Mental health



  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    You are actually all quite strong. Most people don't face the difficulties you have had to face every single day. Who is stronger? The person walking through the park carrying nothing, or the person walking through the park having to carry a boulder?

    Maybe not the best analogy. But you have faced more than most do and you are still you. Yes, it can be difficult, but that is also why we support each other. Because together we can help make the boulder lighter. The hope being that in time the boulder will weigh far less, or perhaps you'll be able to drop it entirely.

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    You write so well @Jimm_Scope . A great gift you have there .

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    that's a nice post Jimm

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Aww, thank you guys, I just wanted to get across how I was thinking. Often I find an analogy easiest.

    A good addition to the analogy I think from @Rosie_Scope, the boulder you are carrying is also often in a backpack, other people cannot see the weight you are carrying.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,764 Championing

    Good night @Strawberry1 I hope you have a good night. Take care.

    Good night @Agnia I hope you are ok and not too unwell. I have not seen you on the forum for a few days. Take care,

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    Good night everyone 😴

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    Rest as well as you can tonight πŸ’—

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing


    Hi I’ve not been posting for a while but I’m thinking off you and I hope your ok.


    PS I’m using a new iPad and trying to get used Tomis I can’t find emojis yet but sending love

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    Hi πŸ‘‹ @Lou67 , nice to hear from you . Hope you are reasonably alright and I hope the family is too . Lovely to see you again. The world is a better place for you being in it ✨️. Good luck with getting used to your new iPad . Sending high 5s all the way over to you . Take care πŸ™‚.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing


    Awww your just an amazing person you truly are. πŸ’•πŸ’•

    I’m back on my phone lol catch up with you tomorrow 😘

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    I think I've probably said this before or something similar but I honestly believe that because I have adhd that is why everything goes wrong throughout my life and it's me what needs to get a grip.

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    Just wished I was a better person.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    I have adhd too but in my experience it's others ignorance and selfishness that is the issue not me or any of my conditions.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,764 Championing

    Good morning @Strawberry1 and @Agnia I hope you both have a good day. Take care.

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    Think I will call Samaritans later on today . Talk a few things through.

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    Tried to have a nap . Mind won't switch off . Feeling so so so tired. Tried Samaritans it's ringing for too long. Feeling like a loser. I am so very very tired.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,764 Championing

    Hi @Strawberry1 I am so sorry you were not able to get through to Samaritans. Perhaps keep trying. Please do not think you are a loser, you are not. Please take care of yourself.

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    I appreciate the kindness @Bluebell21 , I hope you have had a reasonable day today. I'm too tired to talk unfortunately. I think I'm very stressed. You take care of yourself. Have a reasonable evening.

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,559 Championing

    I just don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,764 Championing

    I am sorry @Strawberry1 Please try to rest.