing by and if you say no people look at you like you gone complete mad . i Said no to carers and…
I won’t go back
hi every one I won’t go back to hospital ever again I’m traumatised by my last few visits there . I hate all the staff and I hate the doctor there I have some complaints currently going threw at the moment with that hospital. My mental health nurse is calling me at 1 pm . I haven’t been doing so well so she’s gonna look at…
light a candle
I've had enough of the insults and people telling me what I said and what I did. I don't want to see him watching women on social media and telling me that he's not, I feel like a ****, insulted, I lost everything because of him, my children, my job, my life has lost its meaning, it's worthless, my children don't want to…
Coping With Change
Hello. I have recently moved into a new care home, after living at my last one for a year and a half. I have been living here for only a week and I have found it hard to adjust. I suffer from depression and anxiety and recently I have been feeling like I want to go home. (The previous care home.) I will be moving into a…
Struggling with social anxiety
I've been struggling with social anxiety for many years, since childhood. I'm now in my 30s and haven't got any friends. I did have a couple of friends a few years ago but we lost contact as I found it really difficult to stay in touch. I was bullied at school from an early age and I lack self esteem and worry so much…
Cont……the thread of my mental illness journey,the following is my daily intake along with none mental illness medication : Lithium Mirtazapine Quetazapine Amitriptyline Phenergan The above is my medication .support