Assessment date finally here

anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
After nearing 15 months my assessment is happening this week by phone I can't put it into words how worried I am.
I have several letters off evidence I was going to send to pip my question is do you think it to late to send them now?


  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,715 Championing
    Hi @anth22

    This time next week, it'll be over! Deep breaths, relaxing thoughts and lots of distraction prescribed for the upcoming days. I'm sorry it's a tough process, take it easy on yourself and remember there are options even if this initial assessment doesn't go your way.

    In terms of evidence, will your letters go towards fulfilling any PIP activities/descriptors that you don't feel were sufficiently satisfied in your claim form? Do the letters go into detail about how your conditions impact your functional ability in respect of the mobility or daily living components? I'm sure you read it a lot on here, but we can't stress enough the weight of anecdotal evidence to illustrating you should score points. Sometimes it's best to go for less evidence, keeping that submitted more impactful with detailed examples.

    Wishing you all the luck and please keep talking to us in the run up if you find it helps  <3
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    Ooh when is your assessment day no pressure if you don't want to tell me though 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    edited February 2023
    When you start thinking about it 'distraction is your friend', do stuff that lifts your spirits, talk to a friend, crossword, watch TV, listen to music, get a basket - see if you can flick a deck of cards in the basket from distance (I know, but so much fun), etc.  

    I don't think you need to send anything at this stage, just make notes and give 'real world examples' of difficulties you face daily.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    For the extra evidence you have, you need to ask yourself will that help your claim. What information does it include that they don’t already have.
    Several pieces of evidence that all say similar things isn’t helpful. Less is often more.
  • anth22
    anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
    Thank you all I'm just surprised I need a review I know it's not about medical conditions but when you have 14 conditions and take 16 different medications everyday I thought common sense would be the answer for pip about  how bad I'm affected living a normal life.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Most people need assessments even for reviews. Paper based assessments are still rare. Remember it’s not about a diagnosis or how many conditions you have, it’s how they affect you. 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    anth22 said:
    Thank you all I'm just surprised I need a review I know it's not about medical conditions but when you have 14 conditions and take 16 different medications everyday I thought common sense would be the answer for pip about  how bad I'm affected living a normal life.
    Unfortunately, they don't get it, you would think common sense would be applied, it is quite ridiculous, but that's the DWP, we just need put up with until things change. The biggie is that these assessments don't come free and the Government are wasting money on assessing you.  
  • anth22
    anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
    I went into hospital just recently but it was a private hospital but due to my breathing and other issues they sent me home saying I should not be operated on without an intensive care unit which they didn't have 😢😢I hate being so unwell I feel I've died already 💔.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Oh @anth22 Have you gone back through another hospital to schedule your operation. I'm so sorry you've been feeling so unwell. 

    I wanted to also comment to let you know about Samaritans and Shout who are two fantastic organisations to speak to when you feel low. 
  • anth22
    anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
    Thank you your reply, its OK my Dr's have paid for me to have counselling to help with being ill I'm on session 5 but don't feel any better. Talking doesn't stop the pain and suffering.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    @anth22 It may seem that way at first, hopefully it does come to help you :) 
  • anth22
    anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
    Sorry for late reply my appointment for last week was cancelled but I had my review assessment Wednesday went on for about an hour mainly asking am I still on the same medications and going through each medication and did I have any new ones not on my review form that they received November 2022. It was very stressful at one point I had to leave the phone to be sick the assessor came over as being very understanding when he asked me were there any other conditions since November I said yes and he wrote them down but I'm stressing over whether I should send PIP the proof of the new conditions from my consultant? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    As advised earlier on in the thread if you think the extra evidence will help then send it. If it’s just repeating what evidence you’ve already sent then do you need to send it? Sending multiple pieces of medical evidence all saying the same thing isn’t helpful.
    Whether they will receive it before a decision is made is another matter. 
  • anth22
    anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
    OK thank you poppy no this is different evidence based on conditions that were not diagnosed on my review form.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    PIP isn't about a diagnosis.
  • anth22
    anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
    That's what I thought poppy until I had my assessment all he talked about was my conditions and medications and asked how was each condition diagnosed I thought I was going to be asked what I can and can't do for myself. Now I'm worried my review was not carried out correctly.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    During an assessment they will only ask the questions they need to ask. If they have all other information then there's no need to ask any questions. If they asked about every single thing then assessments could last much longer than they already do for some people. The time to put all the information was in the form when you filled it out.

    You can't really speculate anything at this stage. Once the report is returned a decision can take up to 12 weeks.
  • anth22
    anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
    Thank you again poppy.
  • Binky1234
    Binky1234 Community member Posts: 451 Empowering
    edited February 2023
    I never got asked about my mobility issues and yet I was awarded it as Poppy123456 has said "If they have all other information then there's no need to ask any questions." 

    I also asked this question and Poppy123456 kindly advised me the same answer, I admit I did worry about not being asked about my mobility issues but they must have had all the information needed so no need to ask.

    Fingers crossed you hear soon @anth22.
  • anth22
    anth22 Community member Posts: 207 Empowering
    I'm so stressed out I had a number ring me this morning I've looked it up and it was capital, I had my assessment just over a week ago why would they ring me out the blue? Has anyone else had this happen to them?