Advice - PIP Evidence
I posted a change of circs earlier this year but got declined based on not being medicated for one of my diagnosed conditions. My OT report and doctors report stated I had the condition though and I am now receiving medication in addition to intensive counselling. Nothing has changed in relation to my daily needs since my…
Question Regarding PIP Review Form
Hello, So, my PIP review form arrived yesterday, and I just have a question(s) about the layout of the form. It still has all of the activities, but it has 3 sections to each element, which says something along the lines of: “Has your condition changed, and when did this happen?” “What appliances/aids do you use to help…
hi all Ive applied for pip again after a break off it for certain reasons I don’t really want to say anyway I’ve had my assessment Tuesday it was not booked but they just rang to ask a couple of questions Dwp have received the report today which is good so there going to look at it but I also had a call about half an hour…
Newbie. PIP review, going to tribunal, has anyone else had this?
Hi,My name is Nikki, I'm not sure where to start, for the past 5 years or so I had been getting pip up until last year when I had a review and all of a sudden I'm cured of all my health problems despite taking 19 different medications,I did a mandatory reconsideration but after 9 months of not hearing anything, I contacted…
Applied for attended allowance in July 2024, still waiting, can anyone help?
Hello my daughter has applied for attended allowance this July 2024 So I had a home visit over a week ago it's frustrating having to wait so long! Can anyone help on this question please
Tribunal won but award letter states will write sooner then end of award date
Hello. Earlier this year my PIP award decision was over turned at a tribunal and I was awarded pip until August 2026. I am going through my paper work with my daughter who supports me and in the award letter it advises that they will write to me after Aug 2025 to see if things are the same. This is a year earlier then when…
Attendance allowance
HI.I have been caring for my elderly neighbour for 2 months now. He went to check his bank on the 4th when his attendance allowance is paid. He did not receive his payment. Has anyone got any ideas why this would be. He does not receive any type of disability element. Just attendance allowance. Do you think he needs to…
Both of us get PIP mobility
Good Evening, I'm new to using this forum. Please accept apologies if I'm not to clear. Here goes..... My Hubby has Muscular Dystrophy and has been in a wheelchair for over 20 years. I was in an RTA 2 years ago, I'm now a wheelchair user. Can we put our mobilty awards together for an adapted vehicle that is for both us? I…
PIP - have the DWP ever changed their mind about a decision
Good evening everyone I was previously awarded PIP for 4 years. Reassessed in December 2023 awarded Enhanced Daily for several years again, however had exploratory surgery in January & February 2024 that showed up new conditions that were affecting my health further so I put in a “change of circumstances” review and lost…
Worsening conditions in current pip
hi everyone my condition has worsened considerably I’ve done a change of circumstances review I’ve recieved a txt on Friday saying it’s complete and to wait for a letter anyone know if I can find out if my pip has changed
Is there any point in applying for PIP
Morning guys, Newbie here. I am 45 and work full time as a teacher. 18 months ago I was involved in a serious car accident. This has left me with permanent damage to my arm - 3 surgeries so far! I have limited function and suffer pain daily. I struggle with things like cutting up food, and fine motor skills with that…
I've had a letter today saying we Have all the information they need to decide my pip claim, I rang 2 weeks ago and they said they would write to Me within 4 weeks and they received my written report I didn't have an assessment it was paper based I've had a copy of my report and used the pip test system and looks like I've…
PIP End Date
Myself and a friend were discussing the budget etc and pip came into the conversation, my friend asked a question that I couldn't answer and was unable to find the answer through google. I was awarded pip in September 2023 for 3 years with a review after 2 years (September 2025) my friend is similar date wise. We talked…
Taken 18 months pip review
Finally I got a call on Friday, 2 days before they had to respond to the courts.! to say that the appeal was ceased!! and they have decided i am entitled to full daily living and full mobility allowance Review was asked for by them in June 2024!! finally they understand how much I struggle and suffer Wondering if I will…
PIP: worried how I should present myself & talk
For those who don’t know , I’ve my tribunal for PIP next month. I’ve ADHD, auditory processing disorder and some undiagnosed learning issues. so a couple of people I’ve spoken to (granted, intelligent but not disabled or neurodivergent) suggest that I should concern myself with being able to answer th tribunal questions…
DLA to PiP
just recently reported a C.o.C to the DWP, long story short I’ve improved, mainly mobility. It’s being treated as a new claim as all my information is a bit out of date I’m on pain management but recently say the last 6 months my pain has decreased (I don’t know why) allowing me to maintain a steady walk without having to…
Pip review forms
hi, how soon before their award end date are people being sent thd review forms?
Hi, my name is Bailey2019! sent in my PIP review over a month ago, still not heard anything.
Hi All i just joined today. I sent in my PIP review over a month ago and still not heard anything ?? Thanks
Evidence for pip review
Hi, Do the DWP regularly contact GP’s for medical evidence as part of the review process?
Hi, my name is Clairebear! I missed my phone assessment, will I have to start my claim again?
Hi everyone ?. I'm worried i've messed up claim for p.i.p again. I eventually got the form sent to them and 3 months later i got a txt saying i was getting a phone call assessment but unfortunately i missed it and don't know what to do, i'm currently trying to call them from my house phone but i've been on hold for about…